Chapter 87

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Bramblestripe was taking care of the elders by himself that day. The rest of the warriors were out on patrol, but the camp was far from quiet. All five queens were in camp watching the kits. They hared about camp like so many balls of fuzz, squeaking and playing on this warm newleaf day.

They were also constantly underpaw. Bramblestripe understood but his already hard work was made that much harder. Thankfully, his first task of the morning was grooming the elders. Easily the most hated apprentice chore but was nevertheless necessary with the warmer weather. It also kept the kits at bay while Bramblestripe had the mouse bile.

The next part had become increasingly difficult since the death of Daisyheart the moon before: nest cleaning. Breezefoot had become snappish and uncooperative. Getting him out of his nest was next to impossible let alone out of the elder's den. Without his mate, he seemed to have lost the will to live. It was tough to see the once proud warrior struggle so much.

"Breezefoot, I need to clean out the old bedding to give you fresh. I'll fix yours first so that you can come right back," Bramblestripe offered.

Breezefoot pointedly turned his back.

Bramblestripe cast a helpless glance at Doeheart.

"Don't make this young cat's job harder than it has to be," Doeheart meowed.

Breezefoot whipped his head around to glare at them both but heaved himself to his paws and stomped out of the den, grumbling the whole way.

"Thanks," Bramblestripe meowed with a dip of his head.

"Daisyheart meant everything to him. Every cat grieves differently, and he doesn't know what to do with his," Doeheart meowed.

Bramblestripe quickly gathered as much musty bedding as he could before exiting the elder's den.

"Can we help?" Riverkit asked.

"I have to leave camp to get rid of this and collect fresh bedding. Maybe ask the elders to tell you a story," Bramblestripe suggested.

Riverkit flicked her tail. "But Breezefoot is so grumpy."

"He's just sad, Riverkit."

"Then I'll try to cheer him up!"

Bramblestripe sighed but he couldn't stop what he was doing to intervene. As quickly as he could he cleared out the elder's den and brought in fresh grass. On his final trip back into camp, he saw the kits crowded around Doeheart as she told them a story about a clever hare that couldn't be caught. He couldn't stick around to hear more, mindful that Doeheart was doing him a favour.

Bramblestripe finished as quickly as he could before locating Breezefoot. He was pleasantly surprised to find the tabby and white elder also listening to the story. Perhaps the kits had helped him after all. 

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