thirty six - more cuddles and kisses

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(For another update, there has to be at least 15 comments on the latest chapter. Can't be just random comments. However, feel free to worship me in the comments if you can't think of anything to compliment in the chapter lol. My update limit is four chapters a day, just a heads up. Happy reading~)

"Huh?" Riko reeled back at what Sasaki had just said to her as they were leaving practice a few days later. "You're going to Miyagi for a week?!"

"Yeah, I was just notified of it so I wanted to let you know," He said, rubbing his neck sheepishly. "It's a family thing, but on the bright side, when I come back, I'll be all healed and ready to go!"

"Tch, fine," Riko grumbled before hitting him with her fan. "That's for missing out on a week of practice."

"Yes ma'am," He smiled like he was in pain. "Can I leave it to you to tell everyone else? I don't think I can handle Hyuuga-san's anger as well as yours."

"Fine, leave it to me," She sighed before perking up. "By the way, isn't that cousin in Miyagi?"

"Yeah, she is," Sasaki smiled with a nod.

"Well, see you when you got back, then," She waved to him as she walked away.

Hayate and His Yanderes

Sauce-monster: Hey guys, I'mma be gone for a bit so don't stalk my house while I'm gone~
Unsurpassed Beast: tf you think you're going
World's Finest✨: YOU CAN'T LEAVE ME
Sauce-monster: It's not for good, chile. I'm just visiting my cousins in a different prefecture for about a week.
Sauce-monster: Before you ask, no you guys can't come.
Unsurpassed Beast: Wasn't gonna ask, I'm coming
Sauce-monster: For a week? You guys still have school. I already finished ahead of time.
Unsurpassed Beast: Fuck school
Cancer Nanodayo: The cousins in Miyagi, correct?
Sauce-monster: ...I'm scared as to how you know but yeah
Cancer Nanodayo: I know everything about you so I can make you most comfortable.
Sauce-monster: That actually makes me more uncomfortable than you can imagine. Just ask me if you wanna know something.
Vanilla Phantom: Why would you leave me?
Sauce-monster: I'm not leaving you! I'm taking a trip! We haven't broken up--
Sauce-monster: Speaking of which, how's the kill count going?
Unsurpassed Beast: Haven't killed since the alley
Cancer Nanodayo: I also have yet to kill anyone recently.
World's Finest✨: Neither have I! Ayacchi can I come over today??? I wanna have time with you before you leave!!!
Sauce-monster: Sure thing
Unsurpassed Beast: hell nah I'm coming too
Sauce-monster: Then why don't we just make it a party, huh?
Vanilla Phantom: Sure.
Cancer Nanodayo: I wouldn't be opposed as long as I can spend time with you.
Sauce-monster: That was sarcasm but okay then. I leave two days from now.
World's Finest✨: omw!

"You have some explaining to do, Hayate-kun," Kuroko stood in front of him, causing him to flinch as fumble his phone.

"I have to explain something?" Sasaki raised an eyebrow.

"Who are you going to visit?"

"My cousin."

"What is the gender of this cousin?"

"She's a girl.."

"Are you attracted to her?"

"She's my cousin, bro!" Sasaki grimaced at the thought. Kuroko narrowed his eyes at him, then nodded.

"Then that's fine. But I don't know how I'll be okay after a week without you," He grumbled, looking depressed. Sasaki smiled, holding out his fist to him.

"It's only a week, you'll be fine," He assured him. Returning the fist bump, the two went on their way to Sasaki's house.

"Want something to eat or drink, Tetsuya?" Sasaki asked once they arrived and went inside.

"No thank you," Kuroko replied, "I'd like to see your room, though."

"Sure, follow me," He smiled, leading him to his room. "Does it pass your expection?" He joked.

"Yes," Kuroko replied, glancing around. "Hayate-kun, please sit on the bed."

"Uhhhh, okay?" He hesitantly did so, right before Kuroko was abut to connect their mouths, the doorbell rang like someone was practicing their typing speed.

"Welcom-" Sasaki was cut off as Kise immediately hugged him.

"I missed you Ayacchi!" He cried as he squeezed him.

"Sir you are dangerously close to breaking my ribs."

"I've done that before, I'm nowhere near close to doing that to you!" Kise assured him, making Sasaki sweatdrop.

"This fucker, get off of Aya," Aomine growled, grabbing Kise's collar.

"Take your shoes off first," Midorima agreed, having taken his off in the moment of confusion.

"So, what exactly do you guys want to do?" Sasaki asked, when he was suddenly not on the ground anymore.

"First, to get you off your feet to make sure you can't hurt yourself any further," Midorima said, carrying him to the living room.

"I wanna cuddle!" Kise exclaimed.

"I also want to cuddle," Kuroko agreed.

"Uh, okay. Shintaro, please take me to my room," Sasaki instructed, making the person in question smile slightly and peck Sasaki's temple.

"As you wish, Hayate," They made their way to his room. Once they were inside, Sasaki was set down on the bed between Kuroko's legs. Aomine nuzzled him from the side as Kise burrowed between Sasaki's legs and Midorima took the side Aomine didn't choose.

Midorima flossed their hands together, staring at Sasaki. The white haired male had his eyes closed with a smile on his face as he enjoyed the warmth all around him. "Aya," Aomine spoke, his eyes hooded as he moved. "I want you."

"I want to sleep in peace so lay back down."

"All of us want Hayate, but we need to wait until he is ready for us," Midorima advised, and Sasaki hummed in agreement.

"At this rate, Shintaro's gonna be my first."

"Why not me?" Kise did puppy dog eyes, and Sasaki glanced at him.

"You'd be second."

"So you want me too?" Kise's eyes brightened as sparkles suddenly appeared around him. Sasaki blinked the sparkles away.

"Not yet, I'm just saying based off everyone's actions. Wait," He leaves back into Kuroko, looking up at him. "You top or bottom?"

"I can be either but I would rather top," Kuroko said as he brushed the hair out of his boyfriend's face, causing him to smile.

"Okay," He said, pulling him down for a quick kiss. Immediately there were noises of complaint. "Oh shush, I'm gonna get to all of you," Sasaki told them.

"I haven't ever been kissed by Ayacchi, though!" Kise complained.

"Shintaro hasn't either, so? I don't give special treatment," Sasaki raised an eyebrow at the blonde before closing his eyes and pecking Aomine, who obviously attempted to make the kiss last longer but didn't succeed.

"Yo, I think Tetsu stopped breathing," Aomine pointed out, and sure enough, Kuroko was frozen in place, surprised from having received a kiss from his most important person.

"Tetsuya? You good bro?" Sasaki poked him, which seemed to get him back to his senses.

"Hai, I'm alright," He nodded, smiling. Sasaki blinked the stars away again. Pressing a kiss to Shintaro's lips, Sasaki pulled back and smiled at the shooting guard, who had a faint blush dusting his cheeks. Then, he moved on to Kise.

"AYACCHI KISSED ME!" The blonde squealed after they parted.

"There's more where that came from," Sasaki smirked, "If you're good while I'm gone."

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