forty - beach camp

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(Damn already to forty. And it hasn't even been that long since I published this wtf have I been doing?? 😂😅)

The Seirin high school basketball club was standing right off of the beach. “I smell the beach,” Izuki said, “We must reach it quickly!”

“Izuki damare.”

“Let’s swim!” Koganei cheered with some of the guys.

“This is a training camp, you idiot!” Hyuuga reprimanded as a car pulled up behind them. The window rolled down.

“Brats..” Aida Kagetora pulled down his sunglasses, “Lay a hand on my daughter, and I’ll kill you.”

“Yes sir pops sir!”

“Go die Hayate,” He glowered at him before driving off, Riko waving at him.

“Thanks papa!”

“The coach’s dad…” Hyuuga shivered.

“He’s as scary as ever,” Koganei did the same.

“So, what are those?” Izuki asked as he stood next to Riko, pointing at the two basketball hoops set up on the sand. Sasaki whistled, impressed.

“My dad brought them here for me,” Riko answered, and Izuki almost choked on his saliva.

“Don’t tell me we’re going to..”

“We’re going to play basketball,” The coach walked onto the makeshift court, smirking. “Imagine the team’s power as an equation. If the individuals’ numbers are low, we’ll never make a big number. What Seirin needs now is to improve the skills of each individual player. But don’t get the wrong idea, we aren’t creating a team of individual strengths, but increasing each one of the powers we combine as a team. Seirin wins as a team. Shooting, passing, dribbling.. In order to improve all of your actions, we have to start with the foundation of your legs and hips. That’s why we’re practicing on the beach.”

“This is going to make us twice as tired,” Kagami complained as he glared at the sand.

“We’ll start by doing three times the normal amount of practice,” Riko stripped off her shirt, and Sasaki whistled. Kuroko immediately elbowed him. “Let’s get this training camp from hell started!”

It sure is hell trying to move around in sand, Sasaki thought as he almost slipped several times while they were playing. He was sweating like crazy, and the sand was sticking to him. That feeling was not pleasant in the slightest.

“Kuroko, you can’t bounce your passes!” Hyuuga yelled as Kuroko did just that. “Is dunking the only thing you can do, daho?!” Hyuuga demanded as Kagami faceplanted.

“Damn it!” The redhead spit sand out of his mouth, wiping his face.

“Are you okay?” Riko asked the collapsed Kiyoshi.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” He panted, standing back up. “This will be perfect for whipping my body back into shape,” Kiyoshi smiled, and then it was back to training.

“Good work! We’ll move to the gym in the evening!” Riko announced during a break.


“I don’t think I’ll make it to evening.”

“Stop being a drama queen, Sasaki.”

Soon enough, evening came and Sasaki did, in fact, make it. During the first game inside the gym, everyone felt much more efficient, their movements flowing more fluidly because of their constrictions from the sand earlier. Sasaki hummed in appreciation.

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