thirty eight - volleyball

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(I'm so sorry everyone. My phone service was cut off at noon yesterday and I had no access to the internet as I was home alone all day after that until 8pm and my provider wasn't open after that. I have gotten my service back so I'll update twice as an apology for yesterday)

The next day, Kiyoko and Sasaki headed to the gym. “Good afternoon,” Kiyoko greeted, going in first before Sasaki followed. “I brought Hayate-kun with me, if it’s okay he’d like to observe practice,” She informed coach Ukai and Daichi, who nodded.

“Sure,” Coach Ukai agreed, and so Sasaki bowed.

“Thank you for having me! Let me know if I can do anything for you guys while I’m here. While I can’t play because my Aunt would kill me if I did, I can attempt to shag or do score or hit at people,” He listed off.

“I’ll let you know, then,” Ukai sweatdropped at how earnest the kid in front of him was. “Sasaki-kun, was it?”

“Yes sir,” He beamed. A few minutes later, he was sitting in a chair watching the Karasuno team practice. Everyone seemed pretty average to him except for one of the setters. He admitted the tangerine could jump, but that was all he had going for him besides his personality. And in volleyball, technique was a priority or you really couldn’t get far because that technique was refined to help you win. And without it, the ball would fly places you didn’t want it to.

Soon enough, practice was over and Sasaki was helping clean up. “Excuse me!” The setter he had had his eyes on and the tangerine came over to him.

“Can I help you guys?” Sasaki raised an eyebrow.

“Why did you get sick of volleyball?” They asked in unison, making him blink rapidly as he processed what they were asking.

“Uh, well, it was just kind of boring,” Sasaki admitted, “I’d gotten to a really good point and everything was sailing fine, but it wasn’t really all that exhilarating, ya know?” He explained.

“Really? But, weren’t you excited to win?” Kageyama asked, and Sasaki shook his head in response.

“Nope, I’ve never really been in it to win. Wait, that sounds wrong. I probably was when I was younger, but now I’m really only interested in things that can get me going, are challenging and stuff,” Sasaki told them.

“But volleyball is all of that!” Hinata exclaimed, making Sasaki chuckle.

“Maybe for you it is, but not for me. At least, not since my team won the championship three years straight,” He shrugged. Hinata’s jaw dropped, he hadn’t known that. Kageyama had, but he had forgotten to mention it. “After those disappointments, I really couldn’t find the emotion in playing anymore. Anyway, does that answer your question?”

“..Yeah,” Hinata looked shell shocked, so Sasaki patted him on the shoulder and headed over to where Kiyoko was waving him over. Several days later, at the doctor’s office, Sasaki was given the a-okay to play again.

“Congratulations, Hayate-kun,” Kiyoko and her mom smiled at him as they walked out of the building. He mirrored their expressions.

“Thanks! I’m super excited to get back on the court,” He said, energy radiating off of him. The three got in the car, and Sasaki texted his boyfriends the good news.

Hayate and His Yanderes

World’s Finest✨: YAY! I’m so happy for you!
Unsurpassed Beast: Hurry back so I can play you
Cancer Nanodayo: I’m glad you can play again.
Vanilla Phantom: Please hurry back.
Sauce-monster: I’m staying for another two days and then I’ll be back.
Sauce-monster: Just wait, murphy’s law is gonna make me hurt myself again
World’s Finest: I think not that trick ass bitch-

Sasaki snickered at the responses before putting his phone away. “Are you coming to practice with me today?” Kiyoko asked, “Since you’re healed, you could rough house with nii-san instead like you used to.”

“We can rough house after dinner,” Sasaki grinned, “But I am looking forward to that.”

After sharing the news with the rest of the Shimizu’s, Kiyoko and Sasaki headed off to the school for practice. “If you’re all healed, want to practice with us?” Daichi asked when he heard the news. “I’m sure you’re itching to move, and while this might not be your favorite sport, it will get you moving.”

“Just how much did you tell them, Kiyoko-san?” Sasaki whipped his head towards her, but she just held her hands up in surrender.

“I didn’t tell anyone anything,” She told him. “At least, not recently.”

“Kageyama and Suga pieced it together,” Daichi explained, “So, what do you say?”

“Sure, I guess,” He nodded, and since he was already wearing active wear, he just dealt with his lack of appropriate shoes.

“You’re playing with us?!” Hinata seemed surprised but also very happy, considering all the stars around his face. Sasaki smiled, blinking them away.

“Yep, so please take care of me today.”

“Of course!”

The first thing they did was some receiving practice, and everyone was stunned at how pristine and graceful and fast Sasaki was as he got each and every ball hit at him almost perfectly. “Man, I’m so rusty,” He grumbled as he rotated his arm a few times to loosen it up a bit more.

“Alright! Let’s do some spikes,” Coach Ukai called out, so the two setters formed two lines. Each time Sasaki hit the ball, it landed directly on a line. Ukai even went to make sure a couple of times, but it was impossible to not see how amazing Sasaki was to be able to have that much control over the ball.

Even when Kageyama purposely fumbled his set, Sasaki still aimed and got it into a corner.

After that, they did some serving and finished off with a game. Since he had just gotten the a-okay, Kiyoko pulled Sasaki out before the start of the game so as to make sure he didn’t get a chance to hurt himself again or overexert anything. Of course, everyone wanted to see how he would play, but they also understood.

The next day, Kiyoko went to practice alone. Since the drive to Tokyo was so long, Sasaki and her older brother had left earlier that day so that they would arrive at a decent hour, and he was planning to stay the night which was why Sasaki had told his boyfriends he’d be back the next day instead of the actual day he got back.

Thankfully, it worked without a hitch. The two boys messed around and rough housed and passed out at the grand hour of 3am. After getting a reasonable amount of sleep, Sasaki waved him off the next morning before going back inside and preparing to go to practice.

School had gotten out the week he’d been gone, and so it was summer vacation. And that meant grueling training prepared by Riko. Boy, am I excited, Sasaki grinned.

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