sixty four - confrontation

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"Hey Sasaki," Riko spoke up as the Seirin team was walking out of the locker rooms after collecting their things. "About earlier-"

"What about it?" He raised an eyebrow as he interrupted her, the last warning to stay out of it.

"From the video someone took," Riko narrowed her eyes as she sped up so that she was standing in front of him. "It looked like you were orchestrating the accidents. You even smirked when their number twelve got hurt," She pointed out.

"Coach!" Koganei gaped, why was she accusing Sasaki of something no human could possibly do?

"What do you want me to say, Riko-san?" Sasaki asked dejectedly, putting a hand on his hip. "How could I have done all of that? I'm not some kind of god."

"I never suggested you were," The coach replied, "But it's just too much of a coincidence, I can't let it slide."

"What are you going to do then?" The azurette demanded, using his height to its full potential. She glared up at him, seeing what he was doing. But suddenly, her actions were not her own. Riko's head was lowered and she was forced to utter words she definitely did not mean.

"No, you're right. I'm being stupid."

"As long as you realize that," Sasaki shrugged, then suddenly his name was called.

"Yo, Aya!" Aomine waved, walking towards them with a huge grin on his face. "Came to pick you up. Hope you guys don't mind but Aya's coming with me," The Touou ace stated as he arrived in front of Sasaki, who chuckled at him.

"You're such a hog, I noticed Ryouta was also here."

"Which is why we gotta run before he gets here," Aomine smirked, pecking his nose before taking his hand and bolting away, both of them laughing as they left Seirin stunned in their wake.

"What the hell.." Riko's eyes were wider than saucers (ha Izuki would be proud) as she held her hands over her mouth. "..was that?"

"What do you mean, Riko?" Kiyoshi asked, stepping up next to her as Hyuuga did the same and touched her shoulder. Immediately, she clutched onto Hyuuga, her eyes not lessening in width in the least.

"Riko?" Hyuuga questioned worriedly. "What's wrong?"

"I..I had no control.." She whimpered, her pupils now shaking as tears formed.

"What are you talking about?"

"Sasaki-kun did something to her," Kuroko spoke up, now in front of them as he looked at Riko. "I have a hunch that Sasaki-kun can control people, if not do more. Right now, he wanted her to know he was superior to her, which is why she knows that what she said and did wasn't of her own will."

"Huh? How's that even possible?" Izuki tried to reason with him, but Kuroko was firm on it.

"I noticed during the game," He informed them, "That only people in Sasaki-kun's line of sight were the ones getting hurt. Think about it. Hyuuga-san, when their number twelve tripped, where was Sasaki looking?"

"...At him," Hyuuga's eyebrows furrowed. "But Kuroko, we can't just speculate based off that-"

"What other explanation is there? Just an accident?" Kuroko demanded.

"Uh," Kagami coughed, raising his hand. "Sasaki can talk to me in my head."

"What?" Everyone whipped towards him, causing him to flinch and repeat himself.

"Sasaki can talk to me through our minds, but he doesn't need to make eye contact I don't think."

"Are you sure?" Kiyoshi inquired, and the redhead nodded.

"Yeah, I'm absolutely positive. I just guessed that was all he could do, but who knew he could control people," He shivered, "Scary dude."

"The question is," Izuki put his hand to his chin as he thought it through. "What do we do with this information now that we have it?"


"Hello Sasaki-kun!" Momoi greeted once she had caught up with the two troublemakers. "That game was incredible! I'm glad you aren't hurt," She suddenly squinted, "You're not, are you?"

"Nope, fit as a fiddle!" He assured her with a grin. "So I assume you dragged Daiki here?"

"Nope!" Momoi shook her head, her gaze settling on the dark haired ace. "Surprisingly, he was leading the way."

"Shut up, Satsuki," Aomine scowled, drawing a chuckle out of Sasaki.

"There's nothing to be embarrassed about, Daiki!"

"Who's embarrassed?!"

"If you wanted to see me so badly, all you had to do was ask~" The azurette teased, but immediately regretted it as Aomine grabbed his arm and pulled him flush against him.

"Really, Dai-chan?" Momoi deadpanned. "Here, in the middle of the sidewalk? At least have the decency to go inside first!"

"You're real annoying today, Satsuki," The Touou ace grumbled, not letting go of his lover. "Aya, it was you wasn't it?"

"What was?"

"Hanamiya's whole starting squad was whipped out in a single game," Aomine hummed as he pressed a kiss to Sasaki's hair. "Are you sure you did nothing?"

"Well, I didn't not do nothing.." He trailed off, "I'd rather tell everyone at once if you don't mind."

"Ah, so it's like that," The Touou ace smirked, letting him go. "Alright, I guess I can wait. Also, why you following us, huh Satsuki?!"

"Because I came here with you, you dummy!" Momoi scrunched her face angrily.

"Yeah Daiki," Sasaki joined her as they glared at him. "You can't just let a pretty girl walk home alone!"

"Wha- but-"

"Nope!" The two stood firm. "Daiki, you're gonna walk her home or I'll suspend you from my house for a week!"

"Huh?! A week?!" The dark haired male gaped in shock as he looked between the two, trying to find an opening to get out of whatever the hell was going on.

"Yes!" Sasaki nodded, his expression staying stoic and stubborn until Aomine gave in.

"Fuuuuuck," He groaned, "What the hell, Aya.. I wanted to spend time with you.."

"You never set up when you wanted that date," Sasaki pointed out, patting Aomine on the shoulder as he passed him. "Text me the details, not to the group chat though."

"Bye Sasaki-kun!" Momoi called as she waved, beaming brightly as the azurette returned the gesture. "I can't say this enough, but your taste in men is impeccable."

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