Chapter 109

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"The Clan is finally big enough to have two hunting patrols," Thistletail commented.

Hawkstar, Thistletail and Hareflight exchanged a knowing look. It had been too long. For the first time in too many seasons all of their dens were in active use. The Clan was busier than ever. It finally felt like a normal Clan. They still weren't at full strength but they were well on their way.

Hawkstar felt relief, gratitude, and excitement; feelings he knew his deputy and his once solitary warrior shared.

"Our Clan has a lot of mouths to feed so we'd better get going," Hareflight meowed.

The two hunting patrols split up, Hareflight's heading for the woodland and Hawkstar's staying in the meadow. Thistletail, Stonesplash and Riverpaw made up the rest of his patrol. The young apprentice had been in training for a half-moon. Of all GrassClan's apprentices, Riverpaw was the most challenging. Hawkstar was eager to see how Stonesplash managed her.

Hawkstar was not surprised by what he saw. Riverpaw took in everything with wide blue eyes. She also mewed rapidly in the same high-pitched mew as her father. She barely paused for breath but Stonesplash was patient, answering her questions with the same steadiness he had with her father. Hawkstar knew he had made the right choice.

Unfortunately, Riverpaw was more enthusiasm than skill at this point. This was to be expected, with an apprentice this young. Though, her noisy chatter and overall clumsiness meant that prey scattered long before they could even hope to catch it. It was late leaf-fall now. They couldn't really afford a bad hunt.

"Hawkstar, I don't think Riverpaw is ready to join a hunting patrol. She needs a bit more one-on-one training," Stonesplash meowed.

"If you feel that's best," Hawkstar meowed.

"I do. Besides, Thistletail looks like he's about to lose it any second."

Thistletail's mood had rapidly fouled and while he was actually managing remarkably well, it was high time to put him out of his misery.

"Then we'll see you back at camp," Hawkstar meowed.

"Happy hunting, Hawkstar," Stonesplash meowed before leading Riverpaw away.

"Finally! Some quiet!" Thistletail exclaimed.

"Our hunt should go much better now," Hawkstar meowed.

Leader and deputy headed through the dry grass, senses as sharp as their claws. They had a Clan to feed. 

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