Chapter 92

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Riverkit watched the hunting patrol leave having unsuccessfully tried to convince them to let her come. After all, she was a whole three moons old. She was older than almost all of the other kits besides Weaselkit and Nightkit. Unfortunately, like all of the other times, they weren't swayed. She sighed, laying her head on one foreleg.

However, she was very much her father's daughter and her bright blue eyes caught sight of a large yellow and black butterfly, striped like a bumblebee fluttering nearby. In a heartbeat she was after it, but it remained tantalizingly out of reach. It led her behind the apprentice den before flying up and over the camp wall. No matter because a flash of movement caught her eye. A small black snake slithered away and through a gap in the camp wall, just big enough for a kit to fit through.

Riverkit gasped, dropping to her belly to get a glimpse of the meadow beyond. She crawled closer, slowly reaching out a paw to fit through the gap.


At the sound of her name, the kit stopped before reluctantly pulling away. She paused at the edge of the apprentice den but couldn't see her discovery from there. That would have to be an adventure for another day. 

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