eighty four - the necklace

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“A time out, huh?” Aomine muttered as he stood with Momoi, watching the game. “Looks like they weren’t expecting that.”

“Considering Kiyoshi-san’s long range shooting percentage, Mukkun doesn’t need to jump,” Momoi noted.

“That’s why they set the stage for this first though,” The Touou ace replied, not taking his eyes off of his lover. “The first thing they did was the three he made earlier. Making that made a huge difference. Even if his percentage is low, making them think he might make another had a big enough impact. On top of that, Kiyoshi has his Right of Postponement. When he goes for a shot, he’s really trying to make it at first instead of faking.”

“So that’s it,” Momoi’s eyes found their way to the court once again after staring at her childhood friend throughout his explanation.

“Probably would have been more effective if Kiyoshi’d provoked Murasakibara before his shot, though,” Aomine added. Meanwhile, back on the court, Fukuda handed Kiyoshi a towel.

“Thank you,” The point guard accepted, wiping his face of the sweat present there.

He’s sweating so much, Sasaki heard Kagami thinking. Of course he is. He’s the point guard on offense and the center on defense. It’s like doing two jobs at once. Sasaki’s doing the same thing, but he’s still as good as ever. Really, is there nothing he can’t do?

There are some things I can’t do, but multitasking isn’t one of them, Sasaki responded to him in his head, causing the redhead to jolt.

“Don’t listen in on me!”

“I can’t control it!”

“You literally said you could choose when to hear or not!”

“Well yeaaahhh but it’s on right now so I can coordinate better with everyone, remember?” The two narrowed their eyes at each other before suddenly Riko’s fan made a comeback by smacking the back of Sasaki’s head.

“You can stop listening to people’s thoughts while we’re having a time out, Sasaki-kun! Privacy, good riddance!” She yelled and Sasaki whimpered.

“Why’d you hit him for that?” Kagami seemed surprised. “They’re my thoughts, you shouldn’t—”

“I’m the coach, and he did something to one of my players, so I’ll punish him,” Riko’s eyes flared, and immediately Kagami backed down, looking stiff as a board.

“Yes ma’am.”

“It’s fine, I’m used to it,” Sasaki assured him with a smile.

“Hey, um, still, sorry man,” The redhead said, “Also, could you do something for me?”

“Sure, what’s up?” The azurette perked up, cocking his head to the side. Kagami held his hand out, so Sasaki did the same. Dropping his necklace into the other’s hand, Kagami couldn’t look him in the eye.

“Could you go throw this out?”

“Bro,” Sasaki deadpanned. The redhead flinched, finally looking at him. What he saw stunned him so bad his jaw dropped. “If you don’t want it, I’ll take it,” The ring was now around Sasaki’s neck as the boy grinned mischievously. 


“So you want it back?” Sasaki’s eyes glinted. Kagami made a throat noise, obviously wanting to say yes but forcing himself to say nothing instead. “Don’t worry, I’ll just hold onto it for now,” He winked. With that, a new game plan was formed and Kagami was allowed back on the court.

From there, Kagami was put back on Himuro and Sasaki went back to his other mark: Yosen’s point guard, Fukui. “Did you miss me?” He grinned.


“Awww, you’ll hurt my feelings!”

“You’re such a drama queen.”

“Why does everyone call me that?!”

“Because that’s what you are!”

“Offense, let’s go!” Hyuuga yelled as Kagami slapped the ball out of Himuro’s hands after he faked twice.

“Oops, gotta go~” Sasaki sang, zipping past his mark and grabbing the ball before it went out of bounds.


“Hai, hai~” He passed to the redhead as he flew by, obviously ready to throw down. Sasaki ran with him, catching up with ease. Wanna alleyoop?

Sure, Kagami subtly nodded.

“I’ll crush you this time,” The two heard Murasakibara swear as they closed the distance. “Kagami!”

“Hey hey, don’t forget about me now, buddy,” Sasaki taunted, his hands now on the ball as Kagami rounded the purple giant. Jumping for a shot, Murasakibara had to jump with him. However, it wasn’t a shot. The ball landed square into Kagami’s palm.

“Don’t get ahead of yourselves!” The purple giant practically roared. Somehow, he used his left hand to slam the ball out of the redhead’s hand, the force knocking Kagami onto his ass.

“Kagami!” Sasaki’s eyes widened as he landed. “Hey, you okay man?”

“Sorry, I’m fine,” He grasped the hand Sasaki outstretched, allowing the azurette to pull him up.

“You sure? No busted tailbone? Bruised butt?”

“Wanna check?” The redhead asked cheekily.


“Wha—Sasaki!” Kagami whined. Meanwhile, Murasakibara’s eyes were on Sasaki’s neck, where a chain that had been around Kagami and Himuro’s necks now resided. If he hadn’t been annoyed before, he was livid now.

“Haya-chin,” He breathed, his aura getting thicker as his anger grew. “Is mine. I won’t let anyone take him from me.”

“For fucks sake,” Aomine grumbled, running a hand through his hair. “Is he really about to murder someone on live television?”

“Huh? What are you talking about?” Momoi asked, looking at him for an explanation.

“Just look at him,” He gestured to the court, specifically Murasakibara.

“Oh,” Momoi’s eyes widened, seeing exactly what he meant. Luckily, Sasaki felt it too, so he glanced back at the person exuding such an intense aura.

“Whoa, what’s up with you Murasakibara?” He questioned, “You okay?”

“Huh?” The purple giant just then realized that his loved one was speaking to him. “What?”

“Are you okay?” Sasaki repeated. “You looked a bit angry, and not the competitive kind of angry.”

“Maybe that’s because I am,” He answered, stepping forward so he stood only a few inches away from the azurette. “Why the hell are you wearing that necklace?”

“Oh, this?” Sasaki fingered the chain. “I’m just holding onto it since Kagami and Himuro are being dumb butts. Don’t you think so too?” He cocked his head, looking up at the purple giant. Suddenly, Murasakibara felt calm.

“Mmm, yeah I guess. I don’t really care.”

“Haha, that’s so like you,” Sasaki beamed.

“WHAT ARE YOU DOING, NO BRAIN SASAKI?!” Hyuuga shouted at him, holding the ball.


“Oh, right..”

“You’ve got it rough, huh Haya-chin.”

“Yep, but I can deal with it,” Sasaki smiled.

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