thirty nine - surprises

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“Why didn’t you tell us you got back early?!” Kise demanded as he hugged Sasaki. Him and Aomine had gotten there at about noon, waiting outside for him only for Sasaki to come out for the mail and surprise them accidentally.

“Sorry, I was just relaxing in the bath,” He replied with a smile as he patted Kise’s back.

“Oi, quit hogging Aya,” Aomine growled, pulling Sasaki away from Kise.

“Apparently I’m now a bag of bones that can be passed around,” he muttered as he was hoisted onto Aomine’s shoulder.

“You don’t have anything to do today, do you?” The dark haired yandere asked, and Sasaki nodded.

“I do, actually. Gotta report to Seirin for practice in a few hours,” He answered, then glanced at Kise as the blonde took his hand.

“Well, we’ll hang out with you until you need to go, and we’ll walk you to practice!” Kise announced, making Sasaki sweatdrop.

“You can’t stay, though, cause we are doing super secret technique training!” The white haired boy warned, so after a second of silence, the two agreed. Aomine set Sasaki down on the couch, then knelt down in front of him. “Uh, what are you doing?”

“Checking for injuries,” He replied as he moved Sasaki’s pants up to check his ankle and legs. Kise sat down next to Sasaki as Sasaki was processing what was happening. And suddenly, Aomine was no longer just checking and instead was kissing up Sasaki’s leg as Kise wiggled his way into sucking Sasaki’s neck.

The white haired boy wasn’t sure what was going on since they usually didn’t share well, but he wasn’t going to discourage it. Kise soon went from his neck to his lips, moving Sasaki’s shirt up so he had access to his nipples. Immediately, Sasaki jerked with a surprised noise when the blonde tweaked his nipple, but Kise didn’t let him escape.

Just as Aomine’s hand dipped into Sasaki’s pants to pull them off, the doorbell rang. “Mm!” Sasaki pulled away from them both and shot up from the couch. “Coming!”

“Wait, Ayacchi! It might be dangerous!” Kise latched onto his waist, slowing him down as he then had to trudge towards the door. However, because of Kise’s interference, Aomine got there first.

“Akashi?” Aomine faltered once he had opened the door. The captain of the generation of miracles raised an eyebrow at what he was seeing. Kise was still latched onto Sasaki, but that did nothing to hide the fact that the three had obviously been messing around considering how tussled the white haired boy’s clothes were.

“It appears I came at a bad time,” Akashi remarked, his gaze fixed on Sasaki who was busy trying to get Kise to let him go.

“Akashicchi?” Kise finally released Sasaki, surprise clear in his voice.

“You guys know him?” Sasaki questioned, looking between them.

“Yeah,” Kise’s expression hardened as he pushed Sasaki behind him. “He was our captain and point guard back at Teiko. He’s currently going to Rakuzan high.”

“I was wondering who had my former teammates in such a stir,” Akashi enlightened them, “So I decided I’d pay a visit, and I’m not disappointed.”

“Wait, if he was-“ Sasaki realized, his eyes widening. “Oh boy, another yandere,” He grimaced as Akashi smirked, his eyes twinkling with interest.

“You already know about us?” He mused.

“Kinda hard not to when someone’s life subscription gets canceled in front of you,” Sasaki said, giving a pointed look at Aomine who just shrugged. “So, what brings you here? Do I need to worry about adding you to my harem?”

“No, not quite yet,” Akashi chuckled, “Like I said, I was curious as to the actions of my former teammates, but I can understand now. I’ll let you get back to what you were doing,” He turned around, walking out before pausing in the doorway. “Sasaki Hayate, correct?”

“Err, yeah.”

“I’ll be seeing you again,” He promised, “So I hope you’ll be as entertaining as you were today.”

“No promises,” Sasaki waved him off before shutting the door behind him and sighing. “Bruh, I think I just died of embarrassment.”


“N-nande..” The Seirin team looked like they had just seen a ghost as Aomine and Kise stood on either side of Sasaki, who looked ready to die right then and there. Kuroko scowled, glaring at them both.

“Alright you’ve completed your task, now please return to your rightful places that is not here,” Sasaki told them with a pointed look. But before they left, they both kissed his cheek while glaring at everyone on the Seirin team.

“What did we just witness?” Izuki was the first to speak up after another moment of silence as everyone let Sasaki bask in the embarrassment.

“My boyfriends being territorial,” Sasaki sighed, running a hand through his hair.

“So does this mean I can be territorial, Hayate-kun?” Kuroko asked, obviously displeased with the sight.

“Can’t be any more embarrassing than them so go for it I guess,” He grimaced, feeling like he had jinxed himself. “Anyway, how’d it go while I was gone?” He turned his attention to Riko, who was still reeling from the shock. Quickly snapping out of it, she went on to explain.

“We’re going on two trips, one to the beach and one to the mountains,” Riko stated, and Sasaki raised an eyebrow. Looks like we’re going to be having a rough time, he thought to himself as she continued with the plan of when they were leaving and stuff like that.



“Kagami is teaching her how to make curry and other stuff so we should be okay,” Koganei told him, patting him on the shoulder. “I’ve tasted Kagami’s food myself, it’s great!” He announced with a thumbs up. Squinting, Sasaki glanced at Kagami, who was staring at him.

“You’re gay?” Was the first thing out of the redhead’s mouth. Immediately Riko smacked him with her fan.

“KAGAMI-KUN! Don’t criticize Sasaki-kun’s preferences!”

“I’m not! I’m just curious since, because of that-"

“I’m pansexual and polyamorous, actually,” Sasaki chimed in, smiling sheepishly, “But apparently I don’t attract girls because at the moment I just have four boyfriends.”

“FOUR?!” The Seirin team’s jaws dropped, astonished. “WHO?!”

“Aomine, Kise, Midorima and Kuroko,” Sasaki listed off, and all eyes went to Kuroko. He nodded subtly as he moved closer to Sasaki, who grinned at him. So we might have to worry about some lovey dovey stuff not just from the captain and coach, the team thought, but also from them?!

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