sixty - bad boy banter

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(Last update for today since I wanna end on a cliffhanger~💀😉)

"The game between Seirin High and Kirisaki Daiichi High will now begin!" The referee called, "Bow!"

"Thanks for the game," The two teams bowed to each other before getting into position for the tip off. The ball was thrown and Kiyoshi got to it first, slapping it to Sasaki who immediately started towards their goal. Passing to Hyuuga, the shooting guard passed to Kuroko who caught it.

Starting with that already? The point guard mused. "Go get 'em tiger."

"You're not going anywhere, brat!" The person making Kuroko yelled.

"I'm not," Kuroko vanished, reappearing behind the person with the ball. "A brat," He said. Someone else got in front of him, so he shot the ball. Kiyoshi slammed it in the basket, and the Seirin bench went up in cheers.

"Nice," Kiyoshi hit Kuroko's back, a bit too strongly as the phantom stumbled a bit.

"Way to go! Keep it up everyone!" Sasaki called as they went on defense.

"Damn it. Seirin's pretty strong," one of the Kirisaki players commented, "Kiyoshi the Iron Heart, the rookie trio Kagami, Kuroko and Sasaki and Hyuuga the clutch shooter. They're individually strong across the board."

"So what?" Hanamiya chuckled, shaking his head slightly. "I always tell you the same thing. I don't care if they're geniuses or prodigies. Break them, and they're all just trash."

"Wow, never thought of it that way," Sasaki mused from behind him, causing Hanamiya to flinch. "But.." He trailed off as he walked so that he was in front of the other team's captain, a dark smile on his face. "Doesn't the same apply to you?"

"Why yes it does," Hanamiya returned the look. "I wonder who'll be turned into trash in the end?"

"We'll see," Sasaki shrugged, jogging away. Kirisaki Daiichi's players came at them with the ball, going on offense. Opening his mind to the thoughts of everyone on the court, Sasaki discovered what Kirisaki Daiichi's plan was. "Man, what a round about plan. I'm impressed with the amount of thought and energy that is going into it."

"What are you talking about?" Hanamiya asked as he bounced the ball beside him.

"Oh, you know, just having to avoid the refs attention and hurting players in blind spots, and then in the second half stealing as many balls as possible because the other team will either crumble or be too mad to think rationally. It's quite brilliant, I'm impressed," The point guard did a little clap. The information made Hanamiya falter before he started laughing.

"You're a smart one! Alright then, let's see if you can change anything. You are Seirin's star player, I hope you don't get hurt."

"You should worry about yourself," Sasaki said, his eyes suddenly darker than usual. As Hyuuga's mark got around him from a screen, the dead eyed player suddenly tripped. Luckily, he managed to regain balance before hitting the floor, but it made him miss the pass from Hanamiya.

"I'll take that!" Kagami grabbed the ball, passing to Kuroko who ignite passed to Sasaki. Hanamiya and him were bolting across the court, but Sasaki was much faster.

"And here comes the end," Sasaki smirked, faking a shot before passing to Hyuuga. He missed, and Sasaki frowned. And I set it up so perfectly too. "Rebound!" He yelled, dodging one of the players who tried to put their foot on top of his. Sasaki also dodged being elbowed in the gut, managing to get the rebound and shoving the ball into the basket.

"You're not too bad," Hanamiya complimented when the point guard landed. Sasaki shrugged.

"I try."

On the next rebound, Hyuuga almost got elbowed in the face. Luckily, Kiyoshi stepped in. "We're on the court. Beat us at basketball," The iron heart glowered.

"That's what I'm doing," Dead eyed fish replied, and as soon as he did Hanamiya bolted along with Sasaki. Throwing the ball to the point guard, Hanamiya attempted to pass Sasaki but ended up doing so and stumbling. Somehow managing to get the basket, the first points were added to Kirisaki Daiichi's score.

"Are you okay? Man, your whole team seems to be pretty clumsy," Sasaki smirked, snapping his fingers to imitate Hanamiya. "Better be careful. This is a pretty demanding sport, who knows what could happen."

"Taking the words right out of my mouth," The captain grit his teeth. He didn't know what this person's game was, but he felt weird the moment he stumbled. Of course, there was no proof since he'd already passed the dude, but Hanamiya knew from the look in his eyes-one that was similar to his own-that he was definitely behind whatever it was.

With it being Seirin's ball, Sasaki thought to give Hyuuga another shot, only for him to miss again. All these rebounds are warring our boys out, Sasaki thought to himself as he saw Kiyoshi winced as his knee was targeted and he couldn't jump. I really should stop passing to Hyuuga. But it sucks because he's been in the best position out of everyone, Sasaki bit his lip.

Another rebound from a missed shot came, and this time Kagami got a blow to the chest from bubblegum guy and the ball was tipped back into the basket. The score was Seirin nine to Kirisaki Daiichi eight with seven minutes left on the clock for the first quarter.

Suddenly, Sasaki whipped to face Kagami as the redhead went for revenge against bubblegum guy. Thankfully, Kuroko was already on it and made the redhead faceplant before he could follow through on his punch. "That hurt, Kuroko!"

"You should be thankful he stopped you," Sasaki put a hand over his heart. "I think I almost had a heart attack."

"Are you trying to ruin everything with your anger?" The phantom demanded, making Kagami grit his teeth. "I'm angry too. But hitting them isn't what we should be doing for the upperclassmen. We should be beating them at basketball."

"Yeah, you're right," The redhead defused, calming down enough to think slightly rationally. Turning to the upperclassmen, he bowed. "I'm sorry! You can kick my ass later!"

"What?" Hyuuga blinked.

"But I almost.."

"Don't worry about it!"

"But I'm not satisfied!"

"Here, I'll kick your shins after the game, but for now we need you in top form, kay?" Sasaki slung an arm around Kagami, who looked at him with wide eyes before sighing and nodding.

"Got it. Again, sorry."

"Then don't do it again. They're trying to provoke us, I'll explain more after the first quarter or in a time out if chief calls one," The white haired point guard explained. Sure enough, a time out was called and Riko immediately hit Kagami.

"What were you thinking, Kagadummy?!" She demanded, her hands on her hips. "With you out, we'll lose things we could have won! If you're going to do it, don't make it obvious!"

"What?" Almost everyone looked over at her when she said that, totally not expecting her to condone violence. Sasaki's eyes were wide for a second before he shut them and chuckled, shaking his head.

"Hey, give me an ice pack," Hyuuga requested of one of the first years, who went to do as told. Sasaki glanced at him, and sure enough there was an abrasion on his arm. Kiyoshi also wasn't unscathed, and immediately after thinking that, the white haired boy grit his teeth as he looked away.

I'll give them a taste of their own medicine. Just wait Kirisaki Daiichi, I haven't even gotten started yet.

LightOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora