Chapter 89

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Hawkstar slipped out of his den to see Fernshade and Thistletail waiting for him. Duskflower and Swanflight were watching all of the kits while the other queens patrolled. He joined his Clanmates while they waited for the fourth member of the patrol. Fernshade groomed while Hawkstar watched the kits play. Some of them were wrestling while others played mossball.

The GrassClan leader missed sharing a nest with his mate, but he knew it was impractical to have his mate and their kits in the same den space as him. Though, he comforted himself with the thought that their kits were happy and healthy along with their denmates. It was a sight Hawkstar had never seen during his time as leader and one that he believed would never happen. He felt a glimmer of pride to know that GrassClan was finally returning to its former glory. They weren't quite there yet but they were getting there.

His attention was drawn to the entrance as the border patrol-or just one of them-returned. Stonesplash strolled over to report to his leader.

"Borders are clear and re-marked," Stonesplash meowed.

"What happened to the rest of your patrol?" Thistletail asked.

"They weren't tired and decided to get in some hunting."

"That doesn't surprise me. After two moons of being stuck in the nursery, it feels wonderful to be out in the meadow again," Fernshade meowed.

"Speaking of, I wanted to check on mine to see if Duskflower wanted any help," Stonesplash meowed before going to greet his mate and kits.

Flowerpetal left the warrior's den then and they left camp to hunt. Hunting was good and they even ran into their fellow hunting patrol.

"Fernshade!" Birchleg exclaimed, rushing to greet her. "You wanna fish with me?"

"Of course!" Fernshade purred.

Both Bramblestripe and Wildbloom breathed a sigh of relief as they left.

"Are we glad we ran into you!" Bramblestripe exclaimed.

"He's been pestering us all morning about that," Wildbloom added.

"Yes, we know what Birchleg is like," Thistletail meowed.

"Did you want to hunt with us?" Hawkstar asked.

"It's a bit much for one patrol, isn't it?" Bramblestripe reasoned.

"We can split up into pairs. Wildbloom, if you want to check on your kits, we understand," Thistletail meowed.

"Or you could go check on yours, Thistletail. My kits are fine," Wildbloom meowed.

Thistletail frowned. "You know that's not what I meant. I meant that you don't have to stay out here hunting if your first day back on patrol is starting to catch up to you."

"I'm fine."

"Good," Hawkstar meowed, brushing against his mate's side. "It's been too long since you and I hunted together." He looked at their Clanmates. "We'll see you back at camp."

Hawkstar and Wildbloom left their Clanmates behind. They fell into their natural rhythm that hadn't been lost in the past couple moons. They caught some prey and otherwise enjoyed each other's company until sunhigh. It being greenleaf, the heat was starting to rise and they returned to camp. They found it quiet, with every cat resting during the heat of the day, including their kits.

"Shall we join them?" Hawkstar asked.

"I would love nothing more!" Wildbloom purred.  

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