Chapter 70

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Hawkstar led his hunting patrol out of camp. Stonesplash made the first catch.

"Newleaf hunting is almost too easy," Stonesplash meowed.

"No complaints about that! We have a lot of mouths to feed," Hawkstar meowed.

"Yes," Swanflight purred. "Weaselkit and Nightkit are growing quickly."

"And Fernshade just kitted," Stonesplash added. The big gray tom had kept the expectant father busy and out of the way as Honeypool helped Fernshade bring their kits into the Clan. The dawn patrol had been late waiting for Birchleg as he saw his kits for the first time. Thankfully, everything had gone smoothly and the dawn patrol had been able to leave with the new father in tow.

"All the more reason to catch as much as possible," Hawkstar reasoned.

The four of them split up in the tall grass. Hawkstar soon felt as if he were all alone in the meadow. It was a beautiful day with the clear blue sky stretching over his head without a cloud to mar it, the cool grass brushed his pelt and rustled with hidden prey. The tabby tom let his senses take it all in. There was prey to catch!

Hawkstar spent the morning hunting peacefully. He would occasionally check in with the rest of the patrol. They were as successful as he was with a cache of birds and mice to show for it, even Flowerpetal. Though she was the newest addition to the Clan she fit in almost seamlessly.

Hawkstar had been shocked when Flowerpetal had showed up at GrassClan's camp the morning after the PineClan battle. GrassClan was still reeling from the loss of Shadowheart and Bumbleflight. Honeypool was treating their wounds. None of them had gotten through unscathed. They were hardly expecting visitors, and a warrior from the Clan they had just battled no less!

Hareflight had noticed Flowerpetal first and confronted her. "What are you doing here?"

"I'm not here to cause trouble," Flowerpetal had explained.

The rest of the Clan noticed her presence and gathered around with fluffed up fur and unsheathed claws.

Hawkstar was quick to see what was going on.

Flowerpetal looked at him desperately, and Hawkstar was reminded of Honeypool. "Please, I heard that-" her mew broke," that Bumbleflight was killed and I-" the she-cat trembled with grief, "I need to see my son."


Honeypool was suddenly there, pressed against her mother's side. The young medicine cat briefly looked up at Hawkstar and he nodded. He couldn't deny a mother's grief, enemy warrior or not. The rest of the Clan backed off too, licking their wounds. Honeypool escorted her mother away.

Flowerpetal had been there ever since.

GrassClan was thankful to have her. Flowerpetal had adapted quickly to their hunting techniques. She was also an experienced queen which was invaluable with all of the first-time mothers in the nursery. She had a naturally soothing nature which is probably where Honeypool got it from.

Hawkstar could see Flowerpetal now, clearly focused on something hidden in the tall grass. She suddenly launched herself but he could see at once her leap was too short. A lark took flight and was gone in an instant. Flowerpetal landed clumsily with a flick of her tail. She sighed before turning to see Hawkstar.

"Don't be too hard on yourself. It takes practice to hunt in tall grass. You'll get the hang of it," Hawkstar encouraged.

"Thanks, Hawkstar. Catching birds is much harder when you can't see them," Flowerpetal meowed.

Stonesplash and Swanflight joined them.

"We ready to go back to camp?" Hawkstar asked.

"I think so. We've caught quite a bit," Stonesplash meowed.

"Great! I'll collect my catch on the way back."

They returned to camp to see it bustling. The elders were sunning themselves on the Meeting Stone. Brightwhisker was watching her kits playing in the sunshine. The hunting patrol dropped their catch at the fresh-kill pile before splitting up. There was only one cat Hawkstar wanted to see.

"Looks like the prey's running," Wildbloom purred.

"Hungry?" Hawkstar asked.


"Our kits are going to be big and strong," Hawkstar purred.

Hawkstar grabbed a juicy young sparrow and a couple mice to share. Then, he and Wildbloom settled outside his den. As they ate, Hawkstar reflected. After too many seasons of hardship, they were finally in a good place. They had able warriors, healthy kits and prey aplenty.

"Hawkstar, look," Wildbloom murmured with a nod towards her belly.

Hawkstar was drawn from his thoughts as his gaze landed on his mate's rounded belly. He gaped as he saw it move. He looked at Wildbloom. "Is, is that our kits?"

"Yes," Wildbloom purred. "Would you like to feel them?"

Hawkstar slowly reached out a paw to place it on his mate's belly and felt squirming under Wildbloom's pelt. He suddenly had a thought and looked up at his mate with concern. "Does it hurt?"

"No," Wildbloom assured. "It feels...almost like tickling. Like the grass when it sweeps across your pelt, just on the inside."

Relieved, Hawkstar broke into a blissful purr, gently resting his chin on his mate's belly. From the feel of it, his kits were more than ready to arrive. From what Honeypool had told them, they still had about a half moon to go before then. You'll be here soon, little kits, Hawkstar thought. He couldn't be more thankful that they would be arriving into a time of peace and bounty.

All was well with GrassClan. 

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