sixty eight - friend + hot springs

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(I'm gonna assume since no one answered the question, that you guys want Saturdays as Light update days.)

"So, what'dya think?" Murasakibara asked Sasaki as the azurette tried the nerunerunerune candy.

"It's really good," Sasaki replied, smiling at the purple giant as he nibbled on his own stash of food.

"It is," He agreed with his mouth full. Then, his eyes suddenly turned dark as he looked Sasaki up and down. Immediately the azurette sweatdropped. "Why were you crying?"

"I wasn't-"

"Your eyes are puffy."

"Can't get anything past you, it seems," Sasaki relented, leaning back onto his hands. "My boyfriend broke up with me."

"You had a boyfriend?" Murasakibara's eyes narrowed, causing the person in front of him to shrug.

"I have four boyfriends now. Weird, I know," He glanced out the window.

"Who are these boyfriends?"

"Not sure why you'd want to know, but they're your old teammates," Sasaki replied, having known all along that Murasakibara was the last generation of miracles member. "Aomine, Kise, Akashi and Midorima."

"Oh, them," The purple giant suddenly pouted, angrily biting into a new snack. "Who broke up with you? Was it Kuro-chin?"

"Yes," Sasaki nodded his head, his expression dampening from the memories following the name that was about to come out of his mouth. "It was Kuroko."

"Mhph," Murasakibara made a long and loud throat noise. "He's stupid, then."

"Is that so?" Sasaki fiddled with his thumbs, looking disheartened.

"He deserves to be crushed for making you sad," Suddenly the purple giant's aura went dangerously dark, his eyes extremely focused. Sasaki raised an eyebrow before figuring out exactly what was going on.

"You like me too, don't you?" He muttered, cocking his head to the side. Immediately the threatening aura vanished and pink spread across Murasakibara's cheeks.

"No! No, of course not," He avoided making eye contact, instead opting to glare at his pile of food. Sasaki made a thoughtful expression as he observed his reaction, then shrugged.

"Okay, I'm sorry. I guess I was too full of myself.." He trailed off, sighing. "Of course there are people who don't like me.."

"It's.." The purple haired giant spoke up shyly, peaking at him. "..Not that I don't like you.."

"Then, do you wanna be friends?" Sasaki offered, and those words seemed to bring sparkles to Murasakibara's eyes as he nodded. "Then it's settled," The azurette held his hand out. "Please take care of me from now on, Murasakibara!"

"M-me too," They shook hands delicately before they went back to eating.


"Oh yeah, this hits the spot," Sasaki exhaled loudly as he sank into the hot water. The Seirin team was at a hot spring since their next training trip was going to be happening soon and they wanted to relax a bit after getting into the winter cup.

"Kagami-kun, you shouldn't let your towel touch the water," Kuroko told the redhead as he slipped in next to Sasaki.

"What?" He looked at the phantom in confusion. "Really?"

"Viva-non," Koganei commented contently, his towel draped over his head.

"What's viva-non?" Kiyoshi questioned.

"Who cares? Idiots," Hyuuga said, sitting next to Izuki.

"Your remarks are lacking bite, Hyuuga," The point guard teased as the captain stretched.

"Of course they are. After all, we're at the hot springs."

"Riko can be smart sometimes," Kiyoshi rubbed his face, Tsuchida agreeing a second later.

"Yeah, taking us to the hot springs to refresh ourselves."

"Tomorrow we're going right back to practice," Hyuuga reminded them, "Don't lose focus."

"I know."

"Look look! I'm doing the butterfly!" Koganei exclaimed excitedly as he splashed around.

"I knew you'd do it, but don't do the wildest strokes!" Izuki reprimanded.

"Hey, let's go over there!" Furihata suggested to Fukuda and Kawahara.


"Wait a second you shrimps!" Hyuuga stood up, water running down his naked body. Sasaki's eyes were closed, luckily. "Don't tastelessly wear your towels around your waists! Look at Kagami!" All eyes turned to the redhead, and the azurette took a peak. "His towel casually slung over his shoulder, his dashing standing figure, his swim trunks-" Hyuuga paused. "Swim trunks?!"

"Huh?" Kagami looked down at himself. "I've never been to hot springs before.."

"Kids from abroad.." The captain exhaled disappointingly. "Fine then," Walking over to the washing station, Hyuuga pointed to his back. "Underclassmen wash their senpai's backs."


"You just want to make him do it," Izuki remarked, having slid next to Sasaki.

"So, like this?" Kagami swiped down, and immediately Hyuuga went down for the count.


"How'd that happen?" The redhead looked wide eyed at the brush in his hand.

"What's wrong with you?!" Izuki demanded. "That brush is for cleaning!"

"I thought he was going to kill me," Hyuuga looked blue in the face as he shakily pushed himself up. Looking around, he spotted Kuroko and Number Two, engulfed in suds. "You're turning into cotton candy!"

"Huh?" Kuroko looked up at him, his mouth forming an o as Hyuuga tried to point out what was wrong.

"I don't even know where to start!" He cried, clawing at his hair.

"They said we could wash Number Two," Kiyoshi reminded him as he sat on a rock.

"In the bath?" Tsuchida sweatdropped, not just from the heat. Suddenly, Hyuuga went down for the count again.

"Hyuuga, why?!" Izuki's jaw dropped at Kagami, who was holding a different brush.

"I thought I'd try again."

"With a scrubbing brush?!"

"Things are pretty lively next door," Kiyoshi commented as women's voices were being carried over the bamboo walls.

"Not as lively here," Sasaki commented with a snort.

"Now that you mention it," Izuki turned to face the center. "There was a group of college girls at the front desk."

"Hey, Sasaki, come over here!" Koganei beamed at him. Sasaki immediately put two and two together, bringing his arms up and making an X while shaking his head.

"I'm not a pervert. Ask Kagami, he'd probably help."

Sure enough, Koganei ended up on Kagami's shoulders. "Forward march!"

"Hey, where are you going?!" Izuki demanded.

"Isn't it obvious?" Koganei gave him a thumbs up.

"Don't say that with a straight face!"

"Shut up you fool," Hyuuga glared back at him while sitting on Mitobe's shoulders, leaving the point guard even more exasperated.

"Hyuuga, why are you going with them?!"

"You're lucky you have your eagle eye!"

"It doesn't work like that!" Izuki complained as Hyuuga and Koganei fist bumped.

"What a day," Sasaki chuckled, glancing their way before sighing and standing up, tying his towel around his waist. "I should probably turn in so in case Riko finds out, I won't get in trouble~"

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