Chapter 111

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It had been almost a moon since Bramblestripe had been a mentor. It was a huge responsibility and the tabby warrior had been nervous about messing up. He had been entrusted with a young cat's training and he didn't want to let Hawkstar or Flamepaw down. He remembered the moment he had touched noses with Flamepaw. His apprentice's eyes had reflected his own excitement and uncertainty.

Brackenwhisker had been his own mentor and his apprenticeship-while difficult-had been bearable because of it. He had struggled with his brother becoming increasingly aggressive and manipulative. Bramblestripe had gotten half his scars during that time. When he could confide in no one else, he could share his concerns with his mentor. Brackenwhisker's support had been everything.

Bramblestripe wanted to do the same for Flamepaw. He had stumbled at first as he figured things out but he soon got his bearings. He learned to balance his warrior duties and Flamepaw's training. Having other mentors and apprentices helped immensely. It made all the hard work easier to manage.

Flamepaw was a great apprentice, eager to learn. Not as bold as his sister, Meadowpaw, he was still determined to do his best. He gave his all during training, working to get things right. All of the kits had carried their friendships and rivalries into their apprenticeship. Though, it was all in good spirit.

Bramblestripe loved being a mentor!

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