Chapter 37

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"There!" Honeypool finished treating Bramblestripe's eye. The swelling was still there but there was no sign of infection. Thank StarClan for that! "You're healing just fine. A few more days and you'll be back to warrior duties," Honeypool assured.

"Thanks, Honeypool," Bramblestripe purred. The big dark brown tabby tom nestled into his bedding. The rest of his injuries were minor, at least in comparison to his eye. They too would leave their mark on his already scarred pelt but at least Bramblestripe would recover. It could have been a lot worse.

Honeypool had believed thatsuch brutality only existed in PineClan. Now, however, she could see that itcould exist anywhere, especially if others chose to ignore it when they saw it.Thankfully, she had seen nothing like that in GrassClan. Hawkstar would neverallow it. Honeypool was proud to serve as his medicine cat.

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