twelve - conversation

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After the game has finished, the two teams bowed and then said goodbye. Of course, almost everyone noticed Kise crying but luckily his captain fixed him right up. Once they left school grounds, the Seirin team headed to the nearest hospital to get Kuroko's injury checked out.

Once they were told everything was fine, the team could relax and finally celebrate their first victory as a team. At first, however, everyone realized they had zero money on them. Sasaki was about to speak up that he had his black card with him, but Riko beat him to it.

Blowing her whistle to get everyone's attention, she grinned, "it's okay. What do you say we go for steak?"

"Huh?" The team echoed. Before long, they were seated at the restaurant with huge steaks in front of each person.

"Friggin nuts, good luck everyone," Sasaki grimaced.

"What's wrong? Don't hold back," Riko all but sang at them, appearing very pleased with herself. It would be fine, Sasaki assured himself, even if we don't finish, I can get the tab.

"What are we going to do if we can't eat all of this?" Hyuuga asked, holding the utensils.

"What?" Riko perked up at hear that, crossing her arms with a stern look on her face. "Why do you think I make you run everyday?"

Sweatdrops all around. Sasaki once again grimaced before starting to cut into the steak, everyone else following his lead. "This steak is steakalicious," Izuki said, making Koganei deadpan from beside him.

"Sorry but that shit is really annoying right now."

I'd rather die than eat all of this, Sasaki felt like crying as he shoved another mouthful into his mouth. Actually, I'd rather die than do a lot of things, but that's not relevant right now.

"Excuse me," Kuroko suddenly said, causing Hyuuga to perk up.

"Do you need some water?" He asked, but the reply he got was not what anyone wanted to hear.

"I give up," The blue haired boy declared, making everyone look at him.


Several minutes later, everyone else seemed to be down for the count. Sasaki's head was on the table, but from the angle he could see Kagami eating like it was his last meal. Good grief, eat mine too would ya, Sasaki grumbled.

"Huh? Sure, slide it over," Kagami said, grinning. Sasaki deadpanned harder, but did as told because there was no way he wanted to keep staring at that hunk of meat. "Oh, if you guys aren't gonna finish those, can I have them?"

"Our savior," Sasaki sighed, deflating on the table once again as everyone handed over their unfinished plates.

In the middle of watching Kagami eat, Sasaki noticed Kuroko was walking towards the exit, so after a quick look around, he darted up and went after him. "Hey, what are you doin-" He paused as soon as he saw that Kise was there as well. "Oh, hey man."

"Hello Sasakicchi," He smiled before glancing at Kuroko. "And Kurokocchi. Do you have a minute to talk?"

"Sure, don't see why not. What do you say, Kuroko?" Sasaki directed the question to the person, who nodded.

"Great, follow me," The blonde said, straightening off of the railing and holding out his hand. The two blinked. "Sasakicchi, can we hold hands?"

"Errr, not sure why you'd want to but sure I guess," The white haired boy hesitantly placed his hand in Kise's open one, and the blonde's face brightened the moment their fingers curled and interlocked.

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