Chapter 16

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"Wow! That's the biggest rabbit I've ever seen!" Birchleg exclaimed.

Stonesplash slapped a paw firmly on Birchleg's tail, halting the younger tom before he tried to move. "Not so fast."

Birchleg reluctantly stopped, looking longingly at the crowd beginning to gather around Hareflight and Bumbleflight. "That rabbit looks almost as big as you!"

Swanflight sighed, knowing that Stonesplash wouldn't take offence at the comment. Birchleg rarely thought before he spoke. They were both used to it by now.

"Will you stay here or do I have to escort you back to Honeypool?"

Birchleg rapidly shook his head. "I'll stay here, Stonesplash, I promise!"

Stonesplash slowly released Birchleg's tail and the tom quickly swept it over his paws. His blue eyes were fixed on the crowd around the fresh-kill pile but he didn't move.

Swanflight walked with Stonesplash across camp to get a closer look at the rabbit.

"Wildbloom caught it!" Bumbleflight explained.

"It'll feed all of the elders and then some," Brightwhisker meowed.

"I can help you take it to them," Hareflight offered at once.

"That would be great!"

The crowd slowly dispersed and Stonesplash headed back to Birchleg. The young tom had stayed put but he trembled with barely contained excitement.

Swanflight was impressed that Stonesplash was able to manage Birchleg so well. The big gray tom had that way about him where other cats listened to him without him having to be forceful. She envied her older Clanmate's natural leadership ability. No one turned to her for guidance. Would that ever change?

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Once the hunting patrol returned later that afternoon, the Clan settled down to enjoy their evening meal.

Stonesplash escorted Birchleg to the fresh-kill pile.

"I'll take him from here," Fernshade murmured to Stonesplash.

"Are you sure? You only just got back," Stonesplash reasoned.

"Yeah with Thistletail. I need to take it easy after that," Fernshade explained. "Besides, I missed that silly furball."

Swanflight could have been bowled over with a feather, she was so surprised at the thought of anyone missing Birchleg of all cats. Not to mention anyone that looked forward to spending time with him. Birchleg was friendly and fun to be around but his boundless energy and constant chatter were best in small doses.

As had become their habit, the Clan had gathered around the Meeting Stone to eat and catch up with their Clanmates that they hadn't seen that day. Swanflight found a place between Brightwhisker and Hareflight. Only Shadowheart perched alone atop the Meeting Stone. Other warriors lay scattered around it, not one of them daring to join her. Or almost.

Bramblestripe, a sparrow in his jaws, hopped lightly up onto the Meeting Stone.

"Watch it!" Shadowheart scrambled back, ears flat as she looked at the tabby tom.

"Birchleg and Stonesplash have been hogging the Meeting Stone all day. There's room up here for both of us."

Bramblestripe's tone was light, clearly not as bothered as his excuse suggested. Though, she did wonder why Bramblestripe wanted to be close to Shadowheart. Thus far, she had been almost as difficult as Thistletail. She hunted and patrolled but refused to bother with the elders. She rarely spoke but when she did, it was not pleasant.

The only cat she willingly interacted with was Duskflower. The two she-cats were quite close and spent the majority of their time together. Perhaps Bramblestripe was just trying to be friendly. At least, Shadowheart seemed to be tolerating him in her space...for now. More power to him, then, Swanflight thought.

She looked down at her own meal with a sigh. "I miss fish."

"I miss squirrel," Fernshade admitted.

"Once I'm healed, I'll catch you both fish and squirrel!" Birchleg declared.

Fernshade churred in amusement. "I can catch my own squirrel, thanks."

Swanflight looked at Birchleg's side where his mossy bandage was clearly visible. "I'd rather not cause more trouble with WillowClan."

"They started it with us," Hawkstar meowed. "They can't get away with pushing us around, just because they think we're weak."

"Stormstar isn't dumb. She won't ignore a threat and she prefers to respect her fellow leaders," Stonesplash meowed.

"If you want to continue hunting fish, you have my permission to do so," Hawkstar meowed to Swanflight and Birchleg.

Swanflight felt uneasy at the very thought. She did miss fishing but not enough to push her luck with WillowClan, even with Hawkstar's permission.

Brightwhisker gave Swanflight a reassuring lick on the cheek. "There's nothing to be afraid of. If Hawkstar says it's alright, then it will be."

Swanflight gave a short dip of her head. Brightwhisker's reassurance was comforting, a little but not enough to change her mind.

Hawkstar walked over to Thistletail where he had been eating by himself. He mewed something to his deputy before they both walked over to Hawkstar's den and slipped inside.

"I wonder what they're talking about," Duskflower mused.

"Planning on how to counter any further trouble from our neighbors," Shadowheart guessed darkly.

"Or maybe Hawkstar's telling Thistletail to be nicer to the volunteers," Brightwhisker guessed.

Stonesplash snorted. "Now that would be something but I doubt it."

The Clan began sharing tongues, with murmuring mews and pleasant purrs. This was a part of Clan life she had missed. It wasn't all about hunting and patrolling. It was about the close bonds that Clanmates shared with each other, not just of family but friendship too. After all, why bother fighting if you had nothing to fight for?

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