Chapter 119

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Flamepaw had been in training for the past four moons. It was time for his second assessment. His first had gone well, unlike poor Riverpaw. The young apprentice had really struggled but she and her mentor had been working hard. Now, they would see just how much they had improved.

It was still leafbare though newleaf was drawing ever closer. So, it had been decided that the apprentices wouldn't be assessed on their hunting. They had received ample training by now to have their fighting skills tested. The four being assessed-Flamepaw, Meadowpaw, Briarpaw and Riverpaw-had been paired up against their denmates. These mock skirmishes would show off the skills of the assessed apprentices and be good practice for the others.

The only downfall was that having almost all the apprentices together was a bit much. They found an open spot in the meadow with plenty of space to maneuver. Most of the mentors and apprentices gathered on either side to watch as the first two apprentices head for the center. It was Briarpaw versus Sunpaw and the crowd cheered on both. Due to her younger age and gentler nature, the bout didn't last long with Briarpaw the winner.

Then, it was Flamepaw's turn.

The ginger tabby was up against Petalpaw. Though smaller and younger, Petalpaw wasn't an easy target. She had gotten her long fur from her mother and made even thicker in leafbare, it was a distinct advantage. Light on her paws, she was also faster than Flamepaw. Not to mention, confident enough to take the offensive and land a couple blows before Flamepaw could react.

"Don't let her get away with that!" Bramblestripe called.

"You're doing great, Petalpaw!" Swanflight called.

"Yeah, try and flip her!" Meadowpaw suggested.

"Or pin her!" Sunpaw called.

"I don't think so. More like don't let her do those things to you," Briarpaw warned.

Flamepaw lashed his tail.

"Don't let yourself get distracted," Bramblestripe advised. "Focus on your opponent. Nothing else matters except the warrior in front of you."

Flamepaw narrowed his eyes.

"That's it, Flamepaw. That's it," Bramblestripe murmured.

His apprentice launched forward and toppled Petalpaw. Before he could pin her, Petalpaw pushed up, unbalancing Flamepaw. Thinking quickly, Flamepaw hooked his claws into her long pelt and rolled her over. The two apprentices grappled briefly. Then, Petalpaw landed a well-aimed kick, shoving Flamepaw off her.

They parted, eyeing each other warily.

Flamepaw leaped, intending to land squarely on Petalpaw's shoulders. Petalpaw evaded her opponent and he landed heavily, the breath knocked out of him. Petalpaw didn't hesitate, wrapping her paws around his neck. Unable to see her, Flamepaw flailed but was unable to land a solid blow. Once more, the two apprentices wrestled.

Bramblestripe exchanged a look with Swanflight.

"Alright, that's enough," Bramblestripe called.

At once, the two apprentices stopped.

"So, who won?" Smokepaw asked.

"No one," Swanflight answered.

"Both of you performed well," Bramblestripe meowed.

"We're pleased with your progress."

"You can let go now," Swanflight prompted the two apprentices, who still hadn't moved from where they lay prone on the ground.

"Um, I can't," Flamepaw meowed. "I think my paw is stuck."

"Of course it is," Petalpaw huffed. Then she glared at her denmate. "Don't you dare yank my fur!"

Bramblestripe tried to help but his paws were too big. In the end, Sunpaw, as the smallest of them, had to step in. With careful precision, she eased Flamepaw's trapped paw out of Petalpaw's long pelt. At last, the ginger apprentice hopped up, looking relieved. Petalpaw cast a quick glance over her gray and pale ginger pelt before she was satisfied.

The assessment continued without further issue. All of the apprentices were shaping up well. GrassClan would have some incredible warriors joining their ranks soon! 

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