Chapter 114

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A favourite parts of Honeypool's day was listening to the apprentices discuss theirs.

"I'm so glad we get to hunt together!" Riverpaw exclaimed, looking at Meadowpaw.

"At least you get to hunt with your best friend. Smokepaw is on dawn patrol this morning so I'm stuck with a bunch of warriors," Flamepaw complained.

"What's wrong with that?" Riverpaw asked, cocking her head in confusion.

"Yeah, they're all great!" Meadowpaw added.

"That's the problem. I've only been in training for a moon. I'm still working on my hunting crouch, my leap and my aim. I'm gonna feel completely useless next to them. I mean, what if I'm so bad that Bramblestripe decides I'm not ready to join a real patrol like-"

"Flamepaw!" Meadowpaw hissed.

"No," Riverpaw meowed. "It's alright. As long as you aren't hunting with Thistletail you should be fine."

"And at least you get to go hunting," Nightpaw meowed. "We're stuck in camp taking care of the elders today."

"I'm actually looking forward to it. I've never done it before," Sunpaw meowed. "The elders tell the best stories, especially Doeheart."

The apprentices were old enough by now to take care of the elders without supervision. Though, their mentors stayed in camp too, just in case.

"I enjoy it," Meadowpaw meowed.

"Yeah, me too!" Riverpaw agreed.

"Flamepaw, you ready to go?" Swanflight asked.

The ginger tabby heaved a sigh and nodded. "Yeah."

"Riverpaw! Meadowpaw! Let's go!" Stonesplash called from the entrance.

"See ya later!" Meadowpaw waved her tail in farewell as Riverpaw raced ahead.

"Good luck hunting!" Sunpaw called after her departing denmates.

So began another busy day in GrassClan. 

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