Chapter 12

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A paw gently shook her shoulder and Swanflight blinked up at Brightwhisker.

"Aren't you supposed to be taking care of the elders today?"

"Yes, sorry. I just didn't sleep well last night." Swanflight sat up, shaking scraps of grass and feathers from her pelt. If only she could shake off her nightmares so easily. It had taken her ages to fall asleep and when she had, she'd dreamed of being attacked by her Clanmates, former and present. She tried not to look at Birchleg's empty nest.

Brightwhisker gave her a sympathetic look. "It's hard, isn't it?"

Swanflight nodded. "Do you think it's too early to visit Birchleg?"

"Not at all. Knowing Birchleg he will be glad of the company," Stonesplash meowed.

"Then I think I'll do that before I get started with the elders."

"And if you need help with that, I'm willing," Brightwhisker offered.

Swanflight waved her tail to show that she heard as she slipped out of the den. She was supposed to be working with Shadowheart but the black she-cat didn't do any work if she could help it. With Hawkstar and Thistletail both out of camp, Swanflight knew she would be on her own with the elders. While she didn't like the idea of working alone, it was preferable to working with Shadowheart. So, Brightwhisker's offer was a welcome one.

Swanflight slipped into the medicine den, unsurprised to find both Honeypool and Birchleg both wide awake.

"Morning, Swanflight!" Birchleg chirped. The mottled tom was lying in his nest, blue eyes bright but there was moss covering his side where his wound was.

"Morning, Birchleg, Honeypool," Swanflight greeted. "I hope you don't mind but I wanted to see how Birchleg was doing."

"Of course! You're the first to check in on him today," Honeypool meowed. "You can visit for a little bit while I get the two of us something to eat."

The medicine cat slipped out of the den, leaving Birchleg and Swanflight alone.

"How are you feeling, Birchleg?" Swanflight asked, sitting next to her friend's nest.

"I'm bored!" Birchleg complained in his high-pitched mew. "I want to go out on patrol but Honeypool says I can't."

"Did she say how long you'll have to stay in camp?"

"Until my wound heals. So at least a half-moon or longer."

Swanflight immediately felt sorry for poor Birchleg but more so for Honeypool. Birchleg had a tiresome amount of energy and confining it all in camp for any length of time would be no easy feat. How would the Clan cope while Birchleg recovered? She wasn't looking forward to it but they would just have to manage, somehow.

"Well, I'll be in camp today too since I'm taking care of the elders," Swanflight meowed.

"That's the best! Beetleflight gots loads of stories that I've never heard back in WillowClan but," here Birchleg lowered his mew to a conspiratorial murmur, "watch out for Breezefoot. He's kinda grumpy, almost as bad as Thistletail."

This wasn't the first time Swanflight had cared for the elders so she was familiar with their different personalities. "Oh, I don't know about that. I think every Clan has similar stories, they just make it fit their Clan. As for Breezefoot, he's not that bad. Daisyheart certainly helps with his mood."

Birchleg sighed. "Do you think I could help with the elders today?"

"Definitely not!" Honeypool denied as she returned to the den. "You aren't going to get better if you don't rest."

"That's the most important thing right now, Birchleg. Besides, Brightwhisker offered to help me so we've got it covered," Swanflight meowed. She cast Honeypool a sympathetic look. "I'll leave you to your meal. I don't want to keep the elders waiting."

"Bye, Swanflight! Thanks for visiting me! I hope you come back soon!" Birchleg called as Swanflight left the den.

The white she-cat cast a glance around camp. It was empty, save for Brightwhisker near the fresh-kill pile. Upon seeing her, the mostly black she-cat headed towards the elder's den. Swanflight met her there.

"Thanks for the help, Brightwhisker. Don't get me wrong, I love caring for the elders but it's a lot of work for one cat," Swanflight meowed.

"Of course!" Brightwhisker responded with a wave of her tail. "I love it too and I wasn't about to let Shadowheart load all the work on you if I could do anything about it."

They heard Beetleflight's rumbling snores all the way outside. To their surprise, they met Breezefoot and Daisyheart as the two elders left their den.

"Where are you two headed?" Brightwhisker asked.

"Beetleflight's snoring is a little too loud," Daisyheart began.

"So, we're leaving the camp to find some peace and quiet," Breezefoot finished.

"By yourselves?" Swanflight asked, surprised.

"We aren't kits. We can leave camp unsupervised!" Breezefoot snapped.

Swanflight dipped her head, immediately contrite. "Of course, Breezefoot. I didn't mean any offense."

"Enjoy your walk," Brightwhisker meowed.

"We will," Daisyheart assured, using her tail to urge Breezefoot on.

The two she-cats entered the elder's den to see Doeheart grooming. Beetleflight was sleeping belly up, one hind paw twitching and snores echoing in the mostly empty den.

"We're here to clean out the bedding," Swanflight meowed.

"And anything else you need," Brightwhisker added.

"Is there anything else you need before we get started?"

Doeheart shook her head. "No, I'm fine. StarClan themselves couldn't wake Beetleflight unless you've got fresh-kill so you'll have to leave his nest for later."

"It's so good to see Daisyheart up and talking," Brightwhisker meowed.

"She had a very hard loss made even worse because her kits were the Clan's final hope, only to be snatched away so cruelly," Doeheart meowed.

Swanflight couldn't imagine what that felt like. Her heart twisted at the very thought.

"Seeing the Clan come back to life helped her heal."

Swanflight thought of the elder's words later as she saw the patrols stream back into camp. The fresh-kill was replenished and cats had split up: some to their den, others to catch up with Clanmates. Mumbled mews and pleasant purrs rippled through the camp. Compared to the rundown, empty camp of just a moon ago, it felt completely different. GrassClan truly had come back to life. 

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