Chapter 69

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Bramblestripe was near the Meeting Stone with the rest of his patrol. They were trying to figure out where to hunt.

"I have no preference. Its newleaf so prey is running wherever we decide," Hawkstar meowed.

"I agree with Hawkstar," Duskflower meowed.

"Then let's hunt along the river!" Birchleg suggested.

"You're still here?" Thistletail asked, sharp as ever. "I'm sure the Clan would like to eat today but someone has to go out and catch it."

"We're going, we're going," Hawkstar soothed.

"To the river?" Birchleg asked hopefully.

"We didn't patrol out that way so it may be worth a look," Thistletail meowed.

"Then let's-" Bramblestripe cut off as he saw Hawkstar and Wildbloom mewing quietly to each other.

The two of them touched noses before Wildbloom headed for the warrior's den and Hawkstar rejoined the patrol.

"Everything alright?" Bramblestripe checked.

"Yes, Wildbloom's just tired but Honeypool says that's normal," Hawkstar explained.

Wildbloom and Hawkstar had recently announced they were expecting but Wildbloom wasn't ready to move to the nursery yet.

"So, we're ready to go then?" Bramblestripe waited for Hawkstar's nod before leading the way out of camp.

They cut across the meadow. The green grass had rapidly grown taller than the average warrior. Small patches of colour scattered across the broad expanse. A light breeze blew and birds darted through the air with cheery songs.

"The meadow in newleaf is my favourite: so full of life and hope after the death and darkness of leafbare," Hawkstar meowed.

"The forest is like that too. The leaves are just beginning to bud, covering the trees in soft green down like a chick growing its feathers," Bramblestripe meowed.

They hadn't gone much farther before they startled a young rabbit. Hawkstar and Birchleg took after it.

"Where there's one there's more," Bramblestripe meowed.

He and Duskflower began searching the area and found the nest. They got two each before Hawkstar and Birchleg returned triumphant.

"This is a good start. Let's see if we can add some birds to our pile too," Hawkstar meowed.

"We may not make it to the river after all," Bramblestripe meowed.

"The most important thing is that the Clan gets fed," Birchleg meowed.

Bramblestripe blinked in surprise. In times past, he would have whined and cajoled or gone on alone or pouted when he didn't get his way. Then Bramblestripe realized that Fernshade was due to kit any day. Perhaps that had something to do with Birchleg's newfound maturity!

"His kits aren't even here yet and he's already acting more responsible," Bramblestripe mused.

"Being a father will do that," Hawkstar meowed.

Bramblestripe couldn't relate. He had no mate or kits. The only cat he had ever been tempted by had died in the battle against PineClan and there wasn't a day that went by that he didn't miss her. Not that he could share that grief with any cat.

Newleaf was bringing plenty of new life to the Clan. It was more important now than ever to have able warriors with so many expectant and nursing queens. While losing Shadowheart still hurt, Bramblestripe had to continue in his usual duties of hunting and patrolling. Time would heal the wound but it was still there, for now.

The patrol continued and they caught a couple birds a piece and a few mice.

"We've caught as much as we can carry," Duskflower observed.

"Then let's get back to camp," Bramblestripe meowed.

They stocked the pile and then a commotion near the nursery drew their attention. Hareflight stood near the entrance and he gave an encouraging trill. That's when two small balls of fuzz tottered out into the open. Weaselkit and Nightkit were a moon old now and finally old enough to meet the Clan. They looked around with wide eyes at their surroundings.

Weaselkit tottered right up to Bramblestripe undeterred by his large size or his scars. The big tabby tom slowly lowered his head to touch noses with the young kit. He felt a surge of protectiveness as he moved away. He marveled at the young kit's courage surrounded by so many strangers, harmless though they all were. What a warrior he would make!

"I can't wait for our kits to get here!" Birchleg confided to Fernshade.

"Something tells me you won't have long to wait," Fernshade meowed. 

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