Chapter 18

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It had been a half moon since Birchleg's attack. Now, Honeypool was checking his wound yet again. She liked what she saw. It was clean, the skin had healed, leaving only scars behind. Thank StarClan!

"Good news, Birchleg! You're well enough to leave my den at last to return to your own. You can go back out on patrol, but I'd like to keep an eye on your wounds, just to make sure that they don't reopen. If you feel soreness or pain, come to me at once. Otherwise, check back in with me after every patrol. Got it?" Honeypool looked expectantly at Birchleg.

Birchleg let out a yowl of joy. "Yes! I'm gonna go tell Fernshade right now!"

Honeypool couldn't even protest before the young tom was gone. She exited far more slowly to inform Hawkstar of the good news. She had been given the opportunity to see Birchleg and Fernshade grow closer. She was happy for both of them. Fernshade's even temper balanced Birchleg's energy well.

The young medicine cat found her leader looking bemusedly at the camp entrance. He turned to look at her. "I'm guessing Birchleg got the news we've all been waiting for."

Honeypool nodded. "That he did with the condition that I check his wounds after every patrol to make sure they stay closed."

"That's great!"

"But I doubt it will take long for Birchleg to fish again. It will be interesting to see what WillowClan will do."

"We'll meet any challenge that may come." Hawkstar flicked his ears. "Tonight is half moon."

Honeypool nodded, uncertain where her leader may be taking this conversation.

"This will be the first time you'll be meeting the other medicine cats after Birchleg's attack. Are you comfortable with that? I could give you an escort, otherwise."

Honeypool had missed the last half-moon meeting as poor Birchleg had been attacked earlier that day and needed her full attention. She was touched by Hawkstar's concern but-

"That won't be necessary. Medicine cats are outside Clan rivalries."

Hawkstar nodded. "Right, then I hope you have a safe journey."

Honeypool found Mosspool waiting at their meeting spot. The former mentor and apprentice sat side by side. It wasn't long before Rainsong joined them. Sunstripe had yet to arrive and they settled down to chat while they waited for him.

"How is Birchleg?" Rainsong asked.

"Finally out of my den. Thank StarClan!" Honeypool heaved a relieved sigh.

Rainsong gave a sympathetic twitch of her whiskers. "Birchleg has always been active. I can imagine how difficult it was to keep him busy while he was confined to camp."

"I had a lot of help. The warriors took turns keeping him occupied."

"Birchleg was injured?" Mosspool had been listening with interest.

Honeypool filled her former mentor in.

"Your first real challenge as a medicine cat and it sounds like you handled it well."

Honeypool glowed with pleasure at the compliment.

"Sorry I'm late. One of the queens was concerned so I had to check out all of the kits to ease her worries," Sunstripe explained as he joined them.

"And?" Rainsong asked.

"All of the kits were just fine."

"That's always something to be thankful for."

The four medicine cats began their trek to Star Stones, reaching the Moon's Heart soon enough. They each took their places and were transported to StarClan.

Cricketsong was waiting for Honeypool. "How are you?"

"Well, as is all of GrassClan, now," Honeypool meowed.

"Any questions for me?"

"Not tonight."

"Then take this time to rest. You need it after Birchleg."

Honeypool blinked her eyes open to find the othermedicine cats stirring from their slumber. She felt well-rested and at peace.She felt like, whatever came next for GrassClan, she could handle it.  

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