seven - kaijo

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"..sir this is a McDonald's."


"Sir we don't sell crack here, please go get your fix somewhere else. We can clearly see the withdrawal in your eyes."

"I'm not on crack! What the hell are you on about?!" Kagami shouted, getting looks from the team.

"Oh my bad, your eyes look like what I'd assume a drug addict's would be," Sasaki hummed, putting on a thinking face.

"Oh, I can't sleep the day before games," He explained, "But seriously? Drugs?"

"Yes. Hard yes. Go big or go home."

"Good one, Sasaki!" Izuki grinned, they two exchanging a fist bump at Kagami's expense.

"Hey guys!" A voice yelled, catching everyone's attention.

"Kise!" Kagami was the first to recognize who it was. The blonde boy was smiling as he darted over to the Seirin team, stopping right in front of everyone and raising a hand in greeting.

"This place is big, so I thought I'd come get you," He told them. Riko bowed in thanks as Kagami stepped forward to say something to the blonde, but the blonde seemed to have other plans. "Sasakicchi! I was bustling with excitement waiting for this," Kise swung his arm around the white haired male. "Let's give it our all! As rivals!"

"Sure thing," Sasaki smirked, adding his arm over the other male's shoulders. "I'm sure there'll be no disappointments today."

"The only thing disappointing was how long it took for you guys to get here," Kise suddenly pouted, but the expression was gone in an instant as he directed his attention to Kuroko without releasing his hold on the other male. "By the way, Kurokocchi, ever since you turned down my invitation to join us, I've been crying into my pillow every night!"

"If that was true your eyes would look worse than Kagami's do," Sasaki muttered under his breath, causing the blonde to wink at him. Kuroko frowned at them.

"Just show us the way!" Kagami tried to butt in, but once again, the prodigy ignored him.

"Not even a girl has turned me down before," He went on, and Kagami finally realized he was being ignored. Almost made Sasaki want to snort.

"Could you please stop being so sarcastic?" Kuroko asked him, which made his face morph into a devious smirk. Sasaki wasn't sure he liked the change.

"I'm interested to know more about the guys who're making Kurokocchi say those things," Kise turned to face the red head. Finally, Sasaki thought, about to detach himself from the blonde, but the blonde's grip tightened. Nanda? "I don't care much about being called the generation of miracles, but I can't ignore such an obvious challenge," The two locked eyes, and Sasaki swore he saw sparks fly.

Freaking nuts, that looked kinda gay.

Says me, ironically, Sasaki chuckled internally. As a closeted pansexual, myself.

"I'm simply not mature enough to let it slide," Kise paused, his eyes narrowing ever so slightly. "Sorry, but I'm going to crush you with everything I have."

"Why say sorry when you don't mean it?" Sasaki ruffled Kise's hair, finally managing to free himself naturally from the blonde's embrace. Immediately after he withdrew from it, Kise's whole face darkened for no more than a split second. "Now come on Kisecchi, you said you were gonna guide us, and we both know we don't wanna wait any longer for the game to start, so why prolong it anymore?"

"You're completely right Sasakicchi!" Kise grinned, taking the white haired male's hand in the moment of confusion and pulling him behind him as they headed for the basketball gym.

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