thirty three - stalker/guardian cuddles

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After the incident, the four yanderes walked Sasaki home. "I don't wanna goooo!" Kise cried as Midorima dragged him away.

"Don't burden him, Hayate needs to process what's happened today," The greenette said to him. Sasaki smiled as he waved them off, heading inside.

"Ahhhh, I need a shower," He sighed as he threw his bag on a chair, then started climbing the stairs to his room. Coming through the door, he stripped off his jacket and shirt before opening the bathroom door and stepping inside.

As he went to turn on the shower, he noticed a spider in the corner on the ceiling above the door. "Oh, you're new. As long as you're not in the shower and don't bother me, you can live," He muttered, turning on the water.

Stripping the rest of his clothes off, Sasaki stepped into the shower. Water rushed over his muscles as his white hair dampened.

Soap up, wash--shampoo, wash--conditoner, wash. After taking a few more minutes to enjoy the water beating down on him, Sasaki got out of the shower and dried himself off. Wrapping the towel around his waist, he made his way into his room.

Putting on some clean underwear, the boy collapsed on his bed with a loud thud. As he breathed slowly with his eyes closed, he suddenly felt like he was being watched. Sitting up and looking out the window, Sasaki grimanced.

Aomine was sitting in the tree, and smirked at him when they made eye contact. Opening the window, Sasaki deadpanned at him. "Why are you in my tree?"

"Because it's a good vantage point," Aomine replied as he scooted towards him.

"For what? Why are you even here? I thought we sorted out things," He reasoned, squinting at the person in front of him.

"I need to protect you," Aomine replied before winking. "Your body lives up to your skills," He complimented. Sasaki was not impressed, so he ignored the comment.

"From what exactly are you protecting me from in the middle of the night?" He asked, exasperated.

"Everything that could hurt you," The dark haired said, like it was obvious. Sasaki gaped at him for a moment before sighing and deflating on the bed.

"Well then while you're at it, you might as well come in. There's a spider in the bathroom."

"Are you afraid of spiders?" Aomine apparently found that thought amusing as he climbed into the room through the window.

"Not really, but you said you wanted to protect me and who knows, it might be venomous and could hurt me~" The white haired boy teased, and Aomine chuckled and ruffled the other boy's hair.

"I got it, Aya, I'll save you from the spider," He smiled playfully before he headed towards the bathroom to do the deed. Sasaki rolled his eyes, draping one arm over his eyes as he sighed once again.

"Today's been way too long," He grumbled, flipping over onto his stomach.

"The bathroom is safe," Aomine said as he came out of said place, closing the door behind him. Sasaki, in turn, gave him a thumbs up. A second later, Sasaki turned his head to him again with a frown.

"What are you doing?"

"Hugging you," He replied as he nuzzled his neck. The owner of the house sighed, moving to give Aomine more access to his neck since he seemed to like it.

"I need to get under the covers, Aomine."

"I told you to call me Daiki," The male mumbled against his skin. Sighing again, Sasaki flipped so they were chest to chest and cupped Aomine's face.

"Daiki, please get up so I can get under the covers. Then you can join me again, okay?"

"Mhm," Aomine smiled, pulling him in for a kiss. Sasaki hummed against his lips, then pulled away the second he felt the other person's tongue trying to get through. "Fiiine," He pouted, standing up and putting his hands on his hips as he waiting for Sasaki to get under the blankets.

Joining him a second later, Aomine smiled again as Sasaki snuggled into him. "You're such a bottom."

"I'm actually a switch but yes, I'll probably be a bottom for you and the guys," The white haired male agreed. "Now shut up so I can sleep."

"Okay," Aomine chuckled, hugging him closer to him.


The next day, Sasaki used the personal driver for the first time since his parents had assigned him one to send Aomine home, bright and early. Of course he didn't want to go, but Sasaki shoved him into the car after taking all of his weapons and turning on the child lock.

"Good morning," Kuroko greeted as Sasaki came out of his house. The white haired male grinned, holding out his fist.

"Good morning Tetsuya! Sleep well?"

"Yes I did," He smiled a rare smile, returning the fist bump. "Hayate-kun."

The two walked to school together, and the day went by in a blink. Soon enough, the Seirin team made their way to the stadium where their next game was.

However, for the next two days, Seirin didn't win a single game. All because in the first half of that game, Sasaki sprained his ankle coming down from a rebound. Kuroko was too worried to pass well, and all the other players were average going against elites.

Of course they would lose in that situation.

Practice began the next day, none of the Seirin players getting a break as Riko proclaimed they would be doing three times the usual. No one was into it, but they did it anyway.

Sasaki watched from the sidelines during those practices, sitting against the wall with his brace on his foot and his crutches beside him.

Kagami was apparently going to be allowed back first, being asked to take a rest for only two weeks while Sasaki was supposed to stay off his injury for at least three. He wasn't sure how his other boyfriends would handle it, but so far Aomine and Kuroko weren't taking it well.

Midorima had asked to come over that night for dinner and to hang out, so he would find out then. Kise also wanted to come over but was apparently tied down because his grades hadn't been the best as of late and he had a model shoot at that time.

Sasaki--in a second of genius or stupidity, he never knew--decided to make a group chat.

Hayate And His Yanderes

Sauce-monster: I thought this might be a good idea just so we can all communicate since communication and coordination is key in relationships so yeah. Please use this chat to contact me unless it's something like saying you wanna fuck me cause that might cause problems with everyone else haha...
Unsurpassed Beast: nah I'll ask to fuck you here so everyone else can be jealous when you say yes.
Vanilla Phantom: Aomine-kun that is extremely unwise because I know for a fact Kise-kun will most likely attempt to kill you because he'll claim you tainted Hayate-kun's honor.
Cancer Nanodayo: He wouldn't be wrong.
Sauce-monster: this is why I said keep that to just between us.
Sauce-monster: maybe I shouldn't have said anything at all
Cancer Nanodayo: I believe that would have been the wisest course of action.
Cancer Nanodayo: Anyways, I'll see you tonight Hayate.
Sauce-monster: yeah see ya 😁
Unsurpassed Beast: tf you talking about Midorima
Cancer Nanodayo: I asked Hayate if I could come over to his house, and he agreed and offered to have dinner with me.
Unsurpassed Beast: you asked? That's so weird, just go.
Cancer Nanodayo: This is why you all are too barbaric to truly treat Hayate well.
Unsurpassed Beast: shove it. I'll be there too.
Sauce-monster: uhhhhh how about no?
Cancer Nanodayo: It's fine Hayate, he is also one of your boyfriends so I don't mind.
Sauce-monster: you sure?
Cancer Nanodayo: Yes.
Sauce-monster: Alright then, looks like it's dinner for three! I'll look forward to it, see you guys then!
World's Finest✨: what's going on??

{Side note, what do you guys think Akashi and Murasakibara's usernames will be? Do you agree with my choices for the others so far? Also think of this as them using a Discord chat. Anyways, happy reading!}

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