forty eight - rescuers

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“How are you here?!” Sasaki demanded as he hugged Aomine. “Like, I’m grateful but, how?”

“Midorima’s tracker was still functional even if your phone was off,” He replied, squeezing the boy in his arms. “We’re here now, so don’t cry anymore.”

“We?” Sasaki raised an eyebrow.

“I got the keys!” Kise suddenly burst through the door, grinning until he saw the tear streaks and the red slap mark on his lover’s face. Immediately his expression darkened. “I’ll get you unlocked..”

“Is it just you two?” Sasaki asked as Kise knelt in front of him to start unlocking the chains around his ankles.

“Midorimacchi is facing Akashicchi right now,” The blonde replied, managing to unlock both feet. Standing up, Sasaki offered him his wrists. Aomine had yet to let him go, holding him from behind with his head in the crook of his lover’s neck. “There we go,” Kise said as the last of the chains dropped to the ground.

“Thank you,” Sasaki smiled at him, then scowled at Aomine. “Lemme hug him.”

“Fine,” He grumbled, releasing him. Instantly, Sasaki’s arms wrapped around Kise’s back and he snuggled into his chest.

“Ayacchi,” Kise’s voice was dripping with sadness, hugging him back a second later. “Don’t worry, I’ve got you, I’m not going anywhere. I love you, Ayacchi.”

“I love you guys too,” Sasaki mumbled into his chest, and the two with him froze. “Thank you for coming for me-“ Suddenly, Kise raised his head from his chest and kissed him full on the mouth, causing him to make a surprised noise.

“Oi, we can do that once we get Aya back home safely,” Aomine spoke up, not actually wanting to wait but just wanting to get Kise off of him. Glaring coldly, the blonde separated from Sasaki, giving him a peck on the forehead.

“You’re right, so let’s go,” He said, picking Sasaki up princess style. Hooking his arms around Kise’s neck, Sasaki buried his face in his chest as he was carried away. A few moments later, he was placed in a car, the two sitting on either side of him.

“Midorima said to leave without him, that’d he’d be back faster by train,” Aomine spoke to the driver, who nodded.

“Very well,” He affirmed, then began to pull out of the driveway to the Akashi household. Sasaki slept the entire way back, snuggled between two of the people he had come to love back.

“You heard him too, right?” Kise whisper yelled, extremely excited. “He said he loves us! He used to dodge whenever we said we loved him. But he actually returned it!”

“Shut up baka,” Aomine growled lowly, “You might wake him up.”

“Aren’t you happy?” The blonde demanded.

“Of course I am,” He answered with a scoff. “Since you’re almost an exact copy of me, you must know how much I’m holding back right now.”

“Yep,” Kise’s gaze softened, a smile appearing as he ran the back of his hand against Sasaki’s sleeping face. “I sure do.”

A few hours later, Aomine was the one to carry Sasaki out from the car and into his house, Kise unlocking the door since he had taken the liberty of gathering all of Sasaki’s things while hunting for the keys to the shackles. The sound of the door opening roused the sleeping boy, causing him to groan. “We’re back,” Aomine spoke softly.

“That so..” Sasaki was still only half awake as he hummed.

“We should let him sleep,” Kise suggested, Aomine nodding in agreement as they started towards his bedroom. Suddenly, Sasaki fisted Aomine’s shirt and sniffed it, smiling.

“You smell good..” He mumbled, causing Aomine’s eyes to widen and his control to almost snap.

“You can’t be doing this, Aya,” He grumbled, trying to maintain his control as to not accidentally devour the boy in his arms. Sasaki just giggled before reaching up and cupping Aomine’s cheek.

“Daiki,” He said his name, then reached out to Kise. Immediately the blonde took his hand. “Ryouta,” He mumbled, squeezing his hand before looking between the two. “Please don’t leave me.”

All control went out the door, slamming it shut behind it. Letting Sasaki stand on his own two legs, the two sandwiched him between them. Aomine kissed him hard and deeply as Kise ravaged his neck, his hands trailing up under his shirt.

If Sasaki hadn’t been awake before, he was now. However, he didn’t protest. One hand reached back to hold Kise’s head while the other was gripping the back of Aomine’s shirt. All three of the boys were hot and bothered, painfully aware of how much they wanted Sasaki and vise versa.

Just as Kise was about to strip Sasaki of his shirt, he made a noise of complaint. “Wait, wait, wait,” He pushed them both away.

“What’s wrong Ayacchi?” Kise asked, worried they might have crossed a boundary and that he would hate them.

“I..” He trailed off, blushing slightly. “..don’t want my first time with you guys to be out in the hall..” He told them shyly. Kise’s eyes widened, a blush on his face as well. Aomine smirked, chuckling and nodding.

“Of course,” Aomine nuzzled his hair. “Only the best for our Aya.”

Neither noticed the fact that Sasaki didn’t straight up say first time, too absorbed in the atmosphere. If they had, they might have questioned it more. But no, their minds were on pleasing their lover and that’s exactly what they did.

Meanwhile, Midorima and Akashi had ended in a tie, both having to back down to tend to their injuries. Luckily, none of them were serious so they wouldn’t have an effect on their performance in basketball. Midorima did, in fact, take the train back to Tokyo and made his way home after checking in on the group chat to make sure Sasaki was okay.

Kuroko, who was at practice and didn’t have access to his phone, was flabbergasted when he finally read the conversation. Sasaki had been kidnapped? He had thought it was weird that he hadn’t shown up to practice, and the other Seirin players were also worried since he hadn’t contacted any of them about why he was absent.

Kuroko decided not to tell anyone, instead asking if Sasaki was safe and if he could come see him. Aomine had responded and told him that he was sleeping and it would be better to come the next day. So that night, Kuroko spent it worrying about his lover and hoping everything was okay.

(Don’t worry, I’ll have the smut next chapter. Look forward to it~}

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