Signs and Fates

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GB was idly gliding in the sky, not a cloud in sight. It was hot, but the heat didn't bother him. Blue was off somewhere helping the Varden or Wyrdaí Islingrya as usual and he was left boredly lazing about in the air, getting lost in memories.

As the sun beat down from above, his mind was adrift elsewhere, worlds away and full of snow. He.. thought of his brother.
I hope he's okay..
He peered up at the sky yet again, seeing a faint gleam of stars beyond the blue. He wanted to fly ever higher and join the distant lights… but that venture didn't end so well last he tried.

Flapping, he angled himself to follow the path of the the Jiet River, peering down at the distant Varden beneath him, a chessboard laid out amidst the splotchy plains.

He felt his sight blur, thinking of home.
Heh. I even miss the kid.
GB shook himself, trying to rattle the memory out of his mind. It wouldn't go.
The skeleblaster could even see the dogs of Snowdin enjoying a game night at the bar as he sipped ketchup and signed to Grilby in his mind.

Tucking in his right wing, GB rolled through the air and caught himself upright again, pondering.
Why can't we teach the Varden sign language? Why hasn't that been done yet?
At that thought, he reached out his mind, looking for Blue or anyone he knew to ask.

Almost surprisingly, he discovered Saphira, the dragon unexpectedly upset.
Are you okay? He asked, turning to see her soaring somewhere above him, spewing a gout of flame.
No, I am not. I miss Eragon.
...I understand. It's lonely today.
No, the day is perfect. I only wish I could share it with him. It does not feel right without him.

He didn't reply at first, thinking of his children so far away, his beloved- mate? Boyfriend? His lover far from him. Draco was guarding their unhatched children deep in the forests of the elves.
Strange he was capable of eggs when he was more skeleton than dragon.
I know the feeling. He sighed.

Saphira drifted down, nearing his level as he flew higher to meet her.
On another matter, have you ever wanted to communicate in a way that wouldn't get you blocked by strangers?
She eyed him quizzically.
I do not. I can overwhelm all mental barriers if any try to block me.

He cringed. Well, I've always found it off-putting at how unsettling the experience is for others. I haven't always communicated telepathically, y'know? Hell, I used to be able to speak English before I started changing.

Now the dragon blinked, flying alongside him. You did not always have the traits of a dragon?
He shook his skull, wobbling in the wind. No, they grew in as I got older. I was born looking pretty much like any other skeleton. Me and my brother both.

At this, Saphira was intrigued. And you became as you are now. She pondered.
I did. Hell, it took years before I found out I could change into this form as well. After that I just kind of.. figured out everything else, for the most part. It was a weird time. I was the only one. There weren't anymore dragons at all there, just distant relatives like me.

I do not believe you are so distantly related as you think. Saphira spoke thoughtfully.
How so? He quizzed, glancing over.
A distant ancestor would not have the form of a dragon, would they?
Well.. they had been nearly extinct by the war, and were completely killed off in the conflict. There was just a few hybrids left after that, and they died out early on in the Underground.

Hmm. Perhaps you are the child of such hybrids.
He shook his skull. No, my dad never had any dragonic traits.
What of your mother?
GB hesitated. I never knew them.

Andlátkyn; Vandr Sanses unin Alagaësia Where stories live. Discover now