fifty four - cakes

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“I still don’t understand why I gotta do this,” Aomine rubbed the back of his head as he stood outside in front of Sasaki with Kuroko beside him.

“Well if you don’t wanna-“

“No, no, I’ll fucking do it,” He growled, holding his hand up. “Just as long as I get an entire day for a date.”

“For sure. Now off you go~” Sasaki sang, beaming as the two in front of him started walking towards where the nearest streetball court was after Kuroko briefly smiled and nodded to him. Once they were out of sight, the snowy haired boy sighed and slinked back inside.

“Today’s your outing with Akashi, right?” Midorima stood there, shirtless as his hair dripped from just having gotten out of the shower. Sasaki nodded, slumping into him as the greenette chuckled. “Are you sure about it?”

“Mhm,” He hummed, then slowly started kissing down Midorima’s chest. As he glanced up, he could see that his lover was getting turned on. Suddenly, Sasaki blew a raspberry into his belly button and bolted, laughing his head off as Midorima stood there, stunned.

Hiding in his room, Sasaki decided to get dressed since he was just in a random shirt and shorts he’d picked up to see Aomine and Kuroko off when the blue haired phantom had arrived early that morning. He hadn’t asked about the day before, which the snowy haired male was grateful for since he hadn’t prepared an excuse for not telling him beforehand.

Heaving another sigh, the point guard started going through his clothes, finding some that were to his liking and slipping them on after taking the ones he originally had on off.

Soon enough, he received a text from Akashi that he was outside and that he wanted to know if he’d like to be driven or if he wanted them to walk

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Soon enough, he received a text from Akashi that he was outside and that he wanted to know if he’d like to be driven or if he wanted them to walk. Replying that he would rather drive than walk since Tokyo is a large city and that he would be out shortly, Sasaki opened his door and skittered into the living room.

Kise and Midorima were sitting on the bed, watching TV. Their heads turned as they heard Sasaki’s approach, and both faces softened when their eyes met. “I’m heading out, so I’ll see you guys later~” He said, jogging over to give them both goodbye kisses.

“Do you want me to come along?” Kise did puppy dog eyes, but Sasaki shook his head.

“Nope, but I’ll let you know how it goes,” He beamed, waving as he headed towards the door. “Lock up on your way out if you’re leaving! Love you!”

“Love you too Ayacchi!”

“Stay safe.”

“Will do!” Sasaki went out the door, closing and locking it behind him before finding his way to the running car in his driveway. Opening the door, he peaked inside to confirm it was, in fact, Akashi sitting there and sure enough, it was. With that confirmed, Sasaki slipped inside next to the Rakuzan captain and beamed at him. “Ready?”

“Yes,” He replied, nodding to the driver, who in turn back out of the driveway and started on the road to the first place that sold cake. “Did you sleep well?”

“Yeah, it was super warm,” Sasaki recalled, not going to mention how they were up almost all night trying to decide who was going to be the two cuddling him until he finally told them to shut up and sleep at about three am. “What about you?”

“That’s good. I also slept well,” Akashi said, totally not lying since he did not, in fact, go to each of the stores they were going to go to that day in advance and make sure it would be a flawless date and that he was so excited that he hadn’t gotten a wink of sleep but still managed to look perfect. “We are going to be visiting *blank amount because I have no idea how many stores in Tokyo sell cakes nor do I wish to look it up and find out* shops so we will be busy for quite a while if you cannot find one to your liking.”

“Good, that was my plan,” The snowy haired male smirked evilly, cackling lightly. The sight made the other male shake his head with a mild huff of amusement.

Soon enough, they arrived at their first destination. Sasaki did not seem enthralled with any of the displays, so they went to the next one. Then the next. And the next. And the next one after that. It was almost sundown when Sasaki finally decided on one that he liked.

It was a basketball cake, obviously.

"You look very satisfied," Akashi observed as they sat in the car, driving back to Sasaki's place.

"Oh I am," The boy grinned, practically glowing in Akashi's eyes. Suddenly looking down at where his hand was, Sasaki looked back at Akashi as the Rakuzan captain had intertwined their fingers.

"Have you thought about it any more?" He asked lowly, his gaze flitting between Sasaki's lips and his eyes.

"Thought about what?" Sasaki questioned, totally being a tease because he had, in fact, thought about it.

"Adding me to your harem," Akashi replied, almost rolling his eyes at the other male. Sighing dramatically, the snowy haired male made eye contact.

"Well, I mean.." He trailed off, stroking his imaginary beard looking thoughtful. "I know you're sincere, since you're willing to get caked in the face, but.." Sasaki drew it out, and just as the Rakuzan captain's face fell, he smirked. "It'd be a waste to just cake and leave, ya know?" Immediately he looked up again, his heterochromic widening.

".. Really?" Akashi looked so venerable as he spoke, and Sasaki nodded with a cheeky smile.

"Yep! If you're sure you want me, I have no reason to refuse-" He was cut off as Akashi brought their faces together and kissed him hard on the mouth. Making a surprised noise with his throat, Sasaki soon sort of gave up on protesting and kissed him back. The kiss was so possessive Sasaki was overwhelmed in the first few seconds, allowing his new lover to take the lead.

"Oh!" Sasaki jerked away, and Akashi was about to follow when the snowy haired boy held up a finger. "Before we go further, you should also know about the one kill a week rule. I only condone one kill a week collectively, and it has to be reported. If someone kills someone after one has already happened, doesn't report it and someone else finds out about it, the person who reports it will get brownie points and the one who killed will be put on probation."

"Do we just text you if we've killed someone? What if it was an accident?" Akashi wanted to continue the kiss but he was also curious about this rule.

"I doubt it would be an accident since it's very hard to kill someone accidentally unless it's like with a car," Sasaki shrugged, "and we have a group chat, I'll add you after I cake your face," He grinned, causing the other male to chuckle at how silly his new lover was.

(For those who haven't seen my announcement, from tomorrow to next Sunday, the only story that will be updated is New Hell, and after the week is over, everything will go back to only being updated once a week, including this.)

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