sixty six - spilling to the boys

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(Hehe I'm so mean, making you wait an entire chapter to see who was breaking up with Sasaki~)

Hayate And His Yanderes
Sauce-monster: Hey guys, I need to tell you all something so please come to my place on Saturday!
Cancer Nanodayo: Very well. What time would you like us there?
Sauce-monster: Uh, maybe by three pm?
I Am Absolute: I'll be there by noon.
World's Finest✨: Then I'll get there by nine!
Unsurpassed Beast: I'm already at Aya's.
Sauce-monster: I'd be concerned if you weren't since then it'd be an imposter I'm cuddling with rn
Unsurpassed Beast: Ha yeah, that would be worrisome.
Vanilla Phantom: I'll be there.
World's Finest: No fair, you get cuddles?!
Unsurpassed Beast: Yep

Sasaki chuckled as he reread the conversation from a few days ago. It was Saturday, and sure enough, Kise had arrived at nine am along with Aomine since the possessive ace didn't want to leave Sasaki alone with anyone unsupervised. At that moment, he was cuddled between them as they chatted with each other with the television running in the background.

Akashi showed up at noon and made food for them all for lunch. At long last, three o'clock came around and Midorima and Kuroko turned up. "Thanks for coming, guys," Sasaki sat at the head of the table with Kise and Aomine on one side and Midorima and Kuroko on the other, Akashi being at the other end of the table.

"Sure thing," Kise cocked his head, "So, what'd you want to tell us?"

I wanted to tell you that I have an ability, Sasaki smiled. It was the smile that said he was afraid, but was trying to hold on. Kise, Aomine and Midorima's eyes widened, as they were the only ones who didn't know.


"Are you planning to share what this ability is in detail?" Akashi asked, extremely curious but he was able to keep himself composed, only narrowing his eyes slightly.

"I can hear people's thoughts whenever I want, I can converse with people in their head, and I can sometimes control people."

"Control people?" Akashi raised an eyebrow.

"Uh, yeah," Sasaki ran a hand through his hair. "It's not pretty, but it's kind of like I'm pulling strings on puppets. That's the best analogy I can think of," The azurette offered. It was quiet for a time as everyone thought over this information.

"That's really cool, Ayacchi," Kise was the first to speak, smiling softly at him. "Did you think something small like that would drive us away?"

"Huh?" Sasaki blinked, then mirrored his expression as he exhaled carefully. "I don't know about you, but I know my teammates are having trouble with it. We're all human, so I wouldn't have been surprised.."

"Hayate," Midorima clasped his hand, causing their eyes to meet. "Nothing could drive me away from you, not an ability, not a natural disaster, not even death. I will love you and only you for an eternity," He cupped his cheek, and Sasaki leaned into his touch.

"He's right," Aomine agreed, scoffing. "Geez, so you've got a cool ass power, big whoop. You're still mine for life, Aya-"

"Ours," Akashi corrected, his arms crossed as he gave a pointed look at the Touou Ace. "Ours for eternity, this life and the next."

"That's so cliché," Sasaki chuckled, then quickly wiped the tears welling in his eyes away. "Thanks guys. I promise I won't use it on you," He paused to smirk. "Unless we're in a game and there's a need to."

"Ah, there it is!" The people at the table started laughing, and the Sasaki house was once again doused in peace and love.

"Sasaki-kun," Kuroko called a while later right as everyone was getting settled down. "Could we talk outside for a moment?"

"Huh? Oh, sure," Sasaki had sort of been expecting this when Kuroko hadn't said anything at all to him the past few days, but he wasn't sure what he'd be addressing that they needed to go outside for. There were several possibilities and most of which were going to be extremely painful for him.

Exiting the house, they made their way onto the sidewalk, walking side by side until they got to the streetball court near Sasaki's house. The two stood there, gazing at each other as they stood in the middle of the court. A breeze went through, rustling their hair. The azurette exhaled slowly, his eyes moving nervously as they tried to settle on the male in front of him. "So, what'd you want to talk about?"

"I'm sorry," Was the first thing that came out of Kuroko's mouth. Sasaki braced for impact. "But I think we should break up."

"Ah.." He exhaled again, totally not trying to hold back tears or anything. "Can I ask why?"

"What you did, and what you can do," Kuroko looked him straight in the eye as he spoke, "Is immoral, unnatural and overall revolting and I no longer wish to be with you in that way."

"I-is that so," Sasaki bit his lip as subtly as he could, but also as hard as he could. So this is how it feels for a loved one to turn on you... huh. Hurts just as much as I thought it would.. "Okay," He smiled sadly. "So, I guess I'll go back to calling you Kuroko, huh?"

"Yes, please," The phantom nodded. "Then, I'll be going home. Have a good night, Sasaki-kun."

"Yeah," Sasaki was left alone in the streetball court, the wind howling in his ears. It was nowhere as loud as the pounding pain of his broken heart. "You too.."


"Hey, wel-" Akashi started to greet Sasaki at his return, only to stop. His expression darkened into something dangerous as he immediately embraced his lover, who in turn wrapped his arms around him. "We can talk about it later," He murmured as he rubbed circles on Sasaki's back. They sank to the floor as Sasaki started quietly sobbing, tears streaming out of his eyes and onto the fabric of his lover's shirt.

"Aya, you back ye-" Aomine peaked around the corner, but Akashi gave him the look if you even think of raising a racket I won't hold back. He seemed to have gotten the message as he joined the hug, not saying anything and just trying to help comfort the love of his life.

Midorima and Kise joined them when they came to investigate, and soon enough Sasaki fell asleep, exhausted from his emotions being drained. "What happened?" Kise's aura was extremely dark, as were the rest of the yanderes'.

"Tetsu left with Aya, right?" Aomine recalled, "Must've been him. I thought my eyes were seeing things when I saw him giving Aya a nasty look."

"Kurokocchi did?" Kise's eyes widened before his jaw set angrily. "I'll kill him," He growled, his eyes feral. Suddenly, a hand was on his shoulder.

"Seirin needs Kuroko," Midorima pushed up his glasses. "As much as we would like to kill him, Hayate wouldn't be in the best situation without him."

"What are you talking about?" Aomine and Kise practically spat. "He'd do fine by himself, he doesn't need that bastard!"

"Even so," The greenette sighed, "Losing him all together may truly break Hayate, so we can't kill him."

"Yet," Akashi spoke, sitting beside the sleeping Sasaki. Moving a strand of hair out of his lover's face, Akashi turned to look at the others. "I have a plan in mind."

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