thirty seven - miyagi

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"The amazing Hayate has arrived!" Sasaki announced as he threw open the door of the Shimizu household.

"Hey! It's Hayate," The two guys sitting on the couch looked over, grinning. "Welcome, man!"

"Thanks! Where's our goddess?" Sasaki asked as he took off his shoes and placed them next to the others.

"She's at practice right now, they should be done soon so if you want to go pick her up, you're welcome to," The dad said, turning back to the television.

"So how ya been bro?" The brother asked as he jogged over to greet him with a bro hug.

"Life's crazy," Sasaki replied, shaking his head.

"Ain't that the truth," He grinned, "So, you gonna pick sis up or not?"

"Yeah, I came all the way here to see her, so of course," He replied.

"You didn't come to see me?" The brother pouted.

"If I had come to see you I would have gone to your house, dummy," He playfully bumped him, which started a round of rough housing.

"Don't overdo it, Hayate-kun," The mom warned, "You're here to rest, not get more injured."

"Yes ma'am."

"You're injured?" Sasaki gestured to his ankle, and the brother's eyes widened. "Oh shit, sorry man."

"Nah it's cool dude. Got off my crutches yesterday, so I can walk on it, I'm just not allowed excess movement, ya know?" He explained. "Anyway, I'm off to see Kiyoko!"

"See ya when you get back."

"Dinner will be ready by the time you return, be careful with your ankle Hayate-kun," The mom called as he slipped on his shoes again.

"Sure thing! Be back in a bit, love you guys!" Sasaki hollared over his shoulder before exiting the house and making his way to the school his cousin Kiyoko Shimizu went to. She was two years older than him and was a major influence on him.

Mostly since his parents couldn't care less about him after their big break, but that was a subject for another time. Humming to himself as he walked, Sasaki soon found himself at Karasuno.

He had been there before, as that was one of the high schools he had thought of going to, since his cousin went there, back when he was still interested in volleyball. Finding his way to the gym, he heard the screeching of shoes on the floor and decided to wait outside.

Taking out his phone, Sasaki looked through his messages.

Hayate and His Yanderes

Vanilla Phantom: I don't like this.
Cancer Nanodayo: Hayate, let us know when you arrive and if you're safe.
Unsurpassed Beast: I regret letting you leave already. I'll kill all your family so you'll just have me.
Vanilla Phantom: That's a good idea, Aomine-kun.
Sauce-monster: You even think of doing that again, I will kick your asses, throw you in jail, and fuck somebody else in front of you and then kill myself.
Sauce-monster: basically, don't threaten my family. I draw the line at people I know.
Unsurpassed Beast: But the people you know are the greatest threat to us!
Sauce-monster: Literally shut up
Sauce-monster: Also to answer Shintaro, I have arrived safely~
Cancer Nanodayo: That's good. How is your cousin?
Sauce-monster: Dunno, I'm about to see her so I'll ask when she gets out!
Sauce-monster: It's not like that, she's at practice and I'm outside waiting for her.
World's Finest✨: phew, scared me for a sec. Ayacchi, I miss you -.-
Vanilla Phantom: I also miss you. We are having a few practice games and it still feels weird to not have you around.
Sauce-monster: I'll be back soon, so please try not to miss me too much hehe
Cancer Nanodayo: Even if you say that, we will continue to do so until you have returned.
Sauce-monster: Fair enough.
Sauce-monster: she's here, gtg!

"Hayate-kun?" Kiyoko seemed surprised as he raised a hand in greeting.

"Hey, I'm here to walk you home," He said when suddenly two players grabbed him by the collar.


"Please stop," Kiyoko interviened, sighing. "This is my cousin, Sasaki Hayate. He's going to be staying at my house for a week or so until he's fully recovered."

"Recovered?" One asked, and Sasaki stuck his foot out with a sheepish smile.

"Yeah, did a rookie mistake and twisted my ankle, so I haven't been able to play for a while."

"You play volleyball?" A carrot top asked, his eyes sparkling. Sasaki shrugged.

"I can, but I was actually talking about basketball."

"You've gotten pretty good from what I've heard," Kiyoko smiled softly, and immedately the two who had attacked Sasaki earlier were wiped out from the beauty of that smile.

"Anyway, we should go. Aunt said dinner would be ready when we get back, and I don't wanna eat cold food so, shall we milady?" Sasaki offered her his arm, and she giggled as she accepted it.

"Hey, Kiyoko-san called him Sasaki Hayate, right?" Kageyama spoke up from beside Hinata, all attention going to him.

"Yeah, you know him?" Daichi questioned, and he nodded.

"I think so. When I was at Kitagawa First, there was a prodigy that was the talk of the coaches. Apparently, we had played him while I was out sick, and," He paused, probably for dramatic effect. "We didn't win a single set. He and his team were that good."

All eyes went on the figures slowly disappearing from sight, a new found respect and awe in their gazes.

"But then, he suddenly quit the team one day, and nothing was heard from him after that," Kageyama continued. "To think he would switch from volleyball to basketball.."

"Actually," Sugawara butted in, "I remember two years ago, Kiyoko seemed to be in a slump for a while. When I asked her if she was okay, she told me her cousin was sick of the sport he was playing and that she was worried about him."

"Sick?" Hinata's eyes widened.

"I don't remember her exact wording, but yeah, something like that," Suga nodded. "I told her to just support him in whatever he chose to do because, in the end, it would be his decision."

"Makes sense," The others nodded.

"Man, seeing the volleyballs in the gym really brought back memories," Sasaki said as he and Kiyoko walked together, nearing her house.

"We have practice tomorrow if you'd like to come watch," She suggested, and after thinking about it for a second, Sasaki agreed. It was the weekend and he had nothing else to do, so why not?

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