The Complexities of the Past

240 22 21

((Felt like sharing this for no particular reason but the word count for this chapter is 5,726!))

Blue shifted in his seat, impatient as Oromis slowly recounted the conversation from before to the newcomers, Draco and GB affectionately leaning on one another as they listened intently.

He finally perked up eagerly as Oromis turned to face Eragon, starting to address the human as he reached the point he left off.
"When Morzan betrayed the Riders to Galbatorix and the Forsworn killed Saphira, Brom's dragon, Brom realized the true nature of Morzan's character. As strong as Brom's affection for Morzan had been, it was like a candle before an inferno compared to the hatred that replaced it. Brom swore to thwart Morzan however and wherever he could, to undo his accomplishments and reduce his ambitions to bitter regrets. I cautioned Brom against a path so full of hate and violence, but he was mad with grief from the death of Saphira, and he would not listen to me."

Blue winced in understanding, Eragon glancing out the window to his Saphira, the blue dragon meeting his gaze before the elf continued.
"In the decades that followed, Brom's hatred never weakened, nor did he falter in all his efforts to depose Galbatorix, kill the Forsworn, and, above all else, to repay Morzan the hurts he had suffered. Brom was persistence embodied, his name a nightmare for the Forsworn and a beacon of hope for those who still had the spirit to resist the Empire."

Their teacher stared thoughtfully at the horizon before sipping more wine and going on.
"I am rather proud of what he achieved on his own without the aid of his dragon. It is always heartening for a teacher to see one of his students excel, however it might be.... But I digress. It so happened, then, that some twenty years ago, the Varden began to receive reports from their spies within the Empire about the activities of a mysterious woman known only as the Black Hand."
"My mother." Eragon whispered wondrously.

"Your mother and Murtagh's." Oromis added.
"At first the Varden knew nothing about her, save that she was extremely dangerous and that she was loyal to the Empire. In time, and after a great deal of bloodshed, it became apparent that she served Morzan, and Morzan alone, and that he had come to depend upon her to carry out his will throughout the Empire. Upon learning of this, Brom set out to kill the Black Hand and so strike at Morzan. Since the Varden could not predict where your mother might appear next, Brom travelled to Morzan's castle and spied upon it until he was able to devise a means of infiltrating the hold."

"Where was Morzan's castle?" Eragon queried, leaning forward. Blue scooted his chair as Oromis corrected.
"Is, not was; the castle still stands. Galbatorix uses it for himself now. It is situated among the foothills of the Spine, near the northwestern shore of Leona Lake, hidden well away from the rest of the land."

Understanding this, Eragon nodded, moving on.
"Jeod told me that Brom snuck into the castle by pretending to be one of the servants."
"He did, but it was no easy task." Oromis admitted.

"Morzan had impregnated his fortress with hundreds of spells designed to protect him from his enemies. He also forced everyone who served him to swear oaths of fealty, and often with their true names. However, after much experimentation, Brom managed to find a flaw in Mozan's wards that allowed him to procure as a gardener on his estate, and it was in that guise that he first met your mother."

Studying his hands, Eragon spoke in a dull tone. "And then he seduced her to hurt Morzan, I suppose."
"Not at all." Oromis faintly shook his head, Blue glancing down at the human's ring with a hint of confusion as the elf continued.

"That may have been his intention to begin with, but then something happened that neither he nor your mother anticipated: they fell in love. Whatever affection your mother once had for Morzan had vanished by then, expunged by his cruel treatment of her and their newborn child, Murtagh. I do not know the exact sequence of events, but at some point Brom revealed his true identity to your mother. Instead of betraying him, she began to supply the Varden with information about Galbatorix, Morzan, and the rest of the Empire."

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