twenty four - the pink haired girl

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Having secured their position in the Inter High Championship League, there was a break in practice as it was time to take practice tests. Sasaki did very well on them, as expected.

Once the practice tests were over, normal practices were resumed. Well, it was mostly normal since Kagami wasn't allowed to play, instead focusing on healing.

The day they resumed practice was the day Sasaki first met Number Two, and to say he adored him would be an understatement. Him and Riko were on the same level of affection, their eyes practically being heart shaped whenever the dog was in their line of vision.

Creeped Kagami out, that's for sure.

Then, one practice, Sasaki remembered he had something he wanted to tell Kuroko. "Hey, Kuroko, can we talk for a second?"

"Huh?" The blue haired phantom turned at the sound of his name, then nodded. "Sure. What is it?"

"I've been thinking for a while now," Sasaki started off as he leaned against the wall of the gym. "Maybe it'd be good for you to get a new skill or something."

"A new skill?" Kuroko reiterated, and the white haired male nodded in affirmation.

"That's right. Cause, well, we're gonna be having more difficult opponents here on out, and passing isn't always gonna be the answer or even an option, so yeah, plus your old teammates probably know all your tricks," He laid out his thoughts. "Of course, it's up to you, but that's just my opinion."

"I understand," Kuroko nodded, "Thank you for telling me, Sasaki-kun."

"Of course! We're partners," Sasaki grinned, then that grin morphed into a smirk as he glanced at Kagami. "Even if part of our trio is down for the count."

"Right," Kuroko nodded, "Then, let's get back to practice," He suggested, and that's what they did. A few days later, the Seirin Basketball Team headed over to the aqua sports gym to use the aqua that filled the square hole in the ground for some training.

"Make sure you pay more attention to stretching than usual," Riko told them once everyone was in the water, a whistle in her hands. "We'll start with squats!" She blew the whistle, so everyone did a squat.

Several whistles later, Riko called for a one minute break. "These pool exercises are tough," Izuki panted.

"Kuroko, don't sleep! Don't just float there!"

"Guys I think he's drowning!"

After the one minute break, they went back to doing more squats at each whistle. Number Two showed up, making Kagami flinch and Sasaki almost snort water. "What a cute dog," A female voice came that was definitely not Riko.

All eyes went to the pink haired hottie in a teal blue bikini. Sasaki immediately looked away, covering his nose so to make sure he didn't get blood in the water, just in case he got a nose bleed. It didn't happen often, but seeing hot guys or girls, he would sometimes get nose bleeds.

"Momoi-san," Kuroko said her name.

"You know her?!" Koganei's voice cracked.

"Uh, who are you?" Riko asked, looking slightly on guard but more just surprised as the girl walked towards her.

"Um, how should I put this.." She trailed off, acting shy before deciding on her answer. "I'm Tetsu-kun's girlfriend. I couldn't wait for the championship league, so I came here."

"Thank god she's taken," Was Sasaki's first reaction. Then his eyes widened. "Wait, Kuroko, she- you- nani?! That's legit, man! Way to go!" Sasaki slapped him on the back, making him frown.

"It's not like that, she was my manager in middle school," Kuroko corrected, stepping out of the pool.

"Tetsu-kun! It's good to see you again!" She hugged him immediately, "I missed you!"

"I can't breathe, Momoi-san."

"Wait, why Kuroko?" Someone asked after everyone had gotten out of the water. Momoi was still holding Kuroko, practically rocking back and forth. "He's dull and invisible and boring!"

I'd defend you but I also want to know, Sasaki thought guiltily.

"What? That's what's so good about him!" She answered, her face going soft with a blush as she smiled at the person in her arms. "But isn't the way he becomes a different person when he plays striking? Besides," She cupped her cheek bashfully. "He gave me a popsicle!"


She recounted the event to them, smiling the entire time. Sasaki thought Kuroko looked kind of dead and done with life, which was hilarious.

"That's why I wanted to go to the same school as Tetsu-kun, but, but-" She suddenly turned around and started loudly fake crying. Sasaki sweatdropped, now knowing for a fact that he was safe from a nose bleed.

"Momoi-san, your voice echoes inside the pool, so please don't yell," Kuroko said, Sasaki nodding with his arms crossed behind him.

"Who does she think she is?" Riko looked aghast. "Just because her boobs are a little big and she's kind of cute, you guys are making too much of a fuss over her! Right, Hyuuga-kun?"

"Yeah, right," He agreed, not making eye contact with the coach.

"Wait Tetsu-kun! Tetsu-kun!"

"DON'T TRY TO SNEAK GLANCES AT HER!" Hyuuga ended up back in the pool at Riko's anger, startling Sasaki from the splash.

"You'll kill Hyuuga-san!" Momoi scolded, causing everyone to pause. Riko did just say his name, but still, the pinkette was distracted at that time by Kuroko.

"How do you know my name?" Hyuuga asked, and she giggled like it was obvious.

"I know all of you," She explained, "Seirin basketball club captain and clutch shooter, Hyuuga-san!

The eagle-eyed point guard, Izuki-san!

The silent and hard working hook shooter, Mitobe-san!

The power forward with incredible jumping power, Kagami-kun!

Also Koganei-san and Tsuchida-san. And finally, the barely-b coach, Riko-san~"


"And then there's Sasaki-kun, the outlier point forward," She turned towards him, and he frowned slightly.

"Outlier?" Sasaki questioned, and she nodded.

"Yes! Because you don't have a middle school record, it was very hard to collect data on you," She said, "so all I know is how you've played in the inter high so far."

"That's not a lot- wait, collect data? You're that kind of manager? That's kinda cool, not gonna lie," Sasaki complimented, making her smile.

"Momoi-san," Kuroko interrupted, causing her attention to fly to him. "Did you really go to Aomine-kun's school?"

"...yeah," She hesitantly nodded. Sasaki blinked. Momoi padded over to Number two and squatted in front of the dog. "I really did want to go to your school, but who knows what he'll do if I don't watch him?"

"That must be rough," Sasaki patted her head, causing her to go round white eyed before smiling sadly. She quickly changed the subject by trying and failing to pet Number Two because he was being stubborn.

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