twenty three - a walk

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The table was silent as everyone was busy eating, or in Kise's case, staring happily at the oblivious Sasaki. Suddenly, something landed on Midorima's head, startling everyone at the table.

Sasaki glanced around him, finding Takao to be the culprit. "You either have amazing aim or you're just a bad flipper."

"I refuse to comment," The black haired point guard replied, trembling a little as he kept himself from laughing.

"Takao. Come here." Midorima stood up, and all eyes watched as Takao was dragged out of the shop. Sasaki winced at the yelps that came from outside.

Midorima came back in a few moments later, sitting in his spot. "You didn't kill him did you?" Sasaki asked, his mouth full. The person in front of him blinked before pushing up his glasses.

"First of all, your manners are atrocious. Second, no I did not kill him."

"That's good, my bad," Sasaki swallowed, "Taking you off the list of eating comfortably," He muttered under his breath. Midorima didn't catch it, but Kise did and inwardly, he smirked.

"Now then, Kagami, Sasaki, let me tell you one thing," Midorima spoke up, gaining the two in question's attention. "There are two members of the Generation Of Miracles in Tokyo. Myself, and a man named Aomine Daiki."

"The way you said that was very ominous and I don't like that," Sasaki shivered, grimacing.

"You will face him in the championship league," The greenette continued, "he is the same type of player as Kagami," He explained, "And Sasaki when you're playing a small forward."

"Oh?" The white haired point guard perked up. "Tell me more, please!"

"I was planning to," Midorima's lips twitched upwards, "He was the generation of miracles power forward. The way he plays in unconventional, he almost never uses orthodox form and can shoot from any position. Be mindful of that when blocking. He is also extremely fast but from what I've seen," His eyes trailed over Sasaki. "You'll be fine in that department."

"If you say so, thanks for the intel!" Sasaki beamed at him as Midorima picked up his and Takao's bags.

"Then, do your best."

"Yep! See you later, Midorima! I look forward to playing you again!" Sasaki waved after him, and a smirk appeared on the shooting guard's face.

"Hey, Sasakicchi, do you mind if I walk you home?" Kise asked suddenly out of the blue, making said person's eye brows furrow.

"Didn't you come here with Kasamatsu-san? Plus, I was planning on going back with my team-"

"Nah, you should go," Kagami encouraged before grimacing, "But you should probably ask Coach first."

".. If you say so," Sasaki stood up, "Then, Kisecchi, why don't you tell Kasamatsu-san and I'll tell Riko-san?"

"Hai! I'm on it," He affirmed, springing up from his seat as well. Heading over to the respective person, Sasaki smiled as Riko and the upperclassmen looked up at him from their food.

"Kisecchi and I wanna head out, so is it okay if I leave first? Since you wanted me to ask before I did something," He reminded Riko, who frowned at his words.

"You paid, right?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Then go ahead," The coach waved him off.

"See you tomorrow," Izuki nodded to him, and Sasaki bowed back before turning and giving Kise a thumbs up. The blonde returned the gesture, grinning. Grabbing their respective bags, the two basketball players headed out.

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