thirty two - yanderes

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(The dam broke.)

Sasaki wasn't sure what to look at first: the bodies lining the alleyway, the blood splattered across the walls and on the ground, or the blood that was coating Aomine's uniform.

"Aomine?" His voice came out shaking as he tried to steady himself against the wall, only for some of the fresh blood to coat his hand.

"Don't touch that, it's dirty," The murderer in front of him said, gently grasping his hand and pulling it off the wall.

"AOMINE! WHAT THE HELL?!" Three figures came running from the other side of the alley, and Sasaki recognized them all as soon as their faces were in the light.

"You bastard!" Kise whipped out a knife, aiming for Aomine's throat, but he dodged. Immediately, the blonde hid Sasaki behind his back. "HOW DARE YOU TAINT SASAKICCHI'S EYES!"

"Are you alright, Sasaki?" Midorima asked, taking a handkerchief out of his pocket and dabbing his hands.

"Yeah, just really surprised," He answered robotically before looking at the other person beside Midorima. "What are you guys doing here, anyway?"

"We can talk about that later," Midorima replied, focused on cleaning Sasaki's hand, and from beside him, Kuroko's eyes were filled with rage as he glared at where Kise and Aomine were knife fighting.

"Okay, okay enough," Sasaki swatted his hands away, marched over to the two fighting and kicked their shins. "You guys are going to tell me exactly what the fuck is happening right now or I swear to God I'm calling the cops," He threatened. Each and every one of them shivered at the anger rolling off of him.

"Don't be mad, they got what they deserved," Aomine said, "Plus they would have died soon enough anyway with all the crap they were smoking."

"They deserved it? How exactly did-"

"They interrupted you," Aomine snarled as he glared at the corpses. "While you were with me. I can't let that slide."

"Just-" Sasaki was aghast. "Just because they interrupted me?"

"That was a bit much, Aomine-kun," Kuroko agreed.

"Oh shove it Tetsu."

"I'll kill you."

"You too Kuroko?!" Sasaki spun around.

"Yes. He frightened you," The blue haired boy replied.

"I agree, Aomine needs to die," Midorima nodded.

"You said it-"


"Because.." They all trailed off, looking shy. Sasaki was surprised he could feel more aghast in this situation than he already did. "We like you.."

"..." Sasaki blinked. "Huuh?"

"No, I love you!" Kise burst, clutching Sasaki's hands. "I love you so much, I can't let anything that frightens you or could hurt you live!"

"Exactly," Aomine nodded, "They were pests that needed to be exterminated because they breathed in your space and made you uncomfortable."

"Now that you say it that way, I completely understand why you did it Aominecchi!" Kise looked to the side of him, where said person was. "But still, Sasakicchi is mine!"

"You're mistaken, Kise," Midorima pushed up his glasses, allowing them to glint as he spoke his next words. "Sasaki does not belong to any of us. Yet. But clearly you both are too deranged to properly care for him-"

"You're wrong, Sasaki is our belonging since we agreed to a truce," Kuroko suddenly spoke up, his face darkening. "We've just let him run free."

"That's messed up."

"Yeah man, I thought we were pals," Sasaki frowned, practically pouting. Then he sighed, running a hand through his hair. "I've heard what you have to say, and even if it's kinda weird, I sorta get it. I think. Are all of the generation of miracles like this?"

"Yes," They all immediately said in unison, causing Sasaki to sweatdrop.

"I see," He glanced at the forgotten popsicles on the ground, "So, you guys like me? And wanna kill for me?"

"It's instinct," Aomine corrected. "It's not that I want to kill, I just do. I want to protect you and keep you with me, so I'll kill anyone who gets in the way of that," He snarled. Sasaki then smiled sweetly.

"Okay, I think I understand. Midorima, put the chloroform away, yes I can see you," Sasaki called him out, so he slowly put the chloroform back in his bag. "Now then, I'd rather you guys not kill each other so how do you guys feel about being in a polyamorous with me? I do have rules, though."

"... A polyamorous relationship? So I have to share with these bastards?" Aomine demanded, and Sasaki nodded.

"Yep. Unless you want me calling the police on your asses, which I'm completely capable of doing. My rules are simple, no killing. That's it."

"That won't work," Kuroko spoke up. "How else are we supposed to protect you?"

"Fine," Sasaki huffed a sigh, "Then collectively, all of you can only kill once per week. Got it? Collectively, as in all of you as a group can only kill one person per week."


"I won't back down on this," Sasaki glared at them all, so in the end, they all agreed.

"I'm surprised you took it so well, Sasaki-kun," Kuroko said as the five walked towards Sasaki's house after having dealt with the crime scene. The white haired boy was not surprised that they were practically experts at cleaning up their messes.

"As expected of Sasakicchi!" Kise hugged him happily from the side, nuzzling his neck.

"Since we're dating now, you guys can call me Hayate if you want," He said, and almost immediately all of their eyes sparkled.


"Uh, no, go ahead."

"Hayate," Midorima tried it out, then smirked to himself. Sasaki sweatdropped.

"Aya it is," Aomine also smirked.

"I'll just call you Hayate-kun in private since it would be weird if I started calling you that out of the blue," Kuroko stated.

"Sounds good," Sasaki nodded. "But Kuroko-"

"You can call me Tetsuya, it's only fair," He interrupted.


"Yeah, you should call me Daiki," The dark haired male grinned before a mischievous glint entered his eyes. "And since we're now dating, as you put it, it should be okay if I do this~" He cupped Sasaki's cheeks and kissed him.


"Wasn't my first but okay," Sasaki muttered under his breath.

"Who was your first?" Kuroko asked from beside him, and the aura he was exuding made Sasaki shiver.

"I'm not gonna say."

"Rampallians," Midorima glowered at the two fighting. He then glanced at Sasaki, who was also looking at him. "You may call me Shintaro if you wish. Or Midorima is fine until you're comfortable."

"Then, please take care of me Shintaro!" Sasaki beamed at him. "Excuse me for a second~ GUY I SWEAR STOP FIGHTING I SAID NO KILLING EACH OTHER!"

As Sasaki rounded up the two and karate chopped them on the head and scolded them, Midorima smirked to himself. Maybe this polyamorous relationship wouldn't be so bad.

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