ten - down for the count

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A break was called before the start of the second quarter, so everyone sat down on the bench. Suddenly, Kagami shared a decent idea. "I see. Yeah, that could work," Riko agreed. "Kagami-kun, looks like you've finally cooled down."

"No, I was always-"

"You were really pissed!" Hyuuga, Izuki and Sasaki said at the same time, surprising themselves enough to show it and earn a few snickers.

"But Kuroko-kun and Kagami-kun," The coach started off, "your coordination will be key. Can you do it?"

"Yeah, probably. We'll wo-" The redhead was cut off as Kuroko dug his hand into his side. Sasaki winced as Kagami almost went down for the count. "You bastard, where did that come from?"

"You want to beat Kise-kun, don't you?" Kuroko asked, his eyes firm. Narrowing his eyes, Kagami glanced away before digging his hand into Kuroko's side.

"Of course I do!" He said, and this time Kuroko was the one that almost went down for the count. Sasaki was very close to stepping in at that point, but then the start of the second quarter was announced so the Seirin players stood up and began making their way onto the court once again.

"Well then," Riko smirked with her arms crossed. "Take care of the counter attack!"

The second quarter started off with a bang, both sides scoring repeatedly but the gap in scores only increasing. It became Kaijo 39 to Seirin 29 before long, making Sasaki tisk. What were those two waiting for?

As they were on offense, Hyuuga passed to Sasaki, who was being guarded by the other captain. Quickly checking around, he sent the ball to Kagami, who Kise was on.

Stop waiting and get us some points or I'll have to, Sasaki grumbled in his mind, making Kagami throw him a glare.

Driving in, just as he was getting ahead of Kise, Kagami threw the ball behind him to where Kuroko was. The blue haired boy passed the ball around Kise, making the blonde's eyes widen as he realized what was happening.

The redhead went for a layup, landing it. The next time he drove in and passed to Kuroko, Kise looked ready for the return. Kuroko, however, had seemed to predict that to be the case and instead passed to Hyuuga, who got a three point shot in.

"Nice one guys! Way to pull your weight!" Sasaki grinned, both arms up for a high five. He got one from Kuroko but received a blow to the gut from Hyuuga.

"Don't say unnecessary stuff," He warned, jogging to get back on defense as the white haired male held his stomach and whined about being hit.

Another round of running back and forth occurred, and Sasaki sweatdropped as Kagami missed a pass to Kuroko. "They're doing okay, but at the same time.." He winced as he looked away. That action caused Kise's panting form to come within sight.

Looks like we aren't the only ones getting worn out, Sasaki wanted to chuckle but he was also panting and that would be a waste of oxygen.

Glancing at Riko, she nodded to him and he returned the gesture. So it was that time, neh?

Kise soon got the ball, but paused in shock when he saw Kuroko was standing in front of him instead of Sasaki. When he tried to go around him, the blonde was met with Kagami, and then in the second if hesitation, Kuroko tipped the ball from behind Kise.

Sasaki grabbed the basketball, dribbling to the other side with Kasamatsu hot on his heels. He shot an open layup, the ball easily going in.

"Dammit, a simple double team would've been better," The Kaijo captain cursed.

"You expect simplicity when we're so inferior to you?" Sasaki teased as he jogged past, causing the male to spit out another curse.

The next time Kise matched off with Kuroko, instead of going past him, the blonde decided to shoot. Kagami, however, was ready for either option and blocked over Kuroko.

Sasaki caught the ball, and just as they were heading for a fast break, Kise's hand struck Kuroko, causing the blue haired male to go down for the count.

"Referee time out!" The ref called, running over to see the condition of the injured player.

"Kuroko!" Several people called out as they came over. Said person glanced up at them, blood running down half his face. Sasaki was going to be sick. But then again, he'd seen some people end up worse from some matches he had either watched or played in.

"Are you okay, Kuroko?!" Hyuuga demanded worriedly.

"I feel light headed.." He responded, causing the captain to grab his face to take a look at the injury.

"Get the first aid kit!" Riko bellowed.

"Are you okay?" Kagami asked as he stood next to Hyuuga.

"I'm fine," Kuroko responded, "the game's just getting started.." He trailed off, falling over as he passed out. Luckily, Sasaki caught him before the blue haired male could reach the floor.

"I gotcha," The white haired male said, heaving him into his arms and carrying him off the court, not waiting for a gurney.

Placing him on the bench, the team crowded around as Riko applied bandages to Kuroko's wound. "What are we going to do?"

"Kuroko-kun can't play anymore," Riko said, "we'll have to make due with the members we have left. Izuki-kun, you're going in as point. Sasaki-kun, we need you on offense so I'm going to have you as a small forward and I want you back on Kise-kun. Is that understood?"

"Sure thing chief," The white haired male nodded, then held his fist out to Izuki. "Let's do our best. Feel free to pass to me any time."

"Of course," Izuki returned the fist bump, nodding.

"Isn't this going to be tough without Kuroko?"

"The second years will be our offensive core along with Sasaki-kun since Kise-kun has yet to copy him," The coach replied, "it's only the second quarter, but we can't let them get too far ahead of us," She paused to direct her attention at Hyuuga, "I know it's early, but it's game time, Hyuuga-kun."


"Kise-kun will just copy you," Riko turned to face Kagami. "So don't play offense, Kagami-kun. Focus on defending. Do everything you can to stop Kaijo from scoring," She told him.

"Are you sure that will work?" He asked, his voice sounding desperate.

"It'll be fine," Hyuuga butted in, "Have some faith."


"I said it'll be fine, daho," Hyuuga smiled threateningly enough to give Sasaki shivers. "Listen to your senpais once in a while or I'll kill you."

The whistle for the end of the time out sounded, so Hyuuga started stomping his way back onto the court. "First years should show more respect for their senpais! Get on your knees!"

"Freaking nuts," Sasaki whistled.

"You're showing your true colors, captain!" Izuki called after him before turning to Sasaki and Kagami. "Don't worry about him. He's always like that during clutch time," He assured them, "When he speaks his mind, he won't miss many of his shots," Izuki's attention went to Kagami. "You just defend like your life depends on it."

"Cause it does," Sasaki punched his fist into his hand, smirking before it morphed into a grin at the redhead's expression. "I'm kidding! Freaking nuts, you're almost as bad as Kuroko!"

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