Chapter 17

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Hawkstar was on a hunting patrol with Hareflight, Thistletail and Fernshade. The four of them were in the heart of the meadow where the majority of GrassClan's prey could be found. They had good luck right away, catching several birds and mice. It almost felt like the old GrassClan, other than Fernshade. Though, the former OakClan she-cat had been working hard to adjust to GrassClan's hunting techniques.

Fernshade surprised a rabbit and Hawkstar raced after it, being closest to it and knowing that the dark she-cat wasn't nearly fast enough to catch it. The rabbit really was fast, and it pulled away. Hawkstar wasn't ready to give up the chase just yet, so he kept after it. He couldn't see the rabbit, but he could hear its thrumming paws. So, it was a surprise when the running stopped, replaced by a final scream.

Someone had stolen his kill!

Hawkstar burst through the grass to find Wildbloom standing over the rabbit, looking as surprised as he felt. "Nice catch!"

Wildbloom looked up at the sound of her name, her expression changing to one of welcome.

"I thought for sure I'd lost it."

"It's a good-sized rabbit. It could feed half the Clan," Wildbloom meowed.

"Have you just started hunting?"

"I caught a couple birds but wanted to get a bit more before returning to camp."

"Hawkstar?" Hareflight appeared through the grass. He took in Wildbloom, the rabbit at her paws. "Nice catch."

"Hawkstar and I caught it together."

Surprised by Wildbloom's generosity, Hawkstar was quick to object. "I would have lost it without Wildbloom."

"I can take that back to camp for you," Hareflight offered.

"Aren't you leading this hunting patrol?"

Hareflight snorted. "Like you or Thistletail needs anyone to lead you. Besides, Wildbloom can join the patrol in my place."

"Wildbloom?" Hawkstar looked at her. He knew what he wanted but did she want the same thing?

"That works for me," Wildbloom meowed.

Hawkstar's heart leapt in his chest, but he tried not to show it. "Then that's settled."

"Wow! Look at the size of that rabbit!" Bumbleflight exclaimed, joining the group.

"Help me take this back to camp, would ya?" Hareflight asked Bumbleflight.

"I'll pick up the rest of our catch on the way back," Bumbleflight told Wildbloom.

Wildbloom nodded, standing side by side with Hawkstar as the two toms hauled the rabbit away through the grass.

Hawkstar looked at Wildbloom, amusement glimmering in his eyes. "You know why Hareflight offered to go back to camp?"

"Because Brightwhisker is caring for the elders today," Wildbloom responded.

It was no secret that Hareflight was drawn to Brightwhisker, even if he didn't quite realize it yet. Of course, it was Brightwhisker. The young she-cat was very easy to like. Her name suited her not just for her stark white whiskers in her dark face but for her cheerful personality. Hawkstar had been quite surprised that such a pleasant character had come from the darkest Clan.

Besides, Brightwhisker had almost immediately endeared herself to all of the elders. She cared for them deeply and had even offered to take sole care of them. Hawkstar had turned her down, preferring that every warrior take equal part in caring for the Clan. That hadn't stopped her from spending as much time as she could with them. Her compassion had been integral in seeing Daisyheart come out of her grief.

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