Chapter 28

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It had been a couple days since the storm. The camp was only now just starting

to dry out, the mud and puddles getting smaller by the day. The Clan was working harder than ever. The wall had been the first to be patched before starting on the dens. The difference was that they no longer had the bounty of greenleaf prey.

"Still no luck finding prey?" Hawkstar asked.

Hareflight shook his head. "What little we find is hardly enough to fill a kit's belly, let alone a warrior's."

"The river is only now receding. A lot of prey drowned. It's still not safe to swim in such a strong current or else I'd try fishing," Birchleg offered.

"I know you're all doing your best. That's all I could ever ask from my Clan. Now, go get some rest. You deserve it," Hawkstar meowed to his warriors.

As they dispersed, Hawkstar's belly clenched, not from hunger but dread. The

bounty of greenleaf had been all too short. Would hunger forever nip at their tails?

"This isn't as bad as last time," Thistletail meowed, easily understanding

Hawkstar's fears. "At least we can still feed the elders."

"I'm just thankful that not one of our new Clanmates is complaining about how difficult life has become."

Thistletail snorted. "Of course not! Every Clan is used to hardship. Besides,

they're not kits. They're warriors."

"Not Honeypool," Hawkstar meowed, looking towards where the young medicine cat was talking to her brother in front of her den. "She's been right there beside us repairing the camp on top of her regular duties."

"We're all working hard to see the camp cleaned up and repaired again. We're

experts at it now."

"But how hard can we push ourselves on empty bellies?"

"The prey will come back."

"But will it be soon enough before we lose yet another cat to hunger or disease or

sheer exhaustion?"

"GrassClan isn't beaten yet, Hawkstar. We'll make it through this. You'll see."

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