interlude ii

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Kai: Hellllooo again! It's been a few, how is everyone?

Sasaki: I'm not dead

Kai: As you should be

Aomine: I'm ready to kick ass

Midorima: Not in front of Sasaki you aren't.

Aomine: But why not-


Aomine: ... Chile Kise, what's your deal?

Kai: guys shut up with the argument for a second, that's not why we're here.

Midorima: Then why are we here, Wayland-san?

Kai: I'm glad you asked. I received an interesting question which I thought was worth sharing and getting everyone's opinion on.

Aomine: spill already

Kai: You shut up. Just because I kin you doesn't mean I'll let you disrespect me.

Midorima: ... I'm surprised you don't kin Akashi.

Kai: I simp, sadly I do not kin. Ahem, getting off topic. The question is - SHOULD KUROKO BE YANDERE AS WELL???

Kise: Absolutely not.

Midorima: how absurd.

Aomine: Tetsu, yandere? That's not possible. Have you seen the guy?

Kai: IT'S UP TO THE READERS GUYS! Even though I am also mostly against the idea.. But two people commented about it, TWO! I was originally going to have Kuroko be the outlier that wasn't a yandere but was helping the yanderes out in their pursuit, such as giving Kise and Midorima Sasaki's address. (Didn't notice that in the a walk chapter did ya? Sasaki never told him his address~) Of course I plan for him to be caught a bit later when Sasaki sees the texts on one of the yanderes phones.

Aomine: yeah that sounds like smth Tetsu would do

Kise: you planned all that and still thought about making him a yandere?

Kai: OH THAT'S RIGHT! Readers, also kindly vote on whether Kuroko would be a top or bottom if he was a yandere for Sasaki~


Kai: well all of you are tops so, like, ya know, I'm curious!

Sasaki: the pain from my first time still haunts my memories-


Midorima: We already have a system, there's no need to make such a fuss, Kise.

Kai: WE'RE GETTING OFF TOPIC! So anyway, those were the only questions I have at the moment for all of you, so please comment your thoughts!

Akashi: Please get back to writing, Kai. Many of us would like to make our appearances in the story.

Atsushi: yeah man, I wanna hurry and be able to hog Aya-chin.

Kai: Urusai. Actually, that reminded me, let's get everyone's thoughts since this story is mainly from Sasaki's perspective! First up--since he was practically last last time for being a jackass--Aomine!

Aomine: Well Kagami sucked ass so I'm not currently hopeful for Sasaki. I know of his existence from Satsuki but that's really it at this point.

Kai: Solid explanation. Next up, Akashi!

Akashi: Still only slightly interested, but I will soon be meeting Sasaki in person.

Kai: who authorized you to give a spoiler?- bah who cares. Atsushi? You're next buddy.

Atsushi: meh, haven't met him yet, don't even know who he is.

Kai: Alright then, Midorima?

Midorima: I am concerned about Sasaki's safety mostly, which is why I asked Kise to form a truce with me nanodayo.

Kai: I see! What made you like Sasaki? I'm sure everyone is curious.

Midorima: he was the first I had seen at my age to be able to shoot half court like I could. Not to mention the fact that he is very open and easy to read.

Kai: you sure about that- *covers mouth*

Midorima: what was that?

Kai: Nothing! Moving on, what does Kise have to say?

Kise: I wanna murder Midorimacchi but he's useful so his death is on hold. Count your days, swine.

Kai: whoa okay wow, did not see that coming.

Atsushi: yeah ya did, you wrote all of this

Kai: shut up Atsushi. How is Sasaki feeling about all this?

Sasaki: Well, I'm not good at sensing murderous intent unless I'm actively searching for it so I haven't noticed anything, plus I'm in the middle of a game so my attention is elsewhere.

Kai: legit. We'll end it there, folks! Please comment you thoughts (not just this chapter, but on every chapter, getting even one comment makes my day and when a chapter doesn't have any comments I feel like I did something wrong..) Thanks for reading Light and I look forward to your continued support!

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