Chapter 73

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Hawkstar awoke with his mate still sleeping beside him. He touched her ear with his nose and she stretched, blinking sleepily up at him.

"I think I'll move into the nursery today," Wildbloom meowed softly.

"I have to lead a hunting patrol but once I'm back, I'll help you," Hawkstar assured.

For the first time ever, Hawkstar had no desire to go hunting. Unfortunately, there was no one else. Two of his warriors-Bramblestripe and Stonesplash-were in the medicine den with whitecough. The nursery was rapidly filling with queens and kits. Wildbloom was finally joining them and Duskflower had recently announced she and Stonesplash were expecting too.

They had just started cutting their patrols from four cats to three. It reminded Hawkstar uncomfortably of how GrassClan had struggled before but he told himself that this time was different. Only three cats were sick with whitecough and Honeypool was managing their care. Their nursery was full and prey was still running. They had no troubles with their neighboring Clans.

GrassClan would get through this.

Hawkstar led his patrol out of camp and they hadn't gotten far before they started hunting. Hawkstar and Birchleg even managed to catch a rabbit.

"This'll feed a few cats!" Birchleg declared.

"I know we haven't been out here long but I think this is plenty," Hawkstar reasoned.

"I know you two are eager to get back to camp and I agree. We've got enough prey to feed the Clan," Duskflower meowed, amused.

They returned to camp and Birchleg headed for the nursery while Hawkstar went to his mate, sunning herself on the Meeting Stone.

"I'm back," Hawkstar meowed.

Wildbloom stepped down from her perch and they headed for the long-neglected apprentice den. They had taken to storing fresh bedding there. Hawkstar grabbed as much grass and feathers as he could carry and followed his mate as she led the way to the nursery. Entering, they were greeted by the other queens and their mates. Hawkstar gave Wildbloom a questioning look, jaws full of bedding.

"You can make your nest anywhere, Wildbloom," Birchleg offered.

Wildbloom settled for an open spot near the entrance and next to Fernshade. Hawkstar made up the nest, making sure it was nice and thick, with Wildbloom directing him on size, shape and feather placement. At last, his mate seemed satisfied. She settled into her new nest with a content sigh. She looked up at him with gratitude.

"It's perfect," Wildbloom purred.

"I'm glad," Hawkstar purred, touching his muzzle to hers.

"Let me try!" Weaselkit zipped right between Hawkstar's legs and into the nest with Wildbloom. He sneezed as a feather landed on his nose. He blinked up at Wildbloom. "Your nest is comfy! Can I share with you?"

"Weaselkit!" Hareflight exclaimed, exasperated. "You have a perfectly good nest with your mother and sister."

"But it's so crowded!"

"Nightkit and I will miss you," Brightwhisker meowed.

"And I have no milk to feed you," Wildbloom meowed.

Weaselkit's eyes widened. "No milk!" In an instant, he had hopped out of the nest. "I like my old nest better."

"I'm sorry about that," Hareflight apologized as his son walked past him and back where he belonged.

Hawkstar twitched his whiskers, amused. "Kits will be kits." He looked at Wildbloom. "I'm more than ready for ours to get here."

"Oh, Hawkstar, no matter how ready you think you are, once your kits arrive, you'll realize you weren't ready at all."

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