thirteen - teaming up

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"The biggest difference between me and the other four isn't our physical abilities. They all have a special ability not even I can imitate. I realized during today's game that Kagami's still learning, and so is Sasakicchi in a way. Just like the generation of miracles, they both have a unique ability. Sasakicchi's is already showing since I can't copy him, but that's not so for Kagami. For now, he's still an immature challenger. He's enjoying the thrill of recklessly playing strong opponents. However, someday he will achieve the level of the generation of miracles, and grow apart from his team. When he does, do you really believe Kagami won't be a different person?"

"I feel like that's a 'we'll cross that bridge when we get there' question if you know what I mean-" Sasaki was cut off as Kagami bumped into Kuroko, completely intentionally.

"You bastard, why'd you disappear like that?" He demanded before locking eyes with Kise, who looked surprised. "Yo."

"Were you listening?" Kise's eyes narrowed as a double edged smile made its way onto his face.

"I sure as hell was," He replied, "what the hell are you kidnapping Kuroko and Sasaki for?"

"What? Who cares if I talk with them a little bit?" Kise looked aghast.

"We can't go home," Kagami said, "The coach won't shut up about responsibility or something, so we've been looking for him."

Suddenly, the four noticed some thugs being thugs on the street ball court they were next to. And as soon as it got physical, Kuroko was suddenly confronting them. "There's nothing fair about this," He said, a basketball spinning in his finger, which he used to burn the tip of the aggressor's nose.

"Who the hell are you?! Where'd you come from?!" The burnt nose guy demanded, holding his--you guessed it--burnt nose.

"This isn't basketball," Kuroko said, ignoring the questions as Sasaki stepped up behind him.

"That's right, it's bullying people you don't know for your own amusement, how unoriginal," The white haired boy scoffed.

"Besides, violence is bad," The blue haired boy pitched in.

"What do you think you're doing?" A thug grabbed Kuroko's collar, but Sasaki pulled one better and did the same to him.

"What do you think you're doing, hm? I'm fine with fighting like animals but I think we'd all prefer not to," Sasaki's smile was as dangerous as dangerous could get, and everyone that could see it shivered.

"Fine then," Burnt nose boy piped up confidently. "Let's settle this with basketball."

"Sounds good, right Kuroko?" Sasaki asked, only to see Kagami's hand in top of the blue hair, and suddenly Kise's arm was around Sasaki's waist.

"Mind if we play, too?" Kise asked with his chin on Sasaki's shoulder, the words making the white haired male want to chortle, but he managed to hold himself back.

"Why'd you two get involved, bastards?" Kagami didn't seem mad about it at all by the way his face morphed into a grin.

"What the hell?!" The bullies seemed scared of Kagami, which made it all that much harder for Sasaki to hold back his laughter.

"Now it's four on five, so that should be fine. Bring it on," Kagami said, making the group growl.

"What'd you say?!" They all gritted their teeth. With the provocation done, the two teams started with a tip off. Kuroko stole the ball as soon as the other team caught it, sending it to Sasaki, who in turn glanced at Kise.

An alleyoop sounds good, he sent the thought to him, making it appear to be Kise's original thought as to not be exposed. Doing as he expected, Kise rushed for the hoop and so Sasaki faked to Kagami and shot it towards the blonde.

He dunked easily, then jogged over and high fived him. "Nice pass Sasakicchi!" He grinned. The game resumed, almost everyone scoring except for Kuroko since we all know he can't score. [Yet]

At the end, the other five were on the ground, exhausted. "They destroyed them.." The ones who had been the victims of the bullying marvelled as the four headed out.

"That was so much fun! Dude, you're amazing Kisecchi! Like, I noticed before but damn, playing with you made it all the more real!" Sasaki complimented, making the blonde's face heat up.

"Same, Sasakicchi! Oh, by the way, can I have your number? Just so we can stay in contact, and so we can plan to meet up again!" Kise asked, and the white haired male nodded as he fished out his phone.

They exchanged numbers as Kagami and Kuroko watched while deadpanning. Kuroko even seemed angry.

"What were you thinking?!" Kagami suddenly exploded at Kuroko. "Did you think you could win if it turned into a fight?!"

"I was with him so of course he would have," Sasaki called, not even taking his attention away from the screen as he finished typing in his number and then handed Kise his phone back, who also returned his. The two glanced down at the new contact in their phone.

Ryota Kisecchi 😘🌟

Hayate Sasaki 😋👊🏻

Kise shoved his phone in his pocket, making a mental note to change the contact to something more suitable.

"You shouldn't talk, don't encourage this recklessness! Besides, have you ever even been in a real fight?!" The red head demanded of Sasaki, who paused to think about it.

"I have been in a physical fight before. And he stopped the bullying from continuing so it's all good, right?" Sasaki glanced at Kise to back him up.

"I'm with Kagami on this one, Sasakicchi. You shouldn't have been reckless, what if you got hurt?!" He seethed, suddenly feeling like a different person.

Kuroko knew exactly what was happening, but he wished he didn't. He hated the fact that he had competition. "A fight didn't break out, and we're all safe. Besides, Kagami-kun, didn't you say the whole team was waiting for us?"


"Then I guess I should get going too," Kise grabbed his bag and draped it over his shoulder along with his jacket. "I finally got to play with you, Kurokocchi! And Sasakicchi, let's do this again sometime! I'll text you!"

"Sure thing Kisecchi!" Sasaki waved him off when suddenly Hyuuga flew in and kicked him.





"Come on guys, let's go home. I'm tired."

(For those of you waiting for the romance/yandere bits of this fic, I'mma let you know now that it'll be a bit of a slow burn. I'll explain: think of the romance/yandere bits like the water in a dam, but the only part you can see is a tiny trickle from a leak in the dam. Then, after a long ass time, the dam breaks. That's basically how it's gonna go. So you're gonna have to wait a bit for anything concrete since this is mostly from Hayate's point of view.)

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