twenty - fiery redhead

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Half time came upon the two teams, so Seirin and Shutoku exited to go to their respective locker rooms. The score for the first half ended up being Seirin 23 to Shutoku 28. "Well done keeping Midorima-kun contained, Sasaki-kun," Riko complimented, her eyes gleaming.

"Thanks, just doing what I can," He replied modestly, rubbing the back of his neck with a sheepish smile.

"I've never seen you move so fast," Kuroko commented, "have you been holding out on us?"

"A little," Sasaki admitted, winking and sticking his tongue out playfully. "But it's fine, right?"

"You should train like you mean it," Hyuuga bonked him on the head, "but for now, since we're winning, it's fine."

"It really is surprising," Izuki brought up, "how much different you seemed while playing in the last few minutes."

"I seemed different?" Sasaki perked up, looking surprised at that notion.

"Yeah, you're like a predator going for your kill," Kagami affirmed the other statement before making one of his own, "Though I'm totally vibing with it."

"Bruh I kinda wanna play some music now that you mention it," Sasaki muttered, and Riko shook her head.

"No, we need this time to focus and think strategies, not have a dance party."

"That's lame," Sasaki said bluntly, making Izuki and Koganei and Kagami all snort. Riko did not look impressed as she glared at him for a moment before sighing. "Hey Kuroko, what do you have there?" Sasaki leaned towards the person in question, putting his chin on his shoulder.

"Someone taped Takao-kun in the first half," He replied, lifting the camera up so Sasaki could see more clearly, and the white haired male hummed.

"Do you have a plan?" Izuki butted in.

"I don't know."

"You don't know?!" The dark haired point guard gaped at him for a second.

"I have thought about winning," Kuroko continued, "but I've never wondered if I can win or not. Even if we lose by 100 points, there's a chance," He said with a completely straight face, "a meteor will strike the other team's bench in the last second."

Sasaki's face was anything but completely straight after he finished talking, the dude wheezing as he fell on the floor. "Oh gawd, not again," Kagami groaned. "Why are you always laughing on the floor?!"

"At least he doesn't do it during games," Koganei offered, but was shot down by a glare from the redhead.

"What if they all get stomach aches?"

"What if they all die from a new friggin pandemic?!" Sasaki asked in one breath before going back to wheezing even harder. "I CAN'T BREATHE!"

"STOP LAUGHING LIKE A MADMAN OVER SOMETHING STUPID LIKE THAT!" Hyuuga kicked him, drawing out a breath-deprived yelp from the poor boy. "Oi Kagami, drag this one with you when you come out."


"He'll probably be done laughing by that point, Hyuuga."

"Who knows with him. Come on, let's go. We have a game to win."


"Come on doofus," Kagami hauled Sasaki up off the floor.

"Haha, yeah yeah I'm coming," The point guard had stopped laughing hysterically and was now at a mild chuckle, meaning he could walk on his own. "Man, had no idea Kuroko had such a sense of humor."

"He was serious, ya know."

"That makes it even better because its a secret sense of humor!"

"..." Kagami just rolled his eyes, having no idea how to respond to the weirdo next to him. Soon enough, they were back on the floor of the court, about to start up for the second half.

Kuroko had been switched out for Izuki, which meant that Sasaki was now filling the spot of a small forward. "We ready to go all out?"

"Of course," Midorima pushed up his glasses as Sasaki stood in front of him. "I'm intrigued to see the difference now that you've switched from being a point guard to a forward."

"Let the third quarter begin!" Called the ref, and so the ball was thrown in to Izuki. Passing to Hyuuga, Takao was behind him and stole the ball, which ended up with Midorima. Sasaki was right in front of him and they jumped at the same time.

Midorima's eyes widened, but he managed to shoot without Sasaki touching the ball because of his quick release. "And I was ready too!" The white haired male protested, whining as he jogged back to get on offense.

Izuki passed to Sasaki, who spun around his mark like a ballerina. Midorima spun around as well, but he was late as the forward had already jumped and made the shot a second later.

Midorima got the ball again once they had gone to the other side of the court, and once again he shot. Sasaki smacked the ball out of his hands, towards Kagami who started sprinting.

Sasaki darted around Midorima, catching up with Kagami fairly easily. Kagami passed to Hyuuga, who shot a three. Takao threw in to Midorima. The greenette faced the person in front of him, and his eyes widened.

"Hehe hehe," Sasaki giggled childishly.  When he had passed to Kagami in that last play, he had told him to switch marks with him because he wanted to try something, and it looked like Kagami was ready to dominate. So in front of Midorima was not Sasaki, but Kagami. Feeling froggy? Leap~

I'm not gonna lose to you! Kagami growled in his mind. Takao screened him as Midorima went for a shot, but Kagami went around him. Sasaki smirked.

Now there's that potential, he thought to himself as Kagami jumped and touched the basketball as it flew out of Midorima's hands. But even then, Otobo slammed it into the basket after it bounced off the rim.

"I'll take care of their center, and Kagami will stay on Midorima since he's on fire right now, everyone else keep doing what you're doing," Sasaki called out, and the Seirin players agreed.

Hyuuga passed to Sasaki, who went for a layup. Otobo jumped to block, but the forward already saw that coming and did a double clutch throwing it into the basket around the center. "Alright!" The Seirin bench cheered.

Since Sasaki's steal rates were high when the player he was guarding was passed to, Takao decided to go to Midorima. Kagami, however, was ready and swatted the shot down like a fly. Sasaki's smirk reappeared as Izuki did a layup after grabbing the ball.

That made the score 32 Seirin to 33 Shutoku.

"Takao, give me the ball!" Otobo yelled, making the point guard frown.

"Huh? But, Sasaki's on you!" He reminded him, but Otobo wasn't having it.

"It doesn't matter!" He said, making the white haired boy pout. Takao sighed, passing the ball to him. However, Otobo didn't even touch the ball as Sasaki whirled around him and stole it.

"Keep underestimating me~" He sang as he threw to Izuki. Suddenly, his eyes were drawn to Kagami, more specifically the aura he was exuding. "Oi, don't even think about it."

"HUH?" The redhead roared at him, only to gulp at the look of annoyance on the other man's face.

"Don't even think of trying to win on your own. You're strong, but we just need you in one area. Trust us to do our jobs, and focus on doing yours. I'll elbow you if you do something unnecessary, got it?"

"W-warui," Kagami apologized, the aura calming down quite a bit. Sasaki nodded with a satisfied look on his face.

"Feel free to dominate if you get the ball, though," He encouraged, "Cause there's no harm in putting down a bunch of pressure, desu ne?" He grinned, holding his fist out. The two fist bumped.


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