Chapter 22

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"There. That's the last of it," Bumbleflight meowed, as he entered his sister's den, a bit of leaf and moss caught in his whiskers.

"Thanks for all your help, Bumbleflight," Honeypool meowed.

With the change of seasons, Honeypool wanted to make sure she had everything she needed. Given the day off patrol, her brother had chosen to help her. He had just hauled out all of the dried-up moss she had stored so they could bring back fresh.

After a season of being medicine cat, Honeypool had organized her den just the

way she wanted it. Herbs hung on the den walls, allowing her quick and easy access to her inventory; she could tell at a glance whether any of her herbs were no good or in low supply. Supplies that couldn't be hung like bark, seeds and bedding were in their own piles lined along the den walls. She felt proud of herself for everything she had done so far.

"Let's go," Honeypool told her brother, slipping out of her den.

A sigh behind her made her pause.

"I miss having kits underpaw," Bumbleflight admitted, gaze on the empty nursery.

Leaf-fall was the season where the kits born in in newleaf were apprenticed.

Honeypool knew her brother wasn't thinking about having kits of his own-at least not yet-but he longed to be a mentor someday. Of course, that couldn't happen without kits.

"We've got a few couples in the Clan now. GrassClan will have new kits

eventually but not now on the brink of leafbare," Honeypool reasoned.

"I know you're right," Bumbleflight meowed.

"You'll have some experience by the time those kits are ready to be apprenticed."

"Yeah!" Bumbleflight's tail shot into the air at the thought.

The two siblings strode across camp, passing Swanflight sunning on the Meeting Stone.

"Getting the sun while you can, eh?" Honeypool asked.

Swanflight flicked her ears. "Yup. Doeheart says it'll rain before the next

Gathering." She opened her eyes to look at them. "Where are you two headed?"

"To gather fresh moss for my den."

"Can I come? I feel like I haven't been out of camp in days!" She suddenly

shuffled her paws shyly. "If you want to spend time with your littermate alone I


"Don't be silly, Swanflight! Of course you can come," Bumbleflight invited at once.

Swanflight stepped off the Meeting Stone and followed Honeypool as they left


"If you don't mind getting your paws wet, we can get moss near the river,"

Swanflight suggested.

Honeypool and Bumbleflight exchanged a glance.

"But it will take longer to dry in this weather. Woodland moss may be further away but there's plenty of it and not as damp," Honeypool explained.

"That makes sense," Swanflight meowed, falling into step with Bumbleflight.

"How are you adjusting to GrassClan hunting techniques?" Honeypool asked.

"Like Birchleg, I miss fishing. I know Hawkstar challenged Stormstar for hunting rights after Birchleg's attack, but I don't think it's worth the fight. I struggled a lot at first to hunt land prey. It was so different from what I was used to, and my fur doesn't make it any easier."

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