forty six - unexpected situation

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After the two had finished their meal, they exited the KFC and headed in the direction of the streetball court Akashi had mentioned. "Whoops!" Sasaki dodged an oncoming person, in the process bumping into the Rakuzan captain. "Sorry, you okay?"

"It's fine," Akashi replied, "It was necessary, and that person seemed to be in a hurry."

"I guess," Sasaki shrugged, suddenly getting an idea and a glint in his eyes. On their way to the court, Sasaki started dodging more people, not even needing to, and getting in Akashi's space much more than the captain would have liked. After what felt like the tenth one, Akashi was fed up with the snowy haired male. (Thanks to the person who suggested the new term!)

"You're messing with me, aren't you?" He glared at him, making Sasaki flinch. He'd had his fair share of trouble with people shorter than him, so when one of them glares at him he's scared for his kneecaps.

"What do you mean by that?" Sasaki asked, smoothly covering up his fear. Akashi sighed in return, running a hand through his hair.

"I don't enjoy paling around, Hayate," He said, causing the snowy haired male to pause for a second and frown. Then a second later, he nodded.

"Okay, I respect your choices," He accepted before adding, "But I am the type to pal around, so if you could humor me once in a while, that'd be great!" Sasaki beamed. In that moment, Akashi understood why the rest of the generation on miracles had fallen for him.

"Very well, I suppose that would be acceptable," The captain agreed, and a few moments later, they arrived at the court. Apparently, Akashi had contacted his driver and had him meet the two of them at the court with a change of clothes and a basketball.

"These feel so comfortable! How'd you know my size? Or was it coincidence?" Sasaki asked after having donning the shorts and t-shirt.

"I know everything about you," The captain replied, also having gotten changed into shorts and a t-shirt. Sasaki sweatdropped as he chuckled.

"Sounded like Midorima for a second there."

"I'm not surprised," Akashi hummed, "He has always been very thorough. Anyhow, shall we get started?" He passed the ball to him, walking into the court as Sasaki followed behind him. "First to five wins, is that acceptable?"

"Sure," The snowy haired boy nodded, bouncing the ball beside him. I won't use mine until he uses his, Sasaki thought, speeding up his dribble and going right. He went for a layup, but Akashi slapped the ball out of his hand.

"You're fast, but unoriginal," Akashi told him once they had landed.

"Really?" Sasaki asked sheepishly as he rubbed the back of his neck. They soon got back into it with Akashi having possession. As he was bouncing the basketball, Sasaki noticed a glowing ring around the iris of his opponent's eyes.

Suddenly doing a cross over, Sasaki's eyes widened as he fell backwards. Akashi did a layup, landing gracefully. "Man, it's been a hot minute since that's happened," Sasaki stood back up, "Probably since the first time I played."

"Your possession," Akashi reminded him, so the snowy haired male jogged over to grab the ball. Game on, Akashi, Sasaki thought, opening his mind as he started bouncing the ball beside himself.

Left, I see.

Then let's go right, Sasaki faked left and went right, causing Akashi's eyes to widen.

What the?! In the moment that the captain hesitated, Sasaki dunked it.

In the next possession, Akashi attempted to ankle break him again, but Sasaki saw it coming from his thoughts and stayed put. How interesting, Akashi gritted his teeth, and annoying. What made him angrier was the fact that while he was thinking that, Sasaki managed to steal the ball.

A shot, Akashi saw, so Sasaki faked a shot, tossing the ball over Akashi and behind him, and then whirling around and grabbing the ball. Akashi managed to catch up with him after landing, but Sasaki was already doing a fade away shot.

The Rakuzan captain started moving more fluidly, getting past Sasaki for a layup. Sasaki, however, got him right back and dunked another one. The driver, who was watching and keeping score, was amazed at how almost equally matched they were. However, he could see a subtle advantage for Sasaki, though he was unsure of as to why.

Soon enough, they were at 4-4, and Sasaki had possession. I have to win, I absolutely cannot lose, Akashi was panting. Sasaki wasn't sure why he was so desperate since he himself had never cared whether he won or lost, but he decided to stop reading his mind and just go with it.

With that decision came Akashi's inevitable win. "You did well," Akashi smiled, and Sasaki shrugged.

"Thanks I guess. So, do we have anything else to do today?"

"No," He shook his head. "Besides, it's getting quite late. I'll walk you back to the station."

"Great, thanks," Sasaki beamed, so after collecting his clothes and changing, the two started walking back. Once they arrived, Sasaki waved and jogged inside as Akashi watched him go.

"Follow him," Akashi said, "And bring him to me."


Hayate and His Yanderes

World's Finest✨: Ayacchi where r u? I stopped by your house but you weren't there 😱😭
Unsurpassed Beast: He's not home?
Cancer Nanodayo: He's in Kyoto for some reason.
Sauce-monster: How'd you know that? I don't remember telling you
Cancer Nanodayo: I put a tracker in your phone, I apologize for only telling you now.
Sauce-monster: Creepy, but okay.
World's Finest✨: So when are you getting back?? I miss you and wanna see you!!
Sauce-monster: Getting on the train now, so should be back in three and a half hours, give or take
Unsurpassed Beast: Aya why were you in Kyoto
Sauce-monster: Akashi said he wanted to hang
Cancer Nanodayo: Excuse me?
World's Finest: Akashicchi did?
Unsurpassed Beast: Fuck, I'll go wait for you at the train station, which one are you gonna be arriving at?
Sauce-monster: Uh, xx station, but you don't have to
Unsurpassed Beast: I have to make sure you're okay.
Sauce-monster: You're freaking me out a lil bit guys 😅
Cancer Nanodayo: Akashi is more unpredictable than Aomine is, so of course we're worried.
Sauce-monster: Fr? I got the vibe that he was intense, but unpredictable?
World's Finest✨: He has issues, mostly about being looked down upon
World's Finest✨: Basically, don't challenge him or he might do smth
Sauce-monster: Ah, so that's what it was about.
Sauce-monster: Got it, thanks for the heads up. I don't think I'll see him again for a while so we should be in the clear 😁
Unsurpassed Beast: Just to be sure, I'm going to start walking you to and from practice.
Unsurpassed Beast: Don't worry, I won't peak ;)
Sauce-monster: Can we talk about this?
Unsurpassed Beast: No.


Unsurpassed Beast: I was expecting an argument but I'm glad you chose not to.
Cancer Nanodayo: That's not it
Unsurpassed Beast: wdym
Cancer Nanodayo: His phone just turned off.
Unsurpassed Beast: Shit
World's Finest✨: Ayacchi's in danger!
Unsurpassed Beast: No shit sherlock! Shit shit shit shit-

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