sixty seven - semiannual check in

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The next day was the day that Sasaki had his semiannual check in with his mother. She lived and worked in the Akita prefecture, so he was driven there by his driver early in the morning. They had planned to meet at an expensive restaurant and eat some fancy salads like they did every time.

When Sasaki arrived, he was taken straight to the private balcony where his mother awaited him. "It's been a while, Hayate," His mother greeted coldly, gesturing for him to sit.

"Yes it has, mother," He replied, almost automatedly. "How have you faired?"

"I should be asking you that," She sipped a cup of coffee. "I've been well. Work is never easy, but it's fullfilling."

"That's good to hear," The azurette commented before a waitor asked what he'd like to drink. Replying that he'd be fine with water, the mother and son sat in silence for a few moments.

"How's school going?" His mother finally spoke up.

"Nothing notable. I'm at the top of my class and I joined a club this year," Sasaki smiled slightly, which caused the female across from him to raise an eyebrow.

"Did you? What club?"


"You're playing basketball now? Didn't you used to play basketball and absolutely dispise it?" His mother remembered, causing him to shake his head.

"I used to play volleyball, mother."

"Ah, right, so it was different. Are you able to keep up? You've never been one to not be the best. Otherwise, you wouldn't be my son."

"Yes, I'm even a starter for games. We recently won our way into the winter cup," Sasaki informed her. "Of course, I'll let you and father know when my games are-"

"There's no need," She waved his offer off. "There's no way either of us could have time to watch you throw a ball around."

"Right, of course," The azurette pursed his lips, feeling extremely uncomfortable.

"If you're so eager to show off, invite my sister, I'm sure she'd gladly waste her time watching you play."

"Yeah, probably," He sighed. A second or so later, the salads came and the mother and son began eating.

"Is there anything else you'd like to say?" His mother asked after dabbing her mouth. "When you asked for another driver for a day, I was quite surprised."

"Ah, sorry if that effected you," He immediately apologized, "I just needed to send my boyfriend home."

"..." She paused, processing what she'd just heard. "You have a boyfriend?" She inquired, causing Sasaki to nod.

"Four, now, actually."

"Four?" Her eyebrows were lost beneath her hair at that point, her surprise clear in her expression. Managing to get her facial features back under control, she cleared her throat. "That's right, I remember a year ago you saying you might like boys and girls."

"I'm glad to hear you remember," He remarked, as she usually couldn't remember what he'd said the second after he'd said it-in one ear and out the other as some would say.

"In any case," His mother folded her hands as she looked her son in the eye. "Could we set up a time and date to meet them?"

"Huh?" Sasaki's jaw dropped. "W-why?"

"I have time next Thursday.. but wait, you have school, don't you? Goodness, then it'd have to be the Sunday after next.."

"Wait, mother," Sasaki raised his hand, catching her attention from her mumblings. "Are you, like, trying to give your approval or something? Because-"

"Oh heavens no," She looked appalled at the very thought. "I want to see who's standards are so low as to choose you. And there are four of them? What has our world come to? Are they all men?"

What was I expecting, Sasaki deflated into his chair. "Yes, they're all men."

"I see. I suppose men's standards are falling, then. I'm glad women are still as brilliant as always," She moved her hair off her shoulder gracefully. "Really, if only you'd been born a girl, or not born at all.."

"Yes, I'm sorry," He hung his head, fully humbled like he was after every check in. He was already emotionally unstable from the day before, and what was happening in that moment was not helping.

"There's nothing you can do, anyways. It's not like you can kill yourself, but if you ever decide to, give me a heads up so that I can file for your life insurance," She told him.

"Sure thing, mother.."

"Wonderful," She smiled brightly as she stood up, both done with their salads by that point. "Then, I'll see you in two weeks. I'll have my secretary send you the details as she usually does."

"I understand," Sasaki stood up as well, seeing his mother to her car and watching her leave. As his driver approached him, he waved him off. "I'll take the train back; I want to explore the city for a bit."

"Understood, Sasaki-sama," The driver bowed. "Then have a pleasant outing."

"I will," Hopefully, Sasaki added in his head before starting towards a convenience store he'd been eyeing for a few minutes. That salad is not enough to fuel me and I'm positive my mother knows it but she'd scold me about being a glutton if I ordered anything else, he thought to himself, like the first time we met up for a check in after I moved out.

Heading inside, he was greeted by the clerk on duty before heading to look around and to find something more substantial to eat. Just as he was reaching for one of the snacks he'd found, another hand intercepted him. The two looked at each other. "Oh, it's been a while, Murasakibara," Sasaki greeted, retracting his hand and allowing the giant in front of him to have the snack.

"Yeah, hey," He said before narrowing his eyes. "Sauce-chin, right?"

"Yep," The azurette nodded.

"You look like you were either up all night gaming or up all night crying."

"Wow, aren't you blunt," Sasaki grimaced.

"Well, I just call it as I see it," He shrugged. "Anyway, did you ever end up trying nerunerunerune candy?"

"No, I haven't had the time, but I do now," The azurette commented, and Murasakibara's lips twitched upwards.

"Then, wanna eat some with me? You gotta pay though."

"Sure thing," He chuckled. So, the giant grabbed some more (yes he already had some in his arms) nerunerunerune candy and the two headed to the check out stand. Once the money was exchanged, Murasakibara led Sasaki to his house.

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