Chapter 94

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"So, how's life with so many kits?" Sunstripe asked.

"They aren't even mine, but they keep me busy," Honeypool meowed.

"And the bigger they get the more trouble they'll cause too," Rainsong warned.

"Earlier today they had a climbing contest on Hawkstar's den. Poor Sunkit went too high and was too scared to come down. Birchleg had to climb up to get her."

"It's tough keeping up with your bigger denmates, but it'll make her a better warrior in the end," Sunstripe meowed.

"Their favourite game at the moment is leaping off the Meeting Stone onto their Clanmates."

"You must love that."

"Oh no! The kits were banned early on from targeting me or the elders. The warriors, however, have all played helpless prey by now."

"That's going to get old fast with half-grown kits," Rainsong meowed.

"I don't know who'll be more excited for apprenticeship, the kits or the warriors!"

"Definitely the warriors," Sunstripe meowed.

"Speaking of apprentices, have any of the kits shown interest in becoming a medicine cat?" Mosspool asked.

Honeypool shook her head. "Nope!" She gave her former mentor a curious look. "What about you?"

"Not yet."

"There's plenty of time for apprentices later," Sunstripe meowed.

"StarClan willing, we'll all continue to serve our respective Clans for seasons to come," Rainsong added.

The four medicine cats fell silent as they reached Star Stones. They took their places around the Moon's Heart. In an instant, they were transported to StarClan.

Honeypool found herself in an unfamiliar area next to a gently flowing river. To her surprise, Daisyheart was the first cat she saw. It was the first time Honeypool had seen the elderly she-cat since her death that newleaf. The white she-cat had been restored to her former health and beauty, practically glowing with starshine. She also wasn't alone.

Nor was Daisyheart alone. Four kits sat at the white queen's paws. Not one of them appeared to be over a moon old. Honeypool didn't have to ask to know that these were Daisyheart's kits. After too many seasons apart, they had at last been reunited.

"Daisyheart, I'm so-" Honeypool began.

Daisyheart flicked her tail to silence the young medicine cat. "Hush, dear one. There is nothing to be sorry for. There was nothing you could have done. I lived a full life in service to our Clan and I was ready to go. I'm thankful I got to see GrassClan come to life again." The white she-cat paused to look down at her kits. "I just wish they had the same."

"Daisyheart, can we play now?" one of the kits asked.

"Of course," Daisyheart purred.

The kits raced down the bank tumbling and playing.

"Walk with us," Daisyheart invited Honeypool.

The two she-cats walked side by side, the peaceful gurgle of the river mixing pleasantly with the happy squeaks of the kits. That is until one of them was accidentally pushed in by a littermate. Daisyheart was there in an instant to scoop her kit out of the river. The little white kit shook herself off and darted after her littermates again, none the worse for wear. Daisyheart watched her kits fondly for a moment before their walk continued.

"One must be ever watchful over kits," Daisyheart meowed.

"Tell me about it," Honeypool agreed.

It wasn't long before another familiar figure appeared in the distance. Honeypool gasped as she recognized who it was. She glanced at Daisyheart who gave her a nod of encouragement. It was all she needed. She raced ahead to greet him.

"Bumbleflight!" Honeypool touched noses with her brother. "I've missed you!"

"I'm not the only one you're missing!"

With a jolt, Honeypool awoke at the Moon's Heart. She had had to say goodbye to her brother all too soon. Though, she was still glad she had gotten to see him she knew the hole in her heart would never heal completely. 

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