Chapter 84

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"It's a badger!"

"Let's chase it out of camp!"

Bramblestripe awoke to the sound of kits. He had to stop himself from twitching his whiskers in amusement. He was the only warrior in the den at the moment and could guess that he was the kits' target. He stayed still, letting the kits think he was still asleep. Pleased with their game, they purred and squeaked with excitement, rustling around in the bedding. He waited until he heard the patter of tiny paws before rearing up onto his hind paws with a roar, sending the kits and bedding flying.

Four kits faced him, fur fluffed up and backs arched. They had certainly been surprised but not afraid.

"Kits! I could eat you for my next meal!" Bramblestripe growled. He lunged for the nearest one which happened to be Meadowkit, trapping her in his forelegs and gently nipping at her, careful to keep his claws sheathed and fangs barely grazing her kit-soft pelt. "Yum! This kit is delicious!"

Meadowkit purred, clearly pleased with this turn of events though she pretended not to be. "Help!"

"Don't worry, Meadowkit! We'll save you!" Riverkit squeaked.

In the next instant, three kits began to pummel him with their tiny paws and Bramblestripe let Meadowkit go. He pretended to be overwhelmed and went limp, letting the kits have their victory.

"We did it!"

"We rescued Meadowkit!"

"And killed the badger!"

"What is going on in here?"

Bramblestripe recognized Fernshade's mew but didn't budge, curious how the kits would explain their antics.

"We found a badger!"

"It almost ate me!"

"But we killed it!"

"Killed it, huh?" Fernshade sounded vaguely amused.

Bramblestripe popped open one eye to look at the tabby she-cat and she gave a twitch of her whiskers.

"Well, that badger is needed for hunting patrol."

"A hunting patrol?"

"One of us could take his place!"

"No, you all are going to clean up this mess," Fernshade meowed firmly.

The kits deflated.

Bramblestripe scrambled to his paws and looked around the den. It did look like a whirlwind had passed through. "Sorry kits!" As he passed Fernshade he murmured, "Don't be too hard on them. They were just playing, and I encouraged them."

"Bramblestripe!" Fernshade huffed. "I should make you help them clean up!"

"Sorry, can't. Hunting patrol."

Bramblestripe headed for the camp entrance. He was thankful the kits had that kind of freedom. OakClan kits would never have gotten away with that. Certainly not since Thornfang had become deputy. He was glad to call GrassClan home.

"What was that all about?" Brightwhisker asked.

"Just kits being kits." Bramblestripe elaborated, mentioning how the kits had found their way into the warrior's den and woken him up.

"I'm sorry. They have to stay out of the nursery while Swanflight is kitting."

"It's fine. Fernshade is taking care of it."

"They need to learn the warrior's den is no place for them to play, especially when warriors are sleeping."

"I really didn't mind. They were just having fun."

"They weren't the only ones," Hawkstar meowed with a twitch of his whiskers.

"Well, I'm glad to hear that." Brightwhisker looked at Hawkstar. "We ready to go?"

"Lead the way," Hawkstar meowed with a wave of his tail.

GrassClan wasn't big enough to allow a queen to stay with her kits a full six moons. They needed all the warriors they could get to help feed the growing Clan. Since Brightwhisker's kits were weaned, she returned to warrior duties. Once all of the kits were weaned, the queens would all take turns; some would stay in camp to watch the kits and the rest would go on patrol. It wasn't ideal but they all understood that this was the way things had to be, for now.

They had good hunting, late newleaf that it was. They made multiple trips to bring back their full catch. After all, they had plenty of mouths to feed. On their final trip to camp, just past sunhigh, they received great news. Swanflight had kitted!

Bramblestripe was pleased. Soon enough there would be more little paws scampering around. He couldn't wait!

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