Chapter 61

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As for Honeypool, she kept herself out of the way in her den, knowing her work wouldn't begin until later.

"Are you busy?" Bumbleflight asked as he entered the medicine den.

"For you? Never." Honeypool beckoned her brother over with a sweep of her tail.

The young medicine cat had long been prepared for battle. Having been raised and apprenticed in PineClan had taught her that much. Some of the earliest training she had received was how to treat battle wounds of all kinds. She could do it in her sleep. After the battle, she would be busier than ever but now?

Now all Honeypool could do was wait.

Bumbleflight sat beside his sister. She could tell something was on his mind. His normally bright eyes were dark with worry. She ran her tail across his side in a comforting gesture. She could feel him trembling with nerves.

"Tell me what's bothering you," Honeypool urged gently.

Bumbleflight looked at his sister. "Do you really believe that StarClan will be with us during the battle?"

"I do."

Bumbleflight sunk his claws into the ground. "This is my first battle, and I don't feel like I'm ready!"

"Hawkstar and Wildbloom believe you are or else they wouldn't have made you a warrior."

"I know but what if I get there and I forget everything I've learned?"

"You won't!"

Bumbleflight gave a nervous purr, on the edge of panic. "What if I freeze out there and only prove to PineClan that I'm useless?"

"Bumbleflight!" Honeypool looked intently at her brother. "PineClan may have never wanted you, but GrassClan needs you."

Bumbleflight took a shuddering breath and Honeypool could see the panic beginning to fade. "Thank you, Honeypool. You always know how to make me feel better."

"Of course, that's what sisters are for."

The siblings settled into companionable silence that could only be found between two cats that had known each other their entire lives. They shared tongues, sometimes talking about little things and often not talking at all. It was enough to enjoy each other's company. With one a medicine cat and one a warrior, this quiet time was often not possible to find. They lingered until the sun began to set, bathing the camp red in its fading light.

It was time.

Reluctantly, Bumbleflight rose to his paws. "I guess I've gotta go. Don't want the battle patrol to be waiting on me."

Honeypool brushed her cheek against her brother's in goodbye. "I'll see you after the battle."

Bumbleflight managed a rumbly purr before slipping out of the den.

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