twenty seven - not healed

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The game was currently at Seirin 7 to Touou 8 as Hyuuga missed a shot, causing the ball to bounce off the rim. Wakamatsu was the one to grab the rebound. "All right, take this!" He threw to Imayoshi, who Sasaki was on.

"What are you going to say this time?" He asked, jumping for a layup. Sasaki also jumped, then smirked as Imayoshi did a double clutch. As he was bringing the ball down, Sasaki used his left hand to swipe the ball away from him.

"Yes!" Kagami caught the ball, heading back to the other side. As soon as Sasaki landed, he also sprinted back with Imayoshi on his tail.

Kagami passed to Kuroko, who passed to Sasaki who went for a three. Imayoshi jumped to block, but it was a fake. Spinning around him, Sasaki passed to Hyuuga who made the three.

In return, Sakurai shot a three, missed, but their small forward tipped it in after the bounce off the rim. Sasaki got the ball soon after, dribbling in front of Imayoshi. "You guys aren't bad," He complimented.

"Oh? I'm glad to hear that," The Touou captain smiled in reply.

"I'm glad you're glad," Sasaki mirrored his expression before ducking around him as Kagami came in for a screen. Whirling around Wakamatsu, he threw the basketball to Mitobe who passed to Hyuuga. The captain got a shot, smirking back at Sakurai and saying something.

"I didn't hear what you said," Imayoshi said as he was thrown the ball. "But I understood something from your play!"

"Not today," Sasaki swatted the pass down like a boss, startling everyone as he shot the ball and made it. "Sorry, did I step on your moment?"

"A little bit," Imayoshi chuckled, his glasses glinting. "And yet.."

"Yet? Yetti? Do you like yettis?" Sasaki questioned, and immediately the other point guard sweatdropped.


"You said yet so I assume you were thinking about a yetti or something."

"Sasaki shut up, you're confusing everyone."

"Oh, was I? My bad," He chuckled sheepishly. The game started up again, and soon the scores grew. Kagami, noticing they were guarding the inside more than the out, attempted a three. He was going to make it a one man alleyoop if it missed, but Touou was ready for that.

They caged him out along with Sasaki since he was the other closest. Sasaki hummed. You guys are nothing compared to who I'm used to playing with, he thought to himself as he got the rebound. He threw it to Mitobe the second he landed, but the center was found out. Wakamatsu stole the ball as Mitobe tried to go for a hook shot.

"Well dang, look at that," Sasaki hummed as the Seirin players went on defense. The next play, Hyuuga was the one to get shut down. "Hyuuga, return it!" He called, so the shooting guard threw the ball to him.

"I don't think so," Imayoshi stayed on him as the point guard stepped back. "No more half court shots from you."

"You sure about that?" Sasaki's smile widened as his eyes sparkled. He jumped for a shot, no fakes whatsoever. His marker jumped to block, but he realized too late that Sasaki had already thrown the ball right as he had went up for a shot.

"Alright! Nice one Sasaki!" The Seirin bench cheered. The scoreboard buzzed as the first quarter ended, the scores being Seirin 26 to Touou 23.

"The more data you have, the more accurate it is. She's been researching the second years for a whole extra year. However, there's considerably less information about you three," Riko pointed out, Sasaki, Kagami and Kuroko in front of her.

"Yep, so we're basically gonna be thrown at them, right?" Sasaki beamed and Riko laughed.

"If there's anyone who can counter Momoi, it's you three," She agreed.

"Okay, it's up to you guys," Hyuuga encouraged, and the three in question nodded.

"Give them hell, rookies!" Riko yelled as the second quarter warning buzzer went off and the players walked back onto the court. Sasaki waved at Imayoshi.

"Please take care of me this quarter as well!"

"Oh no, please take care of me," The other point guard smiled in return, so Sasaki nodded as he also smiled.

"Then I'll do my best!"

Sasaki grasped the ball, glancing at everyone to see who was open. He looked at Hyuuga, making eye contact as he stepped towards him and passed to Kuroko who was behind Sasaki, making Imayoshi blink in surprise.

Kuroko ignite passed to Kagami, who dunked over two blockers. "Look at you, mister big man on campus," Sasaki patted him on the back. "Don't push yourself, buddy."

"What are you talking about?!" He demanded, and the white haired point guard made a grave expression.

"You think I didn't see you wince as you landed? You're not sneaky, hate to break it to you," He muttered lowly to him before jogging off. "Hey Kuroko! That pass just now was great!"

"Thank you."

After a few more back and forths, Riko subbed Kagami out. It seems she noticed as well, Sasaki mused as Izuki came out. "I'll leave being point to you," He held his hand up for a high five. The second year nodded with a smirk, high fiving him.

"Just leave it to me."

"Kuroko, do you think now is a good time?" Sasaki brought up as they jogged together.

"I think we should lower their guard a bit more before we use that," Kuroko stated, so the now power forward agreed. The next few points were spent making Touou think that Sasaki wasn't a good power forward and that they were on the ropes.

Then, once they had the ball again, Izuki passed to Kuroko. Everyone felt a shift in the air, and Sasaki smirked as he positioned himself under the net. The Ignite Pass Kai flew towards him, untouchable, and the boy caught it.

Jumping, he dunked around the person guarding him and landed gracefully. "Nice pass Kuroko!"

"Nice catch," He returned the compliment as they headed back for defense. They were tied at 36 with five minutes left in the quarter, but Sasaki wasn't worried. A few minutes later, when a stolen ball went out of bounds, Riko subbed Kagami back in.

Just as the announcement was made, Sasaki noticed someone approaching Kagami. The new guy slung an arm around the redhead's shoulders, smirking. Almost instantly, Sasaki knew exactly who it was even though that was his first time seeing him.

Aomine Daiki had finally shown up to play some ball.

(So far we are at 6 no and 10 yes for Kuroko being added to the yandere harem.)

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