Chapter 49

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Honeypool was in camp, but it was ominously silent. She looked around and then froze, a yowl of terror stuck in her throat as a rush of darkness fell over the camp, carrying with it the cloying scent of pine. Then, yowls and shrieks pierced the air and claws tore at Honeypool from every side. She was helpless to defend herself, overwhelmed on every side and blind as a newborn kit. She could only crouch in terror, heart pounding and claws sunk into the ground as the battle raged around her.

Abruptly, the noise faded, and the darkness lifted as Honeypool was released from the intensity of the vision. She woke with a start to find herself surrounded by her fellow medicine cats still in their own dreams. She was almost panting, entire body trembling with the shock of what she had just experienced. Slowly, the chilly night air swept away the last vestiges of darkness and battle cries still ringing in her ears. It was just in time too, as the other medicine cats began to awaken.

Honeypool trailed behind the others as they made the journey back to Clan

territory. Mosspool fell back to walk beside her. He had known her since she was a kit

and had been the one to teach her everything she knew. Of course, he could tell when

something wasn't right with her, even if she didn't show it.

"Honeypool, whatever it is you can tell-" Mosspool shook his head. "No, I suppose you can't confide in me anymore but whatever StarClan has shown you, know that they are trusting you to interpret their signs and their messages for the good of GrassClan." Mosspool reached forward as if to comfort her but then stopped himself.

Honeypool only barely managed to nod though the scent of PineClan made her

stomach churn.

Mosspool finally left her alone, pulling ahead to join the others.

Honeypool moved along the familiar trail home almost blindly, barely registering as the other medicine cats split away to continue their own journeys. She reached GrassClan's camp just as the dawn patrol was leaving.

"Honeypool, are you alright?" Bumbleflight paused to look at his sister with concern.

"It was half-moon, Bumbleflight. You know better than to ask," Honeypool meowed, sharper than she had ever been with her brother before.

"I know but-"

"Bumbleflight, are you on this patrol, or aren't you?" Wildbloom asked.

"I'm coming!" the young tom called. He briefly touched his nose to his sister's ear.

"Whatever it is, Honeypool, I'll always care about you."

Honeypool waited until her brother was out of sight before entering the still quiet camp...or almost.

"Welcome back, Honeypool!" Birchleg chirped, hopping lightly down from the

Meeting Stone to greet her.

For once, Honeypool wasn't happy to see the energetic tom. "Thanks, Birchleg

but I can't stop to chat. I've gotta get some sleep. I've been up all night, you know."

Birchleg got the message and let her go.

She entered her den but was too agitated to sleep. She needed to think. GrassClan was going to battle against PineClan but when and for what? Only one thing was clear.

She had to tell Hawkstar.

"Hey, I thought you were sleeping?" Birchleg asked.

"I have to tell Hawkstar something. It can't wait," Honeypool explained.

"Oh! It's a message from StarClan! It must be since you just came back from Star Stones! I wonder what the message could be?" Birchleg thought aloud but let Honeypool continue on her way.

The young medicine cat entered her leader's den without a second thought. He

was sleeping in his nest and didn't stir as she approached. Was this going to be a habit

between them?

"Hawkstar!" Honeypool called.

The tabby tom jolted awake and sat up to meet her gaze. "Honeypool! I haven't overslept again, have I?"

"No, the dawn patrol just left but I needed to talk to you, now."

"You have a message from StarClan and it's not good news either."

"I'm afraid not. PineClan is going to attack GrassClan."

Hawkstar sucked in a breath and closed his eyes. A heartbeat later, he opened

them to look at Honeypool. "Do you know when?"

Honeypool shook her head, mind drawn back to the heavy darkness of her dream. "StarClan is rarely as clear as that."

"Does GrassClan survive?"

Honeypool's heart squeezed to hear the desperation in Hawkstar's mew. "They

didn't share that with me either."

"Have they given us this hope only for it to be taken away?" Hawkstar mewed despairingly.

"No!" Honeypool looked steadily at her leader. "StarClan has given us warning so we can be prepared to meet the danger when it comes. Clan life isn't easy. There will always be a new challenge to face or battle to fight but that is what it means to be a Clan cat."

"I can't say that this will not hurt us, but we will not let it destroy us. GrassClan has survived much worse than this and we will survive this too."

Hawkstar straightened in his nest. "You're right, Honeypool. We're not cowards. If PineClan wants a battle, we'll be ready and waiting for them."

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