sixty five - a q&a session

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The two stood there, gazing at each other as they stood in the middle of the court. A breeze went through, rustling their hair. The azurette exhaled slowly, his eyes moving nervously as they tried to settle on the male in front of him. "So, what'd you want to talk about?"

"I'm sorry," Was the first thing that came out of the other's mouth. Sasaki braced for impact. "But I think we should break up."


A few days before...

Sasaki popped his head into the classroom he knew Riko was in, and when he spotted her, quietly made his way over then tapped her on the shoulder. Flinching, she whipped her head to face him and her eyes widened in fear when she saw it was him. "Hey Riko-san," The azurette smiled sheepishly before bowing. "I'm really sorry for what I did after the game, it was uncalled for and uncool. I understand if you hate me now and refuse to forgive me, but I'd rather not quit basketball club. But I will if that's what the team wants."

"Uhhh," The coach's eyes stayed on his bowing form, surprised that he'd sought her out and apologized. But then she sighed, shaking her head. No, I should have expected it, that's the kind of person Sasaki-kun is. He knows when he does something wrong and doesn't hesitate to apologize and learn from it. "We were planning a meeting at the beginning of practice to discuss this," She finally responded, "As long as you promise never to do it again to any of us--" Riko smirked, "If it's another team, I'll allow it. As revenge, you're doing four times the usual training regiment."

"Yes ma'am," Sasaki grimaced, then was dismissed and headed back to his classroom. Once he was out of sight, Riko let out a breath, clutching her heart. I might've said it was okay, but it doesn't make it any less scary, she thought to herself as she tried to calm herself down. She'd had nightmares the night of the Kirisaki Daiichi game, watching and being able to do nothing as Sasaki controlled her like a puppet in a puppet show.

Shaking her head of such thoughts as the school bell rang, Riko readily took out her notes and textbooks. The day progressed and at lunch Sasaki sat on the roof, alone as he looked out through the fence. "What're you doing, man?" A voice asked from behind him, causing Saskai to slowly turn to him. Kagami tossed him a sandwich, which the azurette caught easily.

"Kagami.. What-"

"Like I'd be surprised you had powers," The redhead deadpanned, plopping down in front of him and opening his own sandwich. "Everyone else was, though. We're having a meeting about it during practice is what I heard."

"Yeah, that's also what Riko-san said," Sasaki nodded, causing Kagami to raise an eyebrow.

"You went to see coach?"

"Mhm," Sasaki hummed, "Had to apologize at some point, it was just uncool of me to lose my cool over a little accusation like that."

"Did she forgive you?"

"I'm not entirely sure, she didn't say those exact words," The azurette shrugged before biting into his sandwich. "She said that as long as I don’t do it to someone on our team again, that it’s fine.”

“That doesn’t sound like forgiveness to me.”

“Me neither,” The two chuckled and grimaced.

“Sorry, Sasaki,” The redhead muttered, causing said person to raise an eyebrow.

“What are you apologizing for? You didn’t do anything,” Sasaki waved him off, but he caught his hand. Eye contact was made, and the look in the redhead’s eyes made Sasaki nervous.

“I did do something. If I hadn’t opened my mouth after you left with Aomine, you having powers would still be just speculation,” Kagami admitted, his grip on Sasaki’s hand tightening. “I told them about our conversations, and-“

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