Chapter 105

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Hawkstar sat in silence, contemplating the conversation he'd just had. Riverkit never ceased to surprise him. He didn't immediately say no as it wasn't his style. Yet, he couldn't agree immediately either. As he'd told her, there was a lot to consider.

If this was something Riverkit wanted, then why not?

That would mean postponing her apprentice ceremony for an extra moon and GrassClan desperately needed apprentices. It would also mean postponing Briarkit's apprentice ceremony...unless he apprenticed Briarkit as scheduled. Did he really want to do that? Not really. Briarkit shouldn't have to be apprenticed alone.

Hawkstar decided this was something he needed to discuss with others. If any of them objected, then he wouldn't go through with it. Mind made up, he slipped out of his den. It didn't take long for him to locate two of the cats he needed to discuss this with.

"Hawkstar! What were you mewing to our daughter about?" Birchleg asked, looking up at his leader with the same blue eyes as Riverkit.

"She wants to wait to be apprenticed with Meadowkit," Hawkstar answered.

"And what did you tell her?" Fernshade asked from where she laid beside her mate.

"I told her that I needed to think about it."

Fernshade exchanged a look with Birchleg.

"We don't have a problem with it if you don't," Birchleg meowed, looking back at their leader.

"I haven't decided but I'll let you know once I do," Hawkstar meowed before leaving.

Briarkit was with Smokekit, Petalkit and Sunkit sharing a rabbit.

"Briarkit," Hawkstar called.

Briarkit looked up, eyes wide as his leader addressed him. "Yes, Hawkstar?"

"I need to discuss something with you."

Briarkit left his denmates and approached Hawkstar, ears flicking and tail tip twitching with nerves.

"You're not in trouble," Hawkstar reassured. "Let's go into the nursery for a moment."

Leader and kit entered the nursery.

"Riverkit asked me to postpone her apprenticeship," Hawkstar informed Briarkit.

"What? Why? No wait, she's doing this for Meadowkit, isn't she?" Briarkit shook his head, exasperated. "What about me? Do I get a choice in this?"

"Of course you do. That's what I want to ask you about. Are you willing to wait too or would you prefer to be apprenticed on time?"

Briarkit looked thoughtful for a moment before he sighed. "I can wait too, I guess."

"Are you sure? I can apprentice you alone if you want."

"I'm sure, Hawkstar. It wouldn't be the same being apprenticed by myself."

"Alright then. You can go back to your friends."

Briarkit slipped out of the nursery with Hawkstar right behind him. He saw his deputy sharing tongues with Swanflight outside the warrior's den.

"Thistletail!" Hawkstar called, beckoning the ginger tom over with his tail.

Thistletail left his mate and strode towards his leader. "What is it, Hawkstar?"

"Per Riverkit's request, I'm going to postpone her and Briarkit's apprenticeship."

"And you're just going to let her do that? Who's the leader of this Clan, you or her?"

Hawkstar knew that, out of every cat, Thistletail would be the one to object. Though, he certainly appreciated it. He had always needed a strong deputy to give him a different perspective, even if they didn't always agree.

"Yes and as GrassClan leader, I like to accommodate my Clanmates when I can," Hawkstar explained.

"Why does she want to postpone? I thought she of all the kits would be eager to be apprenticed at last," Thistletail meowed.

"For Meadowkit. She wants to be apprenticed with her best friend."

Thistletail snorted. "That's mouse-brained."

"Is it? Don't we want to encourage the bonds between Clanmates rather than discourage them?"

"It's not that simple you know. Have you forgotten GrassClan needs apprentices?"

"Of course not but GrassClan has managed this long without them. There's no harm in waiting a little while longer."

"An entire moon," Thistletail huffed. Then he looked at Hawkstar. "Is it because Meadowkit is your daughter?"

"No but if it were Sunkit asking would you still be so opposed?"

Being a father had changed the way he made decisions and he knew it was true for his deputy as well. Was that such a bad thing?

"Alright, Hawkstar. I don't agree but I'll respect your decision," Thistletail conceded.

Hawkstar flicked his tail against his deputy's shoulder in silent thanks for leaving.

Thankfully, he hadn't reached out to any potential mentors yet so he had gotten all of the opinions he believed that mattered in this situation. With their agreement-reluctant as it was in Thistletail's case-he felt comfortable moving forward with his decision. Now, he just had to tell Riverkit. No surprise, Riverkit was with Meadowkit near the Meeting Stone.

"Alright, Riverkit. I've made my decision and I'll be postponing your and Briarkit's apprentice ceremony," Hawkstar informed her.

"Wait, why are you punishing them?" Meadowkit asked with a worried frown.

"It's not a punishment," Riverkit reassured. "I asked him to."

Meadowkit whirled on her friend. "Why would you do that?!"

"For you, of course. I want us to be apprenticed together."

"But that's an entire moon away!"

"I know but you're worth the wait."

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